Tuesday, March 27, 2012


(Today's protest and rally at the main office of the Brownsville Independent School District by some 100 bus drivers underscores the problems the distinct has had with its transportation department. Under the old setup, the recent forensic audit found that there was a huge issue with the amount of overtime that was being paid some drivers under the old transportation director, Jose Hector Chirinos. The bus drivers union has been very vocal in its demands for better pay. Recently, they held a blue-flu work stoppage with some 40 drivers absent from their positions and the administration had to hustle and procured replacements to get the students to school and to their homes on time. Today, the parents of students at Oliveira Middle School were called to pick up their kids after a number of drivers did not show up to drive their buses. Across the district, some drivers did show up, but administrators still had students call their parents just in case the buses didn't show up. As the district moves to address the overtime issue at transpiration, it will probably draw the ire of the drivers and their union reps. Below, in case you didn't read the audit, is the section dealing with the Transportation Department. The department is now under the leadership of former Special Needs Director Art Rendon.)

Overtime Issue: Transportation Department Administrator Jose Hector Chirinos:
In interview, Chirinos stated the overtime abuse was there within the Transportation Department when he took over in 2005. He indicated his efforts to curb the abuse were thwarted by the unions and the board. Chirinos blamed the lack of supervisory assistance yet he himself failed to take a hard line on the issue. Based on the interviews of the drivers and monitors, they took full advantage of the ineffectiveness and complacency displayed by then administrator Chirinos.
Not only did Chirinos conceal (and) fail to disclose, but also took measures, in the form of termination and demotion, in an effort to prevent employees within Transportation Department from 1) revealing the truth about overtime abuse; 2) furnishing information ; and 3) confronting the abusers. Starting with Viola Currier in 2006 and continuing to date with Terry Spellane, Chirinos subtly a nd effectively suppressed disclosure and evidence of abuse through firing and demotion.
First, Ms. Currier, with 19 years of experience in Transportation Department was terminated by Chirinos after she questioned employees about their riding the clock. Then, five years later, Ms. Spellane, an experienced accountant, was demoted and removed from payroll by Chirinos after she continued to identify abuse and waste taking place within Transportation.
Ms. Spellane estimated the loss due to the abuse at $600,000 a year. If conservatively only 70 percent were abusing the system by riding the clock one hour per day, the Forensic Audit Staff would put the loss at $420,000 a year, or roughly $2.5 million over the six years in which Chirinos was administrator.
It is highly recommended that strong administrative action with the possibility of termination be taken against Jose Hector Chirinos (and that BISD) hire professional business people with experience in running a transportation department...Of all the violators and abusers, the average number of years with the district was 17 years seniority.


Anonymous said...

This situation is the result of poor management by the BISD Transportation Administrators and poor oversight by BISD. As a result, waste and abuse has become part of the culture of the drivers who "abandon their jobs" (isn't that what a "sick out" is). The drivers want the fraud and waste to continue, they want their interests served; not the community interests. Changing the culture of fraud, waste and abuse will be difficult for BISD; because fraud, waste and abuse is do deep rooted in the BISD management.

Anonymous said...

AND the fraud, waste and abuse starts at the very top...with the Board and the Super!

Anonymous said...

This has been part of their routine and now they are mad because the chichi is being taken away from them.
BISD should ride this out and let people from the GLASS PALACE drive the students to and from.
They are not supposed to strike--they are not for our children then.
Fire their asses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These are Mexican tactics. We are in the USA for heavens sake.

Whoever is advising them has a pea for a brain


Anonymous said...

I hope these STRIKERS are very pleased with themselves now that they have disrupted our children's lives. Many of them hadicapped.


You are mad at administration so you take it out on our kids.
What GENIUS advised you?????

Way to go frijoleros!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just abandon your reposibilities for the almighty $.

I know our teachers would NEVER do this because they ARE for our children.

God bless our wonderful dedicated teachers who go above and beyond.

A disappointed parent. :((

Anonymous said...

Because they protest they are not for our children? Seriously? You're an idiot TOOL. Guess what, not everything is about "the kids". People work to make money. It's not a charitable organization. The kids need to start reading "el libro" instead of having to be forced to freaking learn. Secondly, the deadbeat parents need to get up before 1 pm from bed and motivate THEIR kids. And finally, this is not communist Vietnam. People expect to get paid for their work. They do their jobs. It's time for the students to do their and the parents too. Tool.

Anonymous said...

Parents complaining: get off the welfare check and get real jobs. You'll be protesting non-living wages too. Oh, wait, even complaining is almost too much work for you cockroaches.

Anonymous said...

Art Rendon has been accused of ruining faulk. he has been accused of ruining special education. was the bus position a reward, or payback?

Anonymous said...

I have never seen administration nor teachers mow the lawn, drive a bus, paint the school, do the plumbing, cook or serve the food,and list goes on and on and on and on. Classified employees' should never take a pay cut bottom line. Too many top level area supertindent administration.

Anonymous said...

Those of you that call them "mexicans" or "frijoleros". They actually have a job to unlike you who have nothing to do and sit in your couch all day. They spent most of their time with your children than you do. This is America they have the right to protest. I bet if one of those bus drivers was a member of your family you would not call them that.

Anonymous said...

"It is highly recommended BISD hire professional business people with experience in running a transportation department"

Like who??? Art Rendon? Yeah!Right!
It is obvious Defenbaugh was following orders from JUST THE CORRUPT $4.

Anonymous said...

Do you know who demanded transportation for her two special kids at any given time of the day, and that Hector Gonzalez would order Hector Chirinos to DROP everything he may have been doing at the moment, and find a driver to provide sevices to this particular lady's kids...why??? Don't you think this was also part of the overtime "found" by this auditor who is also friend/personal investigator of CPG??? Helloooooo!
All of this my friends, would come out during....certain investigations!

Anonymous said...

Remember what Ronald Reagan did with the air traffic control employees. These people need to be fired.

Anonymous said...

And the bus drivers and monitors should NOT be given any credit for standing up for themselves?? If you want to question anyone's concern for the kids, ask the Board and the cowardly superintent. He could not even face them = he was waiting for a message from the $4 to tell him what to do. You trust these fine people to transport your kids and now you attack them for speaking out against injustice? You are just as big of cowards as Montoya!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I hope these STRIKERS are very pleased with themselves now that they have disrupted our children's lives. Many of them hadicapped.


You are mad at administration so you take it out on our kids.
What GENIUS advised you?????

Just abandon your reposibilities for the almighty $.

Anonymous said...


Heather said...

First and foremost lets not forget that in the state of Texas it is illegible for a public employee to strike or withhold services. And a public school employee not only can be fired but may forfeit continued coverage by the retirement system.

Secondly this is ridiculous, I know for a fact that there isn't a single driver at the Transportation Department who works less than 40 hours. From what I recall a lot of them where pulling 60 hours or so with field trips and stand by. Yeah they get paid to sit there all day on the off chance they might get called out on a route.

Also it would be nice if a single news outlet got their facts straight. Bus drivers are not being told that they will only receive 32 hours, but that they are only assured a minimum of 32 hours, something their contracts have always stated anyway.

Lastly they want an hour and a half to clock in and out and clean their buses, before and after. I'm sorry but it shouldn't take anyone three hours to sweep out a space 18x6 and sign their name twice.

This is just a push for further abuse of what already is a department rife with corruption. Additionally these walk outs are just an attempt by a few to draw attention to themselves. Whether it be the uninformed unaligned organizers who are ignorant of the law, or the politicians that rallied to their cause ahead of the elections.

Anonymous said...

I don't give shit if they sit on hour or 7 hours.....These fine bus drivers carry our most precious cargo....our children!!!!At least they do not make $166.66 dollars an hour like one of their (board majority) friends do in her NEWLY CREATED POSITION as a pay back for "NOT TELLING THE TRUTH ABOUT ART RENDON DEALINGS. So stop it, we all know what CATA LA RATA IS DOING.

Anonymous said...

Let's see..These guys can't cheat on the overtime anymore, so they protest about it. Sounds about right for "Da Balley".

El Pinche Gringo

Anonymous said...

March 28 2012 2:02 Bravo! Well said! All of these haters trashing the drivers and monitors are a classless bunch of whinners, disrespectful and low-class. They are a disgrace to Brownsville. I hope these brave drivers and monitors do not let themselves be beat down by the "powers that be". They have a right to be heard. Shame on Montoya for not having the courage to address them. He was hiding in the main office all the time, doing like he always does, hiding behind the "skirts." Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

I can understand their frustration but I don't think they should have gone on strike because there are other remedies. I feel sorry for them because I think someone ill advised them so they could look bad and foolish. Someone is playing them for fools.

They will be heroes if they ALWAYS put our children first.

Remember that the person that heads that department seems to have the board by its cajones and can laugh all the way to the bank with our money.


Anonymous said...

@ 6:47PM
It was a reward AND payback at our expense.
And the MORDIDA for the RATAS.

Anonymous said...

QUESTION??? for the 2:02pm post.
WHO is earning $166.66 an hour and what does that person do? Please I want to apply for that position.
Is this another one of those tit for tat positions?

Anonymous said...

I'm sure over there there are tits involved :)

Anonymous said...

Response to the 9:28PM
Juanita Rodrigues. She was one of their followers, who were promised a "cushy" job. Apparently she counsels parents of special ed students for a grand total of 2 to 3 hrs/a day makes $500.00 a day x only 3 days= $1,500/week X 4= $6,000.00...............WOW!!
3 X more than a teacher!!!! what do you all think?

Anonymous said...

I think this stinks to high heaven. I want to know her educational background.What qualifies her to be in this position? Plus...what kind of counseling is she providing? BISD better pray that there is some solid evidence to support this position and pay rate. I am all over this. It never ends..

Anonymous said...

And there you have it!!!
Do you guys need to know more??? Just ask away.

Anonymous said...

Drivers like everyone else work for the money. It is just a job. The heck with your presious cargo as for as they are concerned.

Anonymous said...

Besides ALL about "cushy jobs" will come out soon!!!!
