Wednesday, May 16, 2012


"Adela Garza's birth and formative years were spent in A FOREIGN COUNTRY!That is not all all she shares with Obama..." Maria Flores,a Jessica P. Bradshaw supporter in Facebook

By Juan Montoya
Shades of Obama!
In what is probably the worst insult a GOP can possibly hurl against a fellow Republican, supporters of Jessica Puente Bradshaw to the nomination for the newly-created District 34 congressional district have taken to the Internet to make their candidate look good using the time-honored tactic: making her opponent Adela Garza look not only bad, but also calling her a foreigner (gasp!).
In the above quote, Flores likens Garza to GOP nemesis Obama while ignoring the fact that Bradshaw has stated that she was born in Matamoros and immigrated to the United States as an adult.
But this is not all that is burning Bradshaw's supporters.
In her ads, Garza has stated that Bradshaw, who lists both an Austin and Brownsville address in various campaign documents, has passed herself off as a seller of real estate (not a Realtor), a "political analyst," and teacher, finding no certification for the first and last occupation occupational experience.
Bradshaw, according to state records, did not begin her real estate classes until mid-2008, obtaining her license possibly by 2009, but then allowing it to expire on Dec. 31, 2010. At most, she must have worked as a Realtor for possibly two years, if that.
Her claims that she has been a "political analyst" for three years is also questionable, according to the Garza camp, since that term is very loosely defined. Are we at Rrun-Rrun, then, political analysts because we comment on these races?
What's left is her claim to be an educator, but again, why not just claim that and be done with it? Anything else is a stretch. At 40, and without much tangible public service experience what else can she do?
When one "Adam Smith" (the economist?) downplayed that Adela had been endorsed by the respected (and conservative) South Texas Property Owners Association, he (aka Bradshaw's husband) charged that the association has in the past endorsed only Democrats, albeit conservatives.
"The (Association) donates to Democrats.," "Smith wrote. "South Texans' Property Rights Association donated $1000.00 to Democrat Congressman Henry Cuellar in 2012. This PAC does not like conservatives and particularly conservative Republicans. Beware of its endorsement of candidates!"
Smith, of course, ignores the fact that the Association had never found a Republican with a platform that was conservative enough for their efforts to protect property rights in South Texas.
""They have no idea what this organization has done to protect our property rights," said Garza in her comments. "Look them up at to see what this great organization is really about. And, yes they are bipartisan conservatives which is a very good thing."
At the core of Bradshaw supporters' ire is the fact that Garza has received endorsements that they would have loved to have, coming as Bradshaw is from the Tea party under whose banner she ran two years ago.
Other commenters rushed to throw light on the Smith and Flores postings.
Adryana Boyne said:"Mr. Smith, I can tell you are not aware that many PACS are bipartisan and this one has given money to conservative Democrats who agree with property rights."
Likewise, Fernando Trevino Jr. commented that: "Also, if they're a south Texas organizations (which is in their name), they haven't really had many options until recently thanks to the hard work of many Republicans like Adela Garza...doing the hard work behind the scenes to make our party stronger in the RGV."
It is obvious that the groundwork that Garza and her followers have established in South Texas has come back as support in her bid to face the Democrat nominee for the congressional district, whoever may be left standing.


Anonymous said...

At first I was going to vote for Bradshaw, but there are just too many inconsistencies in her past and present to make her believable.

Anonymous said...

Adela Garza has NEVER been a Republican. Montoya if you claim to be such a hot reporter, why did you not check out Adela's Voting record. Since 1996 Adela Garza has ONLY VOTED in Democrat Primaries. In fact, this year will be her first. If you're such a hot reporter why are you not reporting that she is also working with POLITIQUERAS. Bottom line the Democrats do not like Vela -a Republican running as a Democrat, Republicans do not like Democrats like adela garza running as Republican. Both of these individuals are wrong, in deceiving the public. If they are lying to us now what can we expect from them, only more lies.

Anonymous said...

Adela is the candidate that can win for us in November, that is why I am voting for Adela Garza!

Anonymous said...

Montoya. I like to read your postings and like your reporting but I think that you should stay out of the way when it comes to Adela. First of all, we all know thats your girl and will lift her up to the stars. But lets go back and see who the REAL Adela Garza is. Why havent you reported that at her daughter had been a prosecutor at the District Attorney's Office under non other than our PROUD D.A. Armando Villalobos? She supported this scum bag that when he ran for D.A. she even opened her home allowing Villalobos to record his campaing ads inside her home. Why has that been kept a hush hush? Also wasnt it when she was elected to the TSC board, that is when all this mess with UTB/TSC began? Let me tell you Montoya, lets be fair. Someone is not being forward with things, but do we want another power hungry person like Adela with close ties to Villalobos in office? Like the saying says "Dime con quien andas y te dire quien eres."

Anonymous said...

The Republican Party is what it is in Texas today because of all the conservative Democrats who have switched, and they are continuing to come over - we should welcome them! Adela Garza may have voted in Dem primaries, but she has supported the Republican Party and conservative candidates such as Tony Garza since the 1990s. Stop trying to make an issue of this, we haven't had several competitive local republican elections until this make a difference before now, you generally had to vote in a Dem primary - fact!

Lastly, shouldn't people be more worried that Jessica Puente Bradshaw has NO EXPERIENCE! She's almost 40, what has she been doing with her life? She does nothing but stretch the truth beyond its limits! Plus, isn't she supposedly home schooling her kids? That's a lot of hard work, can't imagine her running for congress full-time these last few years is good for their education; que triste.

Anonymous said...

I agree, with all of the corrupt incompetence of Gilberto Hinojosa, Abel Limas, Conrado Cantu, etc it is no surprise to see Democrats switching to the republican side like Adela and many others. It is no surprise that the leftist Democrats are uncertain about a stellar candidate like Fil Vela because they still prefer another Armando Villalobos or Solomon Ortiz. Do most voters want a change? My sense is party identification at an all time low among voters. The dems have been let down by Gilberto's corruption and lies, the racketeering scandal and AV's abuse of office. The once proud Democrat party core is now synonymous with filth. Voters might go all the way to the right and vote for AG or JPB or just settle on Fil Vela or Troiani the two moderate, non-Gilberto Dems. It will probably be Vela vs Adela in the runoff.

Anonymous said...

One last point AG and JPB stand to gain a lot of protest votes from disillusioned democrats who are sick of the corruption and scandals of Gilberto's democrat core. Instead of attacking each other you should focus on attacking them to attract the dem voters who are sick of the unending scandals of Villalobos, Abel Limas, Ernie Hernandez, Jim Solis, Solomon Ortiz... Once upon a time the Republicans were a clear enemy, Tom Delay, all those people hating on Clinton who have since had to resign or go to jail. Now the enemy of Democrats is their own party core. They are like a ladder that has rotted from the inside and can no longer support their candidates, this is why the Republicans have been able to win an unprecedented number of elections lately. Rusty seemed to understand this but I question what direction the current leadership is taking the Republicans as they spend more time attacking each other than mining the dem party for converts, by focusing their attacks on the vulnerable achille's heel of the Democrats here in Cam County: Gilberto Hinojosa, Ernie Hernandez, and Armando Villalobos.

Anonymous said...

Notice there is no mention of the many MANY conservative endorsements Bradshaw has earned, or the fact that Garza has been barely able to string together a sentence intelligently when the two have been given the same opportunity to speak at events. If the woman (Garza) can not hold her own in discussion during Valley primaries how can she be anything more than a joke in Washington?

Anonymous said...

I endorse Jessica Puente Bradshaw for Congress.

Sincerely yours,
Dottie I. Goforth-McAnally, M.D.

Anonymous said...

Who does not vote democrat in the primary? Even Roman Perez did yes Roman we also did look at your voting record.

Yes Villalobos did a TV Commercial at Adelas' house because IRMA PENA AND RUBEN asked Adela. So now we know who wrote this. I was part of that commercial too. Ruben and Irma are two face people they use people I stand by Villalobos.

Anonymous said...

(Who does not vote democrat in the primary? Even Roman Perez did yes Roman we also did look at your voting record.)

It's no secret Roman voted for Tad in the Democrat Primary. Everyone knows. He doesn't hide that he voted in that one Democrat primary. Nice try there, Patti.

Anonymous said...

Jessica Bradshaw reminds me of another tea party candidate Cristine O'Donnel that said all the right things for the tea party but then imploded for the general election because she didn't have any experience and was out of her depth. She doesnt live in the district doesnt have a work history and hasnt done anything for the community except come into town every two years to run for Congress. I know Adela has been able to stand up to pressure and voted conservatively by protecting the local taxpayers. So she voted in Democratic primarys big deal that doesnt make her not a Republican because then Roman who is a campaign spkesperson for Bradshaw wouldnt be either. He voted in a Democratic primary and in the runoff.

Anonymous said...

'I stand by Villalobos.'

Are you retarded?

Anonymous said...

Can anyone tell me What is the Adela's level of education?

Does she have a Bachelors, Masters or ???

Anonymous said...

Jessica claims she is a 'political analyst". I guess all of us commenters on blogs are also political analysts!!!! Still dont mean that she is qualified for Congress. Nice try in her campaign team to try to make her look like a serious candidate. Nice try, indeed.

Anonymous said...

He voted in a Democratic primary and in the runoff. The operative word is "a" as opposed to "every". I am glad we cleared that up. I would be so ironic to see the Democrat, Adela face Vela, the Republican in the general. Each of them running under the wrong flag, though. By the way, who does everyone here think would win under that match up? It is entirely possible, you know. Post your answers below.

Anonymous said...

Only the brain dead would beleieve Adela is a Democrat. She is pro-life, Blake Farenthold's rep and George W's #1 fan. Her coffee mug says I heart Bush. She told me a democrat friend of hers refused to drink out of it. Stupid how some commenters on these blogs mention voting in a primary like it means something. Most of us have voted for friends in the opposite party at some point. Even her loudest opponent voted in a Democrat primary for the same reason. hearing it over and over again is stupid and boring. I guess the party radicals are getting desperate. They lack anything more substantial than 'voted in the other primary' to hold against these top contenders

Anonymous said...

not that Adela is the best candidate, but nonsense about her primary voting is stupid and proves nothing

Anonymous said...

Is it just me but doesn't Adela look like Cantinflas, just sayin LOL LOL LOL

Anonymous said...

"Can anyone tell me What is the Adela's level of education?

Does she have a Bachelors, Masters or ???"


So are Bradshaw supporters elitists now? Pretty sure Adela graduated from Pan Am, but how would her degree make her any less than her Republican opponents?

Why don't we look at experiences? Based on that, what exactly is Jessica's experience??? Its obviously not as a business owner, political analyst is laughable, and there are some questions about how valid her experience as an "educator" might be as well! Maybe we should be asking what is Jessica Puente Bradshaw's education; this woman has so many question marks that I almost feel bad for her.

Adela may not be perfect, no one is, but at least she has a record we can examine and she has actual experiences - both in public service AND, more importantly, as the only small business owner in the gop race. Think people!

Anonymous said...

Adela is the only one who can win in November! Bottom line. Jessica is very interesting because she tells too many lies and Adela has been nice about not embarrassing Bradshaw too much... I think Jessica should count her blessings.

Anonymous said...

FROM MMB "That she regurgitates road-weary GOP sloganeering is the least of it. I just couldn't find anything resembling an original thought here... They load-up on cliches and then throw them out willy-nilly..."

this is more true of the Democrats. A slogan-o-rama
lacking any basis in reality.

At most there are only 3 candidates on the Democrat ticket with a shot of convincing the Republican majority in Congress to support the valley and its interests. The rest is puro hot air

Anonymous said...

Jessica Bradshaw is wrapped in the same vail of mystery as Obama. What's with the multiple last names? What's with the no work or community experience whatsoever? What's with the Brownsville-Austin address change game?

She is an Obama copycat with a silver tongue!

Anonymous said...

Why do all of Jessica's campaign reports have a Brownsville address, instead of Brownsville? Has she been lying to us all along?

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:02am, I think you mean Austin address...
