By Juan Montoya
Word has reached us that as usual, Cameron County Pct. 2 Commissioner Ernie Hernandez will try to lead the parade as his idea – the West Side Parkway is being run out of town on a rail (no pun intended) at today's meeting of the Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority.
None other than Ruben Gallegos Jr., and Mark Esparza on the CCRMA have come down hard on Ernie for withdrawing his support fo the idea of the parkway toll road to be placed on the right-of-way left vacant when the Union Pacific Railroad moves its
tracks to the truck-rail international bridge being constructed up river past Villa Nueva.

"Ernie is going to make the motion to kill the parkway," said a CCRMA insider. "He wants to get the support of the people on the west side who are against the toll road to help his daughter in the Justice of the Peace 2-2 primary election coming up in May."
Hernandez might have a hard sell with Gallegos and Esparza, our sources say, because the sudden turnaround on the subject has left them out on a limb after Ernie pushed for the project. His ally on the board – former Pct. 2 commissioner John Wood – has been pushing the idea as well.
Gallegos, not one to mince words, is said to have told him during a CCRMA board meeting that if Ernie waffles, he can expect stiff political opposition from his cadre of supporters, who he said far outnumber the residents of the west side opposed to the parkway.
"He's between a rock and a hard place," said a source. "He'll get the support of the residents, but it'll cost him the support of the people in the Gallegos camp."
Already stung by criticism from Ruben Peña, his opponent to the commissioners court in the last go round of elections, for pushing for the creation of a third JP's court in Brownsville which would have prevent the bloodletting between Erin Hernandez Garcia, his daughter, and the Yolanda Begum camp, Ernie now has to battle his daughter's opponents after the commissioners court decided against the idea.
Ideally, the Democrats would have supported the creation of a third JP court to be located at the Browne Road Multi-Service Center in extreme southeast Brownsville. However, neither Ernie's daughter Erin nor Begum wanted to be out in the boondocks.
A Begum supporter said that Hernandez had turned down the offer to have Erin in the court out in the boonies. Begum also turned down the offer, according to sources.
"Begum wasn't about to show the Hernandezs that she could easily be placated and be sent off to Siberia and allow Erin to waltz in to the JP 2-2 office at the courthouse on Harrison," said a supporter. "Ernie didn't want to see his daughter out there either and turned down the offer."
...purity in politics, hard to find ....
Yes, Commissioner Ernie Hernandez has responded not JUST to West Borwnsville, but to the ENTIRE city's vision of a BETTER envionmental and economic and neighborhood-centered future ....
As for CCRMA member, Ruben Gallegos, thousands upon thousands had voiced their opposition to the toll road/road, and CCRMA member John Wood has, too!
Support for the toll road/road has been VERY limited.
The CCRMA, probably important if it truly thinks what new plans are NEEDED for all in a region, should concentrate on the second causeway, and other transportation (and TRANSPORTATION is NOT limited to cars and trucks!) plans ...and permit Brownsville its plans ....
EVERY CCRMA member would livid if concrete strips were dropped into their backyards! So, don't do JUST THAT to ALL of Brownsville and a good deal of Deep South Texas ....
Ernie is preparing to run for County Judge, as therefore, he is trying to show that he can please everyone in the county. Ernie should focus on stenciling T-shirts...that fits his mentality. He surely wants to be County Judge and that's dangerous for taxpayers.
Ernie really seeks to please himself....
i don't know about ernie, but i love the farside... keep em coming!
Please show me the "thousands a upon thousands". That's a bold face lie.
Concrete strips dumped in backyards? What the hell does that mean? Just more BS propoganda that Ernie and our mayor are falling for.
Had there ever been a fowatd thinking project that has not received oposiition from small vocal groups that have nothing better than to write letters and threaten politicians? This all such BS. No one likes change. I get that. I hope someone will revivify this in 15 years when it's bunper to bumper on central and every other road in west Brownsville. I'm sorry such strong minded intelligent politicians haves caved to suck a small noise group of trouble makers.
This group has asked for numerous additions to the road such as walking trails and community parks. All were excelpted by the RMA. They will never be satisfied. I gues threats and lies work to scare politicians. What a shame.
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