By Juan Montoya
It's getting to the point where one needs a scorecard to keep track of who's a Democrat and who's a Republican in Cameron County.
Take for example, Judge Rolando Olvera, of the 455th District Court. Twice Olvera was appointed to the bench by Gov. Rick Perry, and faled to get elected as a Republican. When he jumped shop and took the Democratic oath, he was welcomed with open
arms back into the fold. He easily won office and now has no opponents in this election cycle.
Does than make him a Democrat? Probably not. He just recognized that it was easier to swim with the tide than against it, political philosophy notwithstanding.
He, like the Lucios (Eddie Jr. and Eddie III), Solomon Ortiz (Father and son), Rene Oliveira, and now Filemon Vela, is in for the long run, and see the political landscape and elected office as their birthright and domain.
How can Filemon, who is listed as the treasurer for Connie Scott, currently the Republican candidate for State Representative in House District 34, run as a Democrat?
In 2010, Connie Scott was elected to her first session in the Texas House of Representatives serving district 34, which includes a segment of Corpus Christi, as well as Agua Dulce, Banquete, Bishop, Driscoll, Petronilla, and Robstown. Fil, as his friends in Corpus Christi call him, has contributed thousands of dollars to the Republican cause. As it obvious in the oja suelta that is being distributed in the county, his wife Rose Vela is a Republican candidate running against Democrat Judge Rogelio Valdez.
His brother Ralph is a Republican. Poor cousin Manny Vela is left holding the bag as the only Democrat in the family, and a patented nice guy who was at one time the chairman of the Cameron County Democratic party.
Vela, Jr. Is a Republican who has organized and supported many Republican candidates in Nueces County for at least 10 years. He convinced his wife Rose, originally elected as a Democrat, to run as a Republican. Does he think the voters here in Cameron County do not know any better, a reader asked?
When I first came back home to work at the Brownsville Herald I got the chance to cover the federal courthouse beat and met his father Filemon Vela Sr. Despite the myth built by the Velas around this man, he was a cranky, and sometimes downright mean judge toward some of the defendants, especially local Hispanics who were charged with transporting aliens.
(It's not as bad as it sounds. Sometimes this involved taking the Matamoros maid to the bridge, or picking up the gardener by the side of the Rio Grande. At one time or another, many local families employed people from Matamoros top help out with the kids and do chores around the house while the heads of the families worked.)
After browbeating them mercilessly, he would issue punishment that usually meant a stiff fine and a probationary period.
His assistant Butch Barbosa inherited some of the man's illusions of grandeur and once tried to deny me as a reporter access to the case files. It wasn't until the judge was approached that Barbosa relented and let go of the files.
I attended a p
olitical function once at the Padre Island Convention Center. Filemon Sr. had just given a moralistic speech about staying is school that was politely received. His forte was not public speaking. However, I was seated next to him and out of politeness complimented him on the speech.
He literally glowed in the adulation and asked me if I had had the pleasure of hearing the one he had given the students at Vela Middle School. I said I hadn't.
It's getting to the point where one needs a scorecard to keep track of who's a Democrat and who's a Republican in Cameron County.
Take for example, Judge Rolando Olvera, of the 455th District Court. Twice Olvera was appointed to the bench by Gov. Rick Perry, and faled to get elected as a Republican. When he jumped shop and took the Democratic oath, he was welcomed with open
Does than make him a Democrat? Probably not. He just recognized that it was easier to swim with the tide than against it, political philosophy notwithstanding.
He, like the Lucios (Eddie Jr. and Eddie III), Solomon Ortiz (Father and son), Rene Oliveira, and now Filemon Vela, is in for the long run, and see the political landscape and elected office as their birthright and domain.
How can Filemon, who is listed as the treasurer for Connie Scott, currently the Republican candidate for State Representative in House District 34, run as a Democrat?
In 2010, Connie Scott was elected to her first session in the Texas House of Representatives serving district 34, which includes a segment of Corpus Christi, as well as Agua Dulce, Banquete, Bishop, Driscoll, Petronilla, and Robstown. Fil, as his friends in Corpus Christi call him, has contributed thousands of dollars to the Republican cause. As it obvious in the oja suelta that is being distributed in the county, his wife Rose Vela is a Republican candidate running against Democrat Judge Rogelio Valdez.
His brother Ralph is a Republican. Poor cousin Manny Vela is left holding the bag as the only Democrat in the family, and a patented nice guy who was at one time the chairman of the Cameron County Democratic party.
Vela, Jr. Is a Republican who has organized and supported many Republican candidates in Nueces County for at least 10 years. He convinced his wife Rose, originally elected as a Democrat, to run as a Republican. Does he think the voters here in Cameron County do not know any better, a reader asked?
When I first came back home to work at the Brownsville Herald I got the chance to cover the federal courthouse beat and met his father Filemon Vela Sr. Despite the myth built by the Velas around this man, he was a cranky, and sometimes downright mean judge toward some of the defendants, especially local Hispanics who were charged with transporting aliens.
(It's not as bad as it sounds. Sometimes this involved taking the Matamoros maid to the bridge, or picking up the gardener by the side of the Rio Grande. At one time or another, many local families employed people from Matamoros top help out with the kids and do chores around the house while the heads of the families worked.)
After browbeating them mercilessly, he would issue punishment that usually meant a stiff fine and a probationary period.
His assistant Butch Barbosa inherited some of the man's illusions of grandeur and once tried to deny me as a reporter access to the case files. It wasn't until the judge was approached that Barbosa relented and let go of the files.
I attended a p
He literally glowed in the adulation and asked me if I had had the pleasure of hearing the one he had given the students at Vela Middle School. I said I hadn't.
"Now that was a good speech," he said. "You would have loved it."
Fil Sr. comnsidered himself a devout Catholic and often attended Mass at the Immaculate Conception Cathedral in Brownsville. Yet, this same man was the only Hispanic federal judge who issued the death penalty to Brownsville resident Juan Garza for his crimes running a pot-smuggling operation between Mexico and the Midwest. Garza was the second federal inmate who got the needle after Timothy McVeigh, who blew up the federal building in Oklahoma City and killed 168 people, including 19 children under the age of 6, and injured more than 680 people. During the trial, over the objections of Garza's defense, Fil Sr. allowed testimony from co-defendants who testified against Garza admitted their self-serving testimony claiming Garza had ordered the killing of two or three fellow drug runners in Mexico to be heard by the jury.
Regardless of your stand on the death penalty, can one really equate the massive destruction of the federal building and the loss of life to disputes over territory and money among common criminals?
The Velas have a sense of self-importance that carried over to the other members of the family. I was a campaign manager for Lucino Rosenabum when Ray Ramon ran against him for commissioner of Pct. 1. The race was head to head and went into a runoff that Rosenbaum won by a mere six votes.
Ray asked for a recount and assigned Moises Vela, Filemon Sr.'s brother, to act as his representative. I represented Lucino as we went through the machines at the county warehouse. Melchor Chavez was the recount judge.
We were starting the recount when suddenly, Mo turned around and looming over both of us (Melchor was just a mite shorter than me), he said livid with anger: "You know, you stink!"
Chavez and I stopped in out tracks. What to say? Mo was a respected politician who was once county judge. We just made believe we hadn't heard anything and continued with our chores. But that was something I would never forget when someone mentions the Velas.
And who can forget the high-stakes arm twisting that went on when the family moved mountains to have Filemon Sr.'s name share top billing with Reynaldo Garza at the federal courthouse.
The family showered then-congressman Solomon Ortiz with trips to China and political contributions to get the process and recognition of their patriarch emblazoned on the new federal court house. It wasn't until they found out that hapless Ortiz did not know how the process worked that they finally turned to Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson to turn the trick and fulfill their wishes for recognition for posterity.
Ray asked for a recount and assigned Moises Vela, Filemon Sr.'s brother, to act as his representative. I represented Lucino as we went through the machines at the county warehouse. Melchor Chavez was the recount judge.
We were starting the recount when suddenly, Mo turned around and looming over both of us (Melchor was just a mite shorter than me), he said livid with anger: "You know, you stink!"
Chavez and I stopped in out tracks. What to say? Mo was a respected politician who was once county judge. We just made believe we hadn't heard anything and continued with our chores. But that was something I would never forget when someone mentions the Velas.
And who can forget the high-stakes arm twisting that went on when the family moved mountains to have Filemon Sr.'s name share top billing with Reynaldo Garza at the federal courthouse.
The family showered then-congressman Solomon Ortiz with trips to China and political contributions to get the process and recognition of their patriarch emblazoned on the new federal court house. It wasn't until they found out that hapless Ortiz did not know how the process worked that they finally turned to Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson to turn the trick and fulfill their wishes for recognition for posterity.
And now, carrying the memory of Fil Sr. as one hangs on to coattails, Fil Jr. is making a run for Congress and asking us to put aside our political philosophy to raise the Vela name to its rightful place as true leaders of the people.
Sorry Fil Jr. We're not buying.
The same PHIL Vela who gave 5 GRAND to Ernie Hernandez for City Commissioner against Dr. Joe Zavaletta?
5 GRAND!! Who gives 5 GRAND in a city commission race? Not even ERNIE gave himself that much. Not even Joe "the Houseboat living" Cadriel gave his brother in law that much
Back in the Fil Sr. ran a rag tag little law office accross the street from the old courthouse which is not the Dancy Building. He had a part time secretary and make a meger living with divorce and fender bender law suits. He was scared to death of having to go to court and try a case, would settle for anything to keep that from happening. On the rare instance where he would actually have to try a case, he would get Joe Walsh or somebody else to go to court for him. Every other lawyer knew if they got a "demand letter" from Filly, it was a joke.
But, he was a committed Democrat and party servant to the core. So, when Renaldo Garza retired, he was tapped to be Federal Judge. Payback for being a loyal soldier of the Democrat party.
He was plucked from legal obscurity and elevated to the Federal bench for political reasons. It did seem to all go to his head.
El Pinche Gringo
I wonder what Laura Miniel, Vela's cheerleader and Ernie hater, thinks about that?
The extreme fringe of the Democrat party doesn't represent me or most valley Dems. The panicky misleading fliers, and heavy mouth breathing because Filemon Vela -gasp- supported his wife in her successful bid for judge in '06, just goes to show how out of touch they are. No surprise!
It was the fringe left who overlooked Solomon Ortiz' junkets to Asia and literally rolled out a red carpet opportunity for Blake Farenthold to waltz in and take the seat. You blame Vela for supporting Blake? Any Democrat with half a brain could see Ortiz was way past his expiration date, ineffective in Washington and a complete embarrassment to the Valley. Was Vela supposed to support, Solomon Ortiz, just because he is Democrat?! Please. Don't hate Vela because he's got better sense than the extremist Democrat bullies who lead the local Democrat party into one political failure after another. Instead of hating, perhaps it's time for the local Democrats to clean up their act.
"Clean up the act" Yeah Right! You mean put someone into office that can cover up a bit more. NO!
How can the Democrats trust Filemon Vela when his wife is a Republican.
none of the Vela clan is very smart, but at least Manny is a nice guy, and that goes a long way. Blanca Vela was a wretched shrew as mayor of Brownsville. Filemon Sr never understood the law but thought he could make up for this by being a measn bastard. His brothers dressed like used car salesmen and were silly and helpless as attorneys. Jr couldn't try a case if his life depended on him. That said, I wish I was a Vela. they inherited ranch land that ended up being rich in oil and gas.This gave them an opportunity to feel special despite their shortcomings.
To Marrch 16, @7:20PM
You seem to be "bien ardido"
Don't hate Vela because he's got better sense than the extremist Democrat bullies who lead the local Democrat party into one political failure after another. Instead of hating, perhaps it's time for the local Democrats to clean up their act.
March 16, 2012 3:46 PM
The poster above mentioned that Fil had the sense to know that Solomon was past his "experation date", when did he realize that? On which trip to China with Solomon did he get that revelation? What this shows is that Fil has no scrupuls,.....he is a turn coat when it benefits him,.....HE IS A REPUBLICAN PLAIN AND SIMPLE
Aye Probecito Juanito!
old Vela was rude to you so now you have problems in life!
why was'nt all this brought out before!
why now?
My family was NOT voting for Vela but now we are!!!!!!!!! As I'm sure many others will after this RANT of yours.
We know that we are ALL democrats at heart in the valley so it must really say something when we go republican.
@ 11:47 AM
Some people are turning this into a SMUT campaign.
I wonder who.
JUAN SAYS:Sorry Fil we're not buying.
How about:But we will sell our integrity and honor.
Filemon Vela, Jr. is an opportunistic politician. He will support Ernie Hernandez, who beat his Ruben Pena, despite the fact that Ruben Pena is married to his aunt. He will support Republican candidates yet run as a Democrat himself just to get elected. He has no shame. He has no respect for what others may think of him. He is a great example of a politician!!
Sooo, we should now vote for Villalobos? Yeah, right.
PS: Don't hold your breath.
Mr. Anti-Palanca Voting
Montoya is way off the mark saying Judge Vela was mean. The old man was a massive liberal. I got mad at him once in a class discussion, when Judge Vela was running a pre-law course for senior students at UTB, because he refused to give the death penalty to some hispanic and white boys who had raped and murdered a little boy they kidnapped. The Judge was a forgiving soul and spared these young boys for the possibility they could turn their lives around. I expressed to Judge Vela the boys deserved death. He was not a cruel man. He saw potential for good in most. When I face Ultimate judgement at the end of this life for my sins, I hope it is a Judge with the forgiving nature of Judge Vela who decides my fate.
Judge Filemon Vela gave Hispanic kids in his courtroom a second chance no white judge would have. He was an orphan, and seemed not to have forgotten the struggles of growing up poor and hispanic in south Texas.
there were others ready to run against Solomon Ortiz in the 2010 primary, but smear tacticts were used against them, against their families to keep Solomon unopposed. this how the Valley gets stuck with backwater, corrupt representation for years. Vela can count on our support
"I wonder what Laura Miniel, Vela's cheerleader and Ernie hater, thinks about that?"
hahahaha. yea, how about that, Ms. Miniel? How does your sidekick Mary Helen feel about that too? SONSAS!
Villaloco is a crook!
Post of March 18, 2012 @ 3:19 PM
If you are going to be so "macho" by naming names, at least have the "huevos to sign your name....PENDEJO, or PENDEJA!!
Get rid of the Democratic and Republican parties! Its nothing more than a joke! You got candidates who keep jumping ship for reasons unknown? Its no longer about the people but as to who will vote for the "ship jumper" and see if he or she will really do the job that they are being elected for?
To Chuy Hinojosa, you are such an idiot! You vote on this drug package and look what happens? You and your other idiots up in Austin force long time pharmacies out of business! You call yourself a candidate of the people? Get a real job, you phony!
Since your world revolves around what Laura Miniel thinks, why don't you call and ask her? Her opinion is obviously extremely important to you.
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