By Juan Montoya
The Brownsville Independent School District has launched an investigation to determine if administrators at Pace High School may have gained access to the grades on the 11th-grade exit exams which, if changed, could potentially jack up the school's graduation scores, sources said."This test determines whether a student graduates from high school," a source said. "It also shows how the school academic performance is and naturally would show how Rose Longoria, (new school principal) has improved the school since she took the campus (in 2011)."
If the investigation finds that grades were changed to improve scores, the test may be considered voided and a new test would have to be administered by the state.
Although the administration of BISD Superintendent Carl Montoya and district director for Assessment, Research and Evaluation Raul Vasquez have not made a pu

With Spring Break underway, it is expected that the investigation and its findings will be completed by Vasquez sometime after that and handed to the administration– then hence to the board of trustees – sometime after next week.
Sources close to the school indicate that BISD policy states in no uncertain terms that "no principal or staff should have access to or change or modify any test..."
At every school, a person is assigned test coordinator with the responsibility of coordinating, administering, packing, collecting, and sealing all materials and then send them to Austin. He or she has put their state certification on the line if there is any tampering with the test.
Additionally, a monitor is assigned to each school to assure the integrity of the testing process.
Reportedly, the test in question here is the 11th grade exit text. This test in effect determines whether a student graduates from high school. It also shows how the school's academic performance will be rated by the state.
If Vasquez (and the state) finds that tampering indeed did occur, the test can be considered voided and a new test would have to be administered by the state. This also effects the validity of the districts extracurricular activities, such as UIL, football, baseball, band, chess, volleyball, soccer and other actives such as these. The district – as does every other district in the state – operates under the state's "no pass, no play" rule.
According to our sources in the BISD, there is a report indicating that someone saw Principal Longoria and her Assistant Principal Ms. Carla Gonzales in the room where the finished exams were kept.
Whether there was any tampering with the exams will have to wait the findings of Vasquez's investigation, but the rumors of potential wrongdoing have spread far and wide within the BISD's mid-level administrators and its faculty.
Longoria, a rising star in the district after her meteoric rise as the former principal at Lucio Middle School, took over Pace, a low-performing high school, in the 2011 school year.
At the time, she said that with the state-mandating new testing, she had no doubts the students would "be up to the task."
“I inherited a school that was already in forward motion,” Longoria said at the beginning of the school year. “We want to continue that momentum. ... Everyone wants to see Pace as an exemplary campus and they’re not going to rest until we get it back up there.”
Reportedly, the test in question here is the 11th grade exit text. This test in effect determines whether a student graduates from high school. It also shows how the school's academic performance will be rated by the state.
If Vasquez (and the state) finds that tampering indeed did occur, the test can be considered voided and a new test would have to be administered by the state. This also effects the validity of the districts extracurricular activities, such as UIL, football, baseball, band, chess, volleyball, soccer and other actives such as these. The district – as does every other district in the state – operates under the state's "no pass, no play" rule.
According to our sources in the BISD, there is a report indicating that someone saw Principal Longoria and her Assistant Principal Ms. Carla Gonzales in the room where the finished exams were kept.
Whether there was any tampering with the exams will have to wait the findings of Vasquez's investigation, but the rumors of potential wrongdoing have spread far and wide within the BISD's mid-level administrators and its faculty.
Longoria, a rising star in the district after her meteoric rise as the former principal at Lucio Middle School, took over Pace, a low-performing high school, in the 2011 school year.
At the time, she said that with the state-mandating new testing, she had no doubts the students would "be up to the task."
“I inherited a school that was already in forward motion,” Longoria said at the beginning of the school year. “We want to continue that momentum. ... Everyone wants to see Pace as an exemplary campus and they’re not going to rest until we get it back up there.”
Longoria's performance at Lucio caught the attention of the BISD administration and resulted in her promotion to Pace. While at Lucio, the school's ranking rose from the 48.3 percentile among middle schools in the state in 2008 to the 79.7 percentile in 2009. The school, also placed in the 72.0 percentile in 2010, the last year she was there.
Its state ranking has fallen ever since.
Meanwhile, at least one trustee said she was unaware that any such probe was underway. Trustee Minerva Peña said she had not been contacted by the administration that any such incident was reported at Pace or that she had been assessed of the matter by any other source.
"No one has told me anything about this," she said. "If something like this had happened, I'm sure that Dr. Montoya would have informed all of us about it."
But others, such as Catalina Presas-Garcia, said the administration had assured her and other trustees that the Vasquez probe would be carried forward without bias or favor.
"We need to be fair and give Mr. Vasquez the time to look into this and get to the bottom of this matter," she said. "The integrity of the testing process must be unquestioned. This is not only for the protection of the district, but also for the benefit of the students. No student should be sent up to another grade if he doesn't get his passing scores honestly. If the administrators did something wrong, they should face the consequences."
Why am I not surprised Minerva did not know anything about this, but Catalina Presas did????This stupid "new administration" DO NOT involve the rest of the trustees..... WHY??
Maybe there was hanky-panky at Lucio too.
Chingado otravez!!!!!!
You have been dupped. No one has accused administration of changing answers. How could they even know which ones to change? Corrections to the demographics coding were needed and cleared by Assessment. Feathers were ruffled when it wasn't thoroughly explained to the the ex coaches prima dona's wife who still expects everyone to kiss her behind. What a joke to place the integrity of the school in question because of the egos in a room.
Minerva Pena doesn't know much and she seems always to be waiting for someone to inform her....that is her way of deflecting any issue. This problem, and it is likely true, reflects on Pena and Montoya, so they both want it to go away. And, it is likely to go away....because they are likely to "make" it go away. Is there any government entity in Cameron County that is free of corruption and deceit. And all this is paid for by the taxpayers.
We can only imagine how many dollars could be added to the classroom education of students if there was not constant corruption in the administration of BISD on which our tax dollars have to be time investigating corruption, in dollars defending the district from itself, and in fraud, waste and abuse.
what does the ex coach have to do with this sensitive matter
What point is the poster, at 1:12PM on 03/12 trying to make. That some Board Members and some Administrators don't make comments on rumors? Why is that bad????????????????
Perhaps we should all thank Rick Zayas and his band of brothers for creating this circus atmosphere. What a mistake we made when we voted for that jerk. His brother must be ashamed. Hopefully this will all pass and our district can focus on kids.
Hay! Let’s get back to the point! What are we going to do about this problem with testing? It’s a damn shame. I’m so embarrassed for the citizens of Brownsville… I’m just glad someone was brave and has filed a complaint good for him / her! I’m sure it was not easy to do! … This is an absolute outrage! Do we not understand how important these test, are… Who is going to pay for retesting? What are parents going to say when the kids have to retake 11th grade exit text? Good luck with that! Could this be a normal part of texting in BISD? What other schools are doing the thing?
This Is not a rumor! We need to clean out BISD!
To the March 12, @ 5:08PM
Rick Zayas cannot be blamed for the stupidity of the current board majority. Stupid is as stupid does, Dumb, and
The person reporting the issue to TEA would not have been alerting state officials if there were nothing to be concerned about. Pointing fingers and blaming names isn't worth our time here. Our students and the parents of BISD should be informed of the truth of the matter immediately...postponing investigation? My own children are heavily involved in UIL and have been preparing diligently for their competitions, should they suffer for doing what is good?? Should our kids be at the disposal of two greedy people who cannot see beyond their own selfish needs??
How in any way, shape or form is Rick Zayas responsible for this circus? None of us and I mean none us in his family and friends are ashamed of Rick. On the contary, we advised him NOT to get involved in the fiasco that has existed since the world was created in BISD. His objective was to remove Pat Lehman from the board and then there was Cata and Enrique. Enough said.
Forget school ratings, look closer at how many AP classes are offered, who and how many students take them, how many pass them, how many merit scholars from each HS you have each year, look at the precentage of college ready graduates. Who cares if you're rated exemplary and your graduates must take remedial classes in college. This, folks is the real measure to evaluate if your high schools are being succussful.
The corruption will always exist. Remember, we're in northern Mexico.
Clean out BISD and start with the 4 corrupt BOD members! Cata continues with her terror and vendettas; Sylvia's got her back and adding notches to her belt daily; Montoya is laughing all the way to the bank with his 3 year contract and could care less about what is right and best for the district. This principal was set up just like all the others. Don't blame Zayas or Cortez, blame the current Board of Four and the puppet top administrators!
Ditto @ 10:11 AM
Rose Longoria, is not angel… Rose, did not need anyone to tell her how to cheat. Rose, is one big girl that is no stranger to deceitfulness! Please, people, cheating is not a new thing for BISD and we should be having a conversation about that mess! You all are complaining about “Rick the little Di*k“ Zayas, PLLLEEEAASSEE!!! He’s a looser and will get his soon!!! That is one corrupt individual.. But not surprising, look who he hangs with and still has her hand in BISD, none other then the Devil herself, Judge, Elia Cornejo Lopez! Talk about selling your soul to the Devil!!! We are sure having problems with the Lady’s at BISD including Atkinson… This is one nasty group-- mentally, ethically, and morally! One thing that this proves is woman with power are just as dangerous as men.
I sometimes wish- that “White Right Republican” people would run for office! Because in the old days, Mexicans, never new what was going on and I’m willing to trade in ignorance for this crap, at this point! How embarrassing! I’m sure as shit tired of all the Mexicans we have in office! You all should be a shamed of yourselves for being in office!
Hello, its about the KIDS!
Kids may have to re-test if this mess is true. Kids may be affected going back who knows how long....if this is true.
Sylvia, and we know you follow this blog and provide the lies, which one of the pay offs, Los Fresnos, Santa Rosa, or Scorro paid for your condo on South Padre Island????
Rose, i Know you are reading this. Shame on you.......
Rose Longoria is the epitome of unprofessiolism. Her teacher meetings are pathetic with constant yelling and eye rolling at teachers. She even had the nerve to tell the sophomore students taking the TAKS test not to worry because if they fail, she would blame the teachers!! Why would a "pretigious" principal backstab her staff in front of students?! She is setting her school up to fail! Her selfishness needs to be stopped. If she was never guilty of things before, it's because she had people covering for her. Now she has been blind sides and is now seeking to place the blame on someone else! She needs to be punished to the fullest! She needs to think about the students and not herself. I guess she's not so AMAZING!!!
Sylvia: Check this out - people in Soccoro sure had your number!
The only thing she should tamper with is her tampons ....poor kids.
"No student should be moved up to another grade if he doesn't get his passing scores honestly"....LOL,Cata. There's hundreds of 17 year old freshmen being promoted to 11th grade thru modules for AYP purposes. They are given the answers in most cases. There's also 100's of seniors being pulled out the last 2 weeks of school to get credits thru modules again inorder for them to graduate. And again, they are given most of the answers. Students, teachers, counselors, adminisstrators know its going on
Two beeeets four beeeets six beeeets
Well, doesn't Pace High School get a 2 million grant every year. I've heard that this woman is pep rally crazy! Well, she'll need a little pep squad of her own once this investigation is over! But to tell you truth, I bet nothing will happen to her because she knows all the right people. Soooooo, i guess that another crummy administrator that will get away with murder. Two beats, Four beats!!!!! As for the test administrator who was brave enough to report this, kudos to that person for going against what is wrong and vile. BISD needs to be cleansed of those parasites!
What?! Why are they waiting to investigate this till next week?! They should be doing the investigation as soon as possible! This is only going to give that Troll Longoria the chance to hide all evidence and get other trolls on her side! Go figure! Well, that's too bad because I know that the students at Pace High School are great kids and the teachers and couselors are wonderful people. Why someone decided to throw that oversided FUPA at them is beyond me! I hope that they get rid of her soon! My nephew attends Pace, and he is sick and tired of long morning annoucements and constant yelling at students in the halls. Her little sidekick troll too should be fired too. Alot of students already know what they did! What will it teach the students, if they get away with cheating! If BISD doesn't get their act together, perhaps schools like IDEA are best! Get rid of Longoria!
FUPA needs to retire! She has done enough to ruin this school. Yeah, lets go ahead and wait on the investigation so that she can come of with excuses and get other people on her side to help her out! Give me a break!! When will these selfish people realize its all about the kids! Rose please do yourself and everyone a favor and resign! Take it like the big girl that you are, and I mean BIG girl! Enough is enough!
I don’t care how you, slice this or dice this… She has no reason to be working with the testing materials! Why are some even defended her? What was she thinking? She’s knows better then that…She was even told 4 times to leave the room and refused to do so… Shame on her! I hope BISD and the State interview staff and Assistant Principals that have worked with her in the past… I hope that BISD is willing to do the right thing on this investigation… I think the rules from state are pretty clear on testing… I think parents at Pace need answers and I hope we get them… My son even wants to take the test over if she manipulated answers. My husband and I are considering it and seeking advice on Tuesday from our lawyer on how to proceed… Just the implication alone and now BISD’s confirmation of this has made us sick…
Wow such hate!! Let's let the investigation procedd and see the outcome before we judge anyone. BISD is a difficult place to work with so many wanting others to do badly. It reminds me of the story of the Mexican Crabs in the bucket
The perception will be that all kid's scores are bogus on this test; perception is everything. I feel terrible for these kids. No one wins in BISD if anyone does badly but all lose if the perception of wrong doing is prevalent.
Rose, please resign your post and let someone more deserving take on this school. Your integrity has been blemished and like a recent poster said, perception is everything! Students all know about this! What will you teach them! Don't be so selfish!
Fupa, lupa, oompa, loompa!
You must be one of her trolls! Go find something more constructive to do with your life!
Good for you on seeking legal advice! We need more parent like you who are not afraid to stand up to this corruption!
This is not about Sylvia! Grow Up!! Get some courage to face the reality...our kids will walk the halls of shame when they get back to school.
So much HATE is right! Couldnt we be more real with this issue? Let's face it soon we will be the star scrolling down the bottom of the state news casts in living rooms all over the place, our precious children will be mamed by ridicule and shame, our teachers will carry the burden of regret and lost hope for knowing the truth about the students successes or failures. Perception. Our community needs a good cleansing of the soul for sure. When do we start working on building dreams and planting seeds of wisdom and courage and all hope for better knowledge? Our students deserve the best because as parents we send you our best....regardless of ability they are our only best. I want the other parents to see beyond all this hate and find the heart to stand up for our students rights. Our kids have a right to a free "appropriate" education. Lately it hasbt been so appropriate and people cannot speak so this blog has become the outlet. Perception. Guilt, shame, and deceit will linger heavily Monday morning at Pace High School, suppressing the minds of all involved. Get to a board meeting, develop checks and balances with your kids schools, stand up and defeat all of this for your children. We need answers and they have to provide them. It is with sincerity toward all Pace affiliates that I wish you the very best in dealing with this horrible horrible PERCEPTION.
Rose got away with it! Nothing is going to be done! People like her always prevail because scum sticks with scum. Monday will be here tomorrow and she will be in that office faking smiles and pretending like nothing happened. She will offer no explaination or care whether you have questions or not. Parents, if you are unhappy with administration, please voice your opinions! I think that too many of us keep quiet because we are afraid to or because we don't want to cause ourselves problems, but trust me they are worth it! This is about our kid's education. Be brave, our students deserve it! Rose Longoria will never resign because her ego is bigger than her logic!
Hasta AOBE salio a bailar, raza!!!!
So much for addressing issues on her own. I don't feel sorry for her! Thanks Rose for ruining Pace's good progress! So rude, so selfish!
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