You've read here before that Hizzoner Tony Martinez has convinced the rest of the city commissioners to allow him and United Brownsville top share the new $500,000 digs available after the city paid Texas Southmost College for the historical Cueto Bui

Well, now it seems that not only has the Mohammed had the mountain (city business) delivered to his door at his office at the old county jail, but that now has encountered a minor glitch to his exclusive neighborhood.
Where is IBC president Fred Rusteberg and his cadre of municipal government hijackers supposed to park, fergodsake? Surely the city doesn't expect them to leave their late model rides out on the street at the mercy of street urchins and crackhead hustlers?
The answer?
Word has reached us that Da Mayor is reaching out to all interested parties – including the city and the county – that the gents must have some exclusive parking made available as soon as possible.
Toward that end, it is said that Da Mayor favors condemning the properties adjacent to the Cueto building directly to the east that is now occupied by low-income housing, in some cases virtually dilapidated
How to do that?
According to our source

s at the city and county, Martinez is willing to exert eminent domain upon the owners of the properties to acquire the land necessary to park his minion's BMWS, Infinities, and other late-model rides.
"The word is out that Martinez wants to have his parking and wants to do away with the low-income housing by condemning the existing housing there," said a municipal employee. "He has had
city staff reach out to the county to see how they can help."
Martinez and Rusteberg, apparently, find the proximity of the peasants revolting.
"The peasants are revolting."
"They certainly are."
"The 99 percent are revolting."
"They certainly are."
Show us maps of the two West Loops.
Founding Fathers: Government of the people, by the people and for the people.
Marie Antoinette Martinez: Government of the elites, by the elites, and for the elites.
BUT - Let them eat cake.
If the mayor wants to park his car then we will take whatever land we need to take so he can park his car you bunch of losers. The mayor has brought back integrity to the Mayorship. Respect him.
Did not the city try to "eminent domain" a property belonging to the Muñoz family around that area and ended up with egg in their face, when the Muñoz family hired an attorney to fight off the "eminent domain" scam?
Since Fred Rusteburg lives in the City of Rancho does he get to sit on "United Brownsville" when the city has said that "committees" must be made up of city residents? Why should someone who doesn't live in the city be part of any city committee....especially "United Brownsville". Why have rule, regulations and policies if there is no effort to enforce them????
Martinez is out of control,...better than Ahumada but so was a spider monkey. The rich are used to taking from the poor, but god is watching you Mayor. Is stealing from the poor so you can park your car a worthy cause Mayor? Why all of a sudden the need for this propeerty? For your precious Imagine Brownsville boondogle? No tienes verguenza Tony Martinez.
Tony you arrogant prick. Why did you not serve in Vietnam like the rest of us from your generation. You were probaby smoking weed with Tony Zavaleta. Right culero.
the rich arent' taking from the poor. those properties are mostly slumlord rentals. tear 'em down, unless they have historic value!! and while your at it, do something to the outside of the cueto the shutters or something. that building is restored beautifully inside, but it still looks abandoned outside, especially with the grout and bricks falling away!!!!
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