Wednesday, March 28, 2012


By Juan Montoya

In the Spanish to English online dictionary, the word "holgazanear" is defined as "to idle, laze or loaf around."

The word was contained in a translation of an English-language letter written to all BISD bus drivers by Transportation Department administrator Art Rendon.

The offending clause said in English: "BISD school buses are not to be used by employees to loiter in once they have finished their routes Employees may not use a bus to visit with coworkers."

The Spanish translation stated: "Los autobuses escolares del distrito no deberan ser utilizados por los empleados para holgazanear cuando ya hayan terminado sus rutas. Los empleados no deben de ir a otros autobuses para visitara sus compañeros de trabajo."

Even though the word "loiter" in one form does mean "holgazanear" in formal Spanish, the connotations associated with it differ from person to person. In the case of the bus drivers, many apparently took the word to mean that they were loafers or did not possess the work ethic or the will to work. In other words, "maltrabaja."

This is quite different than the relatively neutral "loiter," or "hang out" that do not impugn the character or values of the subject.

Why Rendon or his assistants chose to use that loaded word in the missive titled "Guidelines for clocking in and clocking out/Other General Procedures" is beyond us, but apparently the drivers and their supporters were not pleased.

Lost in the translation (if you will) were other parts of the letter that did not belabor the point. For example, the administration was not cutting the number of hours to 32, but rather, as was stated in the letter, guaranteed 32 works weekly. It did, however, proscribe the manner of clocking and and out when the routes were over to deter unauthorized accumulation of hours not worked.

Additionally, the letter prohibited drivers from "engaging in games of chance or pyramid schemes during working hours or on district property. The collection or solicitation of money by one employee to another for the purpose of promoting games of chance or pyramid schemes is prohibited."

Just what is that referring it to?, we wonder. Is it actually gambling, or the locally popular "tanda," where pools of investors (say 10) chip in a set amount ($20) every week and then take turns getting $200 when their place on the rotation comes around?

Or is it office pools like those collected in the March Madness in college basketball or "porras" during the Dallas Cowboys season?

Regardless, the missive also prohibited sexual harassment or other behavior leading to a hostile work environment, washing the buses outside the scheduled washing rotations, taking a bus anyway after a cancellation had been posted, etc.

The district noted that drivers are assured of 32 hours of employment each week including benefits such as free health coverage and paid days for vacation, illness and holidays. There are also opportunities to earn additional and overtime pay for student trips when necessary, the district said in a prepared statement.


Anonymous said...

You just found El Rrun Rrun's more appropriate title: Loaded Words.

Anonymous said...

Send that word to Bill O'Reilly, he might be intersted, other than that it is .."much ado about nothing".

El Pinche Gringo

Anonymous said...

Why didn't the BISD management just let the bus drivers write the admonition. We have seen in the last few days that Spanish is the primary language of the bus drivers...shouldn't we be somewhat alarmed that an non-Spanish speaking child could be in jeopardy from these drivers. Its not a game of semantics....its a union that wants to set its own rules...and fights over the semantics....lazy is lazy.

Anonymous said...

How delicate these Bus drivers feeling's are. They were all ready to hang "La Bandera Rojinegra," como si fueran parte del Sindicato Regional de Camioneros y Choferes de Tamaukipas.

Didn't they understand that they were just being guaranteed a minimum of 32 hours with fringe benefits? Why get so pissed when they are told that "shooting the breeze "or "hacerle la perra" was no longer compensated?

With the way our economy is hurting, they should be thankful they have a job with benefits, bola de "holgazanes", in other words "huevones".

Remember the old saying,"if the shoe fits, buy it". Como que les quedo el saco a la medida.

Anonymous said...

BISD should not have to translate from English to Spanish for employees, especially those that deal with students. Whatever happened to students meeting at a bus stop in the neighborhood, buses shouldn't be stopping corner to corner. Besides lazy bus drivers we also have lazy parents!

Anonymous said...

I find it somewhat disturbing that an employee who is paid with State of Texas tax dollars needs to have memos translated into Spanish. All employees of a State funded entity must be U.S. Citizens or Naturalized Citizens and in either case are required by law to be able to read and understand English. I hope that nothing fishy is going on here.

Anonymous said...

Toda lA BOLA DE mamones who posted against the bus drivers....GO FU*K YOURSELVES!!

Anonymous said...

So all the crying and whining was for naught. Silly people. If they bothered to learn English, there would be no miscommunication on their part. If this region would stop coddeling such folks, quality of employee's would improve and loitering would not be the norm and the word comprehended. As my mother would say...bad behavior by ungrateful people.

Anonymous said...

Como dijo la eminente poeta de Brownsville, Herminia Becerra, "Bola de llorones".

Anonymous said...

Like I said Toda la bola de mamones que escribieron an contra de los choferes....chinguen su madre

Anonymous said...

"Like I said Toda la bola de mamones que escribieron an contra de los choferes....chinguen su madre"

En contra de que? De las 32 horas que no les han tocado? De los beneficios que tampoco les han tocado? En contra de las vacaciones pagadas?

O te refieres a que ya no les van pagar por "hacerle a la perra"? Eso no es estar en su contra. Eso es tener sentido común.

Bueno al fin y al cabo, "la tuya!"

El moros boy

Anonymous said...

Ma...moros boy!! Tu...ya sabes. Ha ha ha uy uy uy

Anonymous said...

Por que no escribes lo que te contesté tienes huevos ...o que??

Anonymous said...

The comments supporting "los choferes" illustrate the level of education of the writers which is to insult instead of educating the public.
We are in the USA and you are earning American $$$$$ so the least you can do is learn to speak and read English correctly.
By the way apparently your Spanish is not so good as you chose to over react to the memo.
Leave the MOTHERS of the bloggers out of this one and lash out at those who incited your rage---probably one of your own with a hidden agenda.

I will not translate this for you!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha 5 posts to el "moros boy" and none is posted.... Ay Juanito, do we need to pay you to post tambien??

Anonymous said...

Who was insulting the blogger? My, my, my! Are you mad? Sorry!

No voy a traducir ésto para tí!!

PS: The public is educated, they certainly do not need "a blog" to educate them.

Anonymous said...

If they do not want to learn English let's pay them in pesos at one peso for each dollar.

Anonymous said...

April 3, @ 1:09PM

All you need is the white hood..Hu?
