"To whom it may concern,The B.U.C. Is not endorsing in the JP Pct. 2-2 race. However under B.U.C. rule if the Unions do not come to a unanimous consensus each Union is free to choose their candidate of choice.
Good Luck to all the candidates.
That said,Congratulations Ms. Yolanda Begum you have The Endorsement from Brownsville Firefighters /Paramedics Local 970 for Justice of the peace Pct. 2-2"
Way to go Yolanda!! Thanks Rigo & Marco for supporting this excellent candidate who will bring honesty and integrity to the JP court
Yolanda Begum wants to use the JP office to concentrate on the severe problem of truancy. She worked for several years in Cameron Park teaching art to youth assigned to her, but that program was terminated.
She has several ideas that she would like to implement that involve tutoring, mentoring and so students who fall behind can catch up with their class.
No Big surprise from the two biggest losers at the Fire Dept.
I'm sorry, I respect the fire department, but everyone knows that NOONE respects Rigo or Marco. They are a bunch of self serving bastards. Their endorsement of Yolanda Begum just helped the ratings of all of the other candidates in that race.
These two guys just endorsed a woman who has absolutely no expeience even having a real job, let alone a courtroom and who does not even have a high school mdiploma. This doesn't say whole hell of a lot about the people who endorsed her. You guys are lowering the bar not raising it.
To the anonymous comment about Yolanda wanting to handle the truancy. That would be fine if truancy was all of the JP courts handled. I would like to know how she plans on addressing the actual lawsuits that are brought before the court, which is about 80% of what the JP courts handle lawsuits under 10,000 dollars. Her platform has no basis whatsoever.
Yolanda begum has a high school and college diploma. She has owned and started businesses. It's crazy how misinformation and imisinformed people are.
Erin, try positive campaigning. Take a different path than your whole idiot clan of Hernandez's.
Erin is Ernie Hernandez daughter. The guy who bought his election with politiqueras, the idiot who awarded himself city and county contracts, the pendejo who forced county employees to hire his criminal brother in law, on and on....
We want anyone other than an Hernandez......l
Please look at the qualification to run for JP. You must be a registered voter over the age of 18. Thats it.
Having said that, an attorney for such position would probably be nice but it's not mandatory.
Plus, look at the other jokesters that are there now? Remember Tullos? Uffa! How about Linda? Es una pachuca.
It's anyone's race at this point. That what makes this country great. Run, Forest, run!!!!
Rigo Bocanegra and Marco Longoria are well known for working hard for the interests of the Brownsville Firefighters Association. They are elected and re-elected to their positions within their union so they must be doing a very good job. The BFFA union members approved an endorsement for a capable, corruption free candidate.
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