Now it's all out.
Or is it?
After a few days of trying to get a clear answer from the Brownsville Independent School District about the incident at Pace High School where Principal Rose Longoria and her assistant Carla Gonzalez were reportedly seen in the same room where the exams were kept and

allegedly changing some information on them, the district finally made a public comment.
Not to us, of course, but to a Harlingen television station.
Now, we had been told that only the testing coordinator at the school was allowed to have access to the exams to insure the integrity of the testing process. In the Tuesday evening news broadcast, Channel 4 reported that an unnamed district spokesman vehemently denied that the two administrators were changing the grades on the 11th-grade exit exams but rather that they were correcting erroneous demographic information contained in the exams.
However, the district assured the station that what some reported as changing grades was actually an innocent move by Longoria and Gonzalez to correct the students' information on the face of the exam.
According to the dictionary, demographics relates to "the statistical data of a population, especially those showing average age, income, education, etc."
Could it be that Longoria caught a general error in the tests where students got their age, income, ethnicity, grade level, etc., wrong on the exams?
Until we hand in our information request to the BISD administration, we probably won't know. If a BISD administrator is reading this, can you enlighten us on what demographic info was being corrected?
Yeah! Right!
Hey Juanito, just ask Sykvia...,she is running the district and she is running you. I have three words for you and your "sources", you are "
pieces oaca. Keep it up because you are beyond ridiculous.
Sylvia: Which one of your payoffs, Los Frenos, Santa Rosa or Socorro, paid for your condo on SPI?????
Isn't that supposed to be done prior to testing? Why to they have a testing coordinator if others are allowed where materials are supposed to be secure?
Wasn't Carla Ernie's secretary? How do you go from a lowly secretary to an assistant principal so fast?
keep diggin til truth comes out\\ this principal has always been a bully to her staff to get her way to the top and hi scores at lucio and now at pace\\\\\ dont let bisd use break to sweep this under the rug\\\\ the rules are clear no one touches test materials except testing coordinater\\ period\\ but she did cuz she does what she likes \\\\\\people know but you have to keep digging because her friends in the glass place cover her\\\ people saw her their are witnesses\\\\ no one is supposed to change anything on those tests or touch them in any way\\\\\\ they handled many answer sheets and wanted to change that all kids were slugged white instead of tru ethnicities\\\\ big mistake\\ peims\\\ she had cel in rooom\\ keep this story going plz
Viejas pendejas rateras!!!!!!
First Lucio is high scoring and now Pace will be too.
Just watch!!!!!!!!!
Juan stop trying to help these ratas already. Go with what the majority say because there is where the truth is.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
All testing material is delivered to the district and school with plenty of time for information to be verified including demographic info. Corrections should never be made on AFTER student responses on an answer document. That is enough to question the integretity of the person handling the answer documents.
Rose Longoria is a real life "Mr. Clark" ...Lean on Me. Ruthless LEADER. Made true educators out of that group at Lucio. Those teachers worked their bottoms off for those kids. I say she's just what the doc ordered for Pace faculty, staff & especially those kids.
Here is yet another example of the BISD cats covering their poop (corrution) in the BISD sandbox. Sounds fishy to me and BISD will never come clean. These principals are under so much pressure from above that they resort to short-cuts (cheating) to cover their butts. What a same that education has degenerated to corruption by cover up the igorance or lack of learning skills that exist here.
what's up Juanito - waiting for more BS from Cata and/or Sylvia? Your sources dried up? Maybe Sylvia and Cata are out on SPI enjoying Spring Break at Sylvia's condo! Teachers and BISD staff sure don't have that luxury. If they wanted to spend Spring Break at SPI, they would have to pay for it!
Anonymous : get all the facts straight before you judge anyone. Remember this is BISD we are talking about. One of the districts that is high on vengeance and low on scores and on what' is best for the children of our community!!
Check all the facts before you judge. Remember it is BISD. High on vengeance low on scores. It is pretty disgusting. What about the welfare of the children isn't that what is most important??
New rule Anonymous posters: Refute the charges and refrain from attacking the messenger. You want to make him look bad? Easy refute his charges with facts and not with mudslinging.
Or Luci can always get 'em her friend's MM condo????????????????
Reason number 739 why I send my kids to private school. Send them to a broken school district like BISD that is run by incompetent administrators? Ni que estuviera loco!
The TAKS scoresheets are pre-printed & delivered to the campuses based on the information submitted to TEA on the PEIMS snapshot date in Oct. Campuses are given an opportunity to clean up their data in December. Upon submission, each campus PEIMS supervisor, CAMPUS PRINCIPAL & AREA ASST SUPERINTENDENT must sign off that the information being turned in is ACCURATE. There is no way she was changing ERRONEOUS INFORMATION?
Thank you Mr. Montana for trying to find out the truth. I hope that with your perseverance, you get the real story. Everyone should be held accountable for their actions.(including administrators) If it had been a teacher who had done something wrong, then that person would lose their certificate. Teachers are always threatened that their certificates are on the line, so it is only fair that administrators are treated the same.
Making changes on an answer sheet isn't going to chang much. You would have to have access to about 6 different test and that would be difficult to know what the answer should be.
Administrator should be held accountable too....Don't you agree with me Juanito??? But this is BISD where the children DO NOT MATTER, as long as this board majority can continue their destruction.
A similar accusation was made when RL began at Lucio in 2005. The difference now is that she graduated and was on the PorterBell drill team with CPG when they graduated together in 84. Birds of a feather flock together. Will anything come of this now? I seriously doubt it.
I don’t care how you, slice this or dice this… She has no reason to be working with the testing materials! Why are some even defended her? What was she thinking? She’s knows better then that…She was even told 4 times to leave the room and refused to do so… Shame on her! I hope BISD and the State interview staff and Assistant Principals that have worked with her in the past… I hope that BISD is willing to do the right thing on this investigation… I think the rules from state are pretty clear on testing… I think parents at Pace need answers and I hope we get them… My son even wants to take the test over if she manipulated answers. My husband and I are considering it and seeking advice on Tuesday from our lawyer on how to proceed… Just the implication alone and now BISD’s confirmation of this has made us sick…
Does Brownsville Cheezmeh have $350,000? Not according to their last financial report on their PAC. That report showed that they took in $450, but then Erasmo pocketed $375 of that for "political advice", leaving them $75.
This article is about the Pace High School tests. Let's keep it going 'till this principal is removed...Period!!
BISD trustees MO is to divert attention from the real problem (test scores changes) to something very stupid.
Let's keep this dalogue going and FIRE this principal NOW!!
"Does Brownsville Cheezmeh have $350,000?"
dumbass, that was last week, they're at $422,750 now
Yeah! It has to be a dumbass the one asking about how much cheezmeh has....
that was last week, they're at $422,750 now
March 18, 2012 12:14 AM
These accusations against
Mrs. Longoria are sick!! How stupid can you be to think that the answers can be changed.
Your son wants to retake the test? Give me a break, she did nothing wrong,that's why people defend her. I don't know how people like you can sleep at night, God have mercy on you.
Boy ! I ran into this blog by much corruption!! My daughter goes to that school and the principal is out of her head along with the team she brought over from the other school. I have some words for them... STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER ...
Is this a GHETTO school? Oooh, this parent!! Would hate to be around people like that.
Tell it to TEA, tell them how you think its impossible to change answers. The wind storm you feel will be them laughing in your face.
Tea no vale MADRE!!!!!!
Por eso los rateros controlan el districto!!!!!!1
TEA takes anonymous calls people! Don't let BISD fool you into thinking otherwise. If you have the guts to talk so much call the people in charge just remind them of the corruption you suffer and tell them that due to recriminations you request to be anonymous. Talk to the highest chain of command you're wasting your time with the crooks in charge here. Let's teach them a lesson, they need to learn they cannot run things the way their ugly hearts desire.
Rose longoria, was not changing demographics! She was flipping through tests and answer documents and changing stuff. She was asked to leave four times and she replied with" I'm the principal and I do whatever I want!". She was cheating the school, the students and teachers of a fair test! Then the " investigator " comes to tell teachers nothing happened! Whatever!!! Rose Longoria needs to be removed immediately! Make an example of her cheating, bullying vindictive ass! I have my son going to that school and before that bitch came along everything was great! Now he says that she had made everyone feel less. He says that she is always yelling. Bisd needs to stop covering for that bitch and other corrupt people!! We needs to get better leadership! She better watch herself, because they damage that has been caused at Pace is irreparable! Rose, take a hint and leave that post for someone more deserving. The faculty, staff, and students hate you! Don't be a pig headed person.
Fupa strikes again!!! By the way Rose, just in case you didn't know. Fupa is the acronym for fatty upper pelvic area. :). I guess that what other posters have nicknamed you. Those people that are here defending you, my advice to them is: dont associate yourself with people like her, or your own integrity will be questioned. All respect has been lost for that woman! She doesn't deserve to be in education. You like pep rallies?! Leave fupa leave! Leave fupa leave!! Hey rose longoria!! Leave leave leave!!!!
Ahhhh!! Enough! Get that bitch out of there! PLEASE!!! She is a big bully, unprofessional, rude, selfish, obnoxious, and just plain ugly! MOVE HER OR JUST FIRE HER!!! Interview her Lucio staff! Yeah, Im one of her old Lucio staff! She is horrible! I feel bad for the Pace people!
Rose......hmm that is one thorny bitch! Goodness, its hilarious what the people that defend her say! Rose is like Mr. Clark in LEAN ON ME??!!!! NO MAMES!!! I don't want that bitch leaning on me! She is nothing like that hollywood principal was portrayed! If you want an accurate portrayal of her watch the EXORCIST! How can she sleep knowing that she has cheated the school and the students! If you're her friend, advice her to resign! If you're a parent, demand for better leadership that will display integrity, honor, and respect! Not just to adults but to all students as well. No one becomes a principal to sit behind a fancy desk to talk down to people! You become a principal because you have a passion for teaching students! Rose think about that before you go to bed......
LOL!!!!!! That's hilarious!! FUPA!!!!! That just made my day!!! FUPA strikes again!!! LOL!!!! That person rules!!!!! They must not be from the valley!!
So now with the whole bus protest going on in BISD, Rose and Carla, are like "wheew!" All the attention of us cheating is off of us! WRONG!!! We are still looking at you two sorry losers for answers! Please make sure that this investigation continues! I would like to encourage parents, students, teachers and this news column to continue investigation this story! Aren't we tired of these type of people getting away with doing what they do?! Please encourage the board to FIRE Rose Longoria and Carla Gonzalez!! Those bitches don't even deserve to be moved to another office. They'll just fuck that up too!
Have you people ever heard of IPAddress & GeoLocation. You can be traced & possibly get sued??? Be careful with what you say. Especially if you're repeatedly posting here.
Mrs. M.Garza?... or ur mother?
Well that's a great idea! Trace all those "teachers" that just keep posting nasty things because they probable don't know how to teach! They are pissed because ms longoria is a great leader! None of you were there so stop bitching a get a fucking life!
MG or RA??:) It's no secret you both dispise RL.:) :) Too obvious. Careful who u call! They talk.
This definitely sounds like a bully trying to intimidate people from expressing their God given right. Have you ever heard of the first ammendment? FREEDOM OF SPEECH
"Freedom of Speech" was never meant to to be used to harm another person or infringe on their right to live a happy, peaceful and prosperous life. When you try to defame or defame someone on the internet and hide behind the idea of free speech, you are in fact infringing on those rights. That is not what free speech is. DON'T think that posting no name will keep you in hiding!!
Wow! "God given right" to slander. What a "God" u worship! You people have no morals. Shameful.
Wasn't Carla Ernie's secretary? How do you go from a lowly secretary to an assistant principal so fast?
Is not what you know but who you do.
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