Wednesday, May 16, 2012


By Juan Montoya

In what is fast becoming a war of attrition, Constable for Pct. 2 Pete Avila has come out firing with ads in the local daily that has many of its readers wondering which of his three opponents in the Democratic primary he is referring to.
In the ad with the headline: "QUESTIONS THE PUBLIC SHOULD ASK ALL PCT. 2 CONSTABLE CANDIDATES", Avila challenged all three candidates to take a polygraph (lie detector) tests along with a blood test "to assure the public that the integrity of our law enforcement officers."
Among the questions he asked were:

1. Have you ever taken a bribe?
2. Have you ever fixed a case?
3 Are you under investigation by any federal agency?
4. Have you ever extorted money?
5. Are you being investigated in relation to the Limas corruption case?
6. Have you ever had you license to carry a firearm revoked?
7. Have you ever used illegal drugs while holding public office?
8. Have you ever received hush money to protect eight-liners?
9. Have you ever protected any drug dealers?
10. Are you one of the investigators for Armando Villalobos’ office being investigated for extorting eight-liners?
11. Have you ever been forced to resign or terminated by the Cameron County Sheriff’s Department?

Now, we've seen the ads put out by some of the candidates in this race and for the most part, they are content to state their qualifications and some of their accomplishments as law enforcement professionals.
This is new for a constable's race and we tend to associate this type of thing with, say, a sheriff's race or some other higher position. But Avila apparently thinks that voters will recall some accusations against one specific opponent. The last time he ran he was in a runoff election with Abel Gomez, so some of the questions asked might be pointed in Abel's direction.
The comments on the ad were swift, however.
One commenter said: "Polygraph tests can at times be a waste of money and resources. If Mr. Avila wants to pay for all the candidates to receive the polygraph, he should by all means do it. However, I doubt even Mr. Pete Avila would pass it."
Another said: "Most people don't vote, much less compare candidates credentials. For Pete to be this confident... he knows something we don't. And he is right."
What next in this race? Maybe they'll name names next?


Anonymous said...

Great questions. Most of the elected officials in CAmeron County should be nervous as the Limas AX continues to fall. Let's hope Aurora de la Garza is the next to fall.

Anonymous said...

Pete, might be into something, who knows.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to include:

12. Have you ever misrepresented your age in political signs?

13. Have you ever misused your authority to get even with political opponents?

14. Have you ever driven while under the influence of alcohol? If no, who is your designated driver? Can we contact him or her?

Just trying to help here folks.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Pete expose crooked ass Cops. You can infest Brownsville with your signs elect Abel Gomez, but the Truth has revealed itself. Oh and now your giving chicken plates what about all the other the past years. You forgot about us the People from Cameron Park. You just hide in your office of Roberta wont even say high to the Citizens. Now all of sudden you want to be Mr. Nice guy. Stealing money from so called casinos. My aunt remebers you oh yea the on El Jardin Heights.

Former DA employee said...

They are good questions for the voters to consider? The only problem is that it applies to only one candidate, Abel Gomez. This guy is not only a good friend, supporter and confidant of Armando Villalobos but also has a black cloud over him and his reputation. Roel Arreola did the job in the DA office and was railroaded by Armando Villalobos who jumped the gun in letting him go! To the voters of Precinct 2, your real selection is either Avila or Arreola, pure and simple. Remember, Abel Gomez couldn't beat Avila, A retired fireman with no law enforcement experience! What does that tell you? Me, I will support Roel Arreola!

Anonymous said...

Hold the presses! You forgot

12. Have you stopped beating your wife?

Just saying, que chingon, he makes up the questions que le convienen.

Anonymous said...

Girls, girls, you're both...well not pretty. These two candidates should stop their mudslinging and get to the real issues. Juan Torres has 25 years of experience in law enforcement, he has never been accused of any wrong doings. You can ask anyone who has ever worked with him and no one can make one negative comment against him. He has never run any negative campaigns against anyone either and now a days, with everyone pointing fingers, that speaks volumes of his Juan S. Torres!

Anonymous said...

La Politica es muy sanavaviche. If you want to play softball don't go into politics. Pete has no qualms tearing into flesh, getting a big mouthful, then spitting his opponents out. When your in the right you can ask the tough questions.

Anonymous said...

Why don't we just save money and do away with the constable position? It's sort of antiquated and redundant law enforcement wise. Then Pete, Juan and the others could test their worth in the private sector. American Surveillance?

Anonymous said...

They want to point fingers for drinking who does not drink cast the first stone. Abel is crooked lets face it. Mr. Arreola come on he Protected Mr. Arambul aka the Drug Lord of Brownsville. That is right the man with the best home in Cameron Park to be exact the one Carlos Street. That is why he was let go his "sanch" told Villalobos about the scandal. Mr. Torres why did he retire so soon. Was it maybe because of black market purses being sold???? IDK They all have skeletons but we are not perfect but the Constables office did help me when a family member passed away free of charge. The BPD motorcycle guys were 250.00. Thanks pete

Anonymous said...

I wonder why cheezmeh took down the maclovioomalley post on their site. I was looking forward to seeing all the comments. They must be behind that crooked ass Abel Gomez as well. C'mon cheez be unbiased!

Anonymous said...

Abel Gomez and Arreola both supposedly protected that guy. I heard the house was under one of Gomez relatives names

Anonymous said...

Pete has always helped the community since before he was constable he always given free classes for softball and baseball to everyone an has donated countless hours to serve the community. An isn't it impressive the job he has done With no legal experience he has been the first constable to ever take over security of the courthouse and nobody's perfect admit it but the man tries hard to help others if you truly know Pete Avila ou know he's an honest man who's best interest is to help others

Anonymous said...

Speaking of funeral escorts, that policy needs to be revised. A couple weeks ago I was in a funeral procession and these precinct 2 constable deputies were going 0 to 50 mph in front of The Gladys Porter Zoo on a Saturday morning with children present.
The last thing we need is a tragedy like in Hidalgo County a couple years ago, I just don't see what the urgency is to get to the next intersection in such a hurry.
Whoever becomes the next constable, revisit this funeral escort policy before you end up with an unfortunate tragedy that could have been prevented. Not to mention a LAWSUIT!
