Tuesday, May 22, 2012


By Juan Montoya

Apparently driven to despair by the fact that his brother and his own family endorsed his opponent Cameron County Sheriff Omar Lucio in a Sunday newspaper ad, challenger Joe Cisneros is now facing a libel lawsuit as a result of claiming to a broadcast reporter that the incumbent is "confused" and is in the "early stages of dementia."
Those coments have caused the normally subdued sheriff to say he will come out gunning for Cisneros in a libel lawsuit.
Cisneros made the comments to Channel 4's self-appointed speed cop and and taco-joint critic Ryan Wolf. He said the comment on the dementia was made to him by the sheriff's sister, a claim challenged by Lucio.
"Mys sister doesn't even talk to him," the sheriff countered. "I have my checkbook ready for when I talk to my attorney today. When you start making statements about people's health or of people's perceived disabilities without any medical proof, that's crossing the line."

In fact, Lucio said, society's views on personal disabilities have advanced to the point where people's privacy outweighs any petty political gain that may be had by revealing a person's alleged illness to the public.

"If a my neighbor's child has autism or other disabilities, I don't have any right to spread that to the public and invade his privacy," he said. "A person's health is a very serious personal matter."

Lucio said that he has semi-annual physicals and has received a thumbs up on his physical and mental well-being. The lawsuit may force Cisneros to reveal where he may have gotten the idea that Lucio may be afflicted by any type of mental problem.

"Shooting from the hip is easy," Lucio said. "But as I have said, wearing an gun and a holster like he does in his campaign signs doesn't mean that the person will make a good sheriff. Spreading these kinds of untruths shows a lack of respect for our growing elderly population. We should respect their experience and age because if you add both of these qualities up it equals wisdom."

This is Cisneros' third attempt to get the Democratic nod for his party's nomination for sheriff. In his statements to Wolf, Cisneros cited a statement that Lucio allegedly made that he is not a county employee.

"He says he's not a county employee... He's confused," Cisneros stated in his own television political advertisement. "By God if he receives a check from the county... With the name Cameron County... He is a county employee," Cisneros said. " His motto is honesty and integrity... He needs to be honest with the people... His own sister has made comments that he's at the early stages of dementia."
Lucio said the comment was only made because he's an elected official.
"We're going to be able to file a libel suit against him. My sister doesn't even talk to him... I think he's upset because his family is supporting me 110 percent," Lucio said.

Lucio's supporters also say that Channel 4's Wolf is not entirely off the hook either because he made no effort to contact Lucio to verify Cisneros' libelous statements to verify the allegations.

"If you repeat a libelous statement, you're just as guilty as the person making them," said one. "It makes you wonder who's crazier, the one who made them or the one who repeated them to the public." '


Anonymous said...

Just watch Omar Lucio on TV...he is losing it. He never speaks unless he is at his desk and has been prompted by his handlers in the sheriff's department. He isn't a participant in the justice system, just a face who sits behind his desk or stands behind local officials. Omar Lucio needs to go....whether to his home or an adult day care....he doesn't need to be in a position of authority. His underlings are running things, not him.

Anonymous said...

Cisneros is an egomaniac,with a lack of respect for married woman,that asshole made a pass to my wife during a political event,Ni su familia lo quiere al pendejo

Anonymous said...

Hey, the City Manager position is filled...no where for an ex-cop to go but to the Port. At some point this city will realize that a cop is not the best person to be city manager. We remain a lackluster city behind a smaller McAllen because we are intent on maintaining a "closed" society here. People with money don't contribute, don't invest and don't care....that give Mcallen and andvantage....the invest, they care and they participate. Brownsville is fading and seeks to be a welfare city....dependent on state and federal monies; not willing to contribute to any prosperity. What a pitiful place.

Anonymous said...

1:01 PM - you are right - Brownsville is a "pitiful" place rampant with corruption at every conceivable level of government and authority from the school district to the port to the county, etc. "Armpit" comes to mind...

Anonymous said...

Pssst, pay attention sheriff. libel is published defamation of character, as opposed to spoken defamation of character, which is slander.

Anonymous said...

Libel is by definition false. Anything that is provably true cannot be libelous.

Since libel is by definition false, if a journalist reports something that is true it cannot be libelous, even if it damages a person’s reputation. Truth is the reporter’s best defense against a libel suit.

I can just see an attorney asking Sheriff Lucio to submit himself to a Doctors examination of Alzheimer's disease/Dementia. Does he want to go there?

Anonymous said...

Garcia may be a "dodger" but he is surely not "artful". He is just another city official who has used the system to protect himself and his family in this corrupt city. Just another example of the "Peter Principle"....for those who may have read the book years ago....that a person is promoted until he reaches his level of incompetence. We have a lot of entry level employees who reach that level quickly...thants to our educations system.

Anonymous said...

Heard he was lost in Harlingen sometime last year. He was unable to find his home. Sounds like something is going on with his mental capacities. Just Saying....

Anonymous said...

To the may 22, @12:45PM

Married woman?, or women?

Anonymous said...

"I have my checkbook ready for when I talk to my attorney today." Anyone who knows the sheriff knows this is total BS. Es Bien Pinche!

Former law enforcement said...

What Joe forgets? Is the reason he had to leave DPS? Joe runs for Sheriff only to pocket the political contributions that he does not report on his election report? Joe forgets about the pies and cakes that he would steal from the DPS office. He forgets that he is a "moocher" and does not like to pay for things? Joe forgets the vehicles that he hid behind the HPD when he was getting divorce? Joe lies to get someone to listen to him! Check his election report and I bet that he has ethics and criminal violations. Once a crook, always a crook!

Anonymous said...

Ryan Wolfe and Joe Cisneros: Each know their jobs..and why was Joe Cisneros FIRED FROM HIS POSITION AS A BALIFF??? bec. he was running for political office ag OMAR LUCIO..lawsuit?? Wrongful termination I say and as far as Omar..hey, dude go get some fishing done w ur grandchildren..or maybe u do go fishing on county time and w the new GPS MONITOR THE REYNA BOYS GAVE U...there are many, many eyes and ears inside the Carrizales Jail Facility and of course, cameras..Lucio just fired 3 more deputies for what..to take food off the table of their families and those CHILDREN...omar u like for ur children to go hungry and worry bec dad or mom doesn't have a job anymore..bec u say so?? WRONGFUL TERMINATION AGAIN AND AGAIN..CORRUPTION is a small word FOR FILTHY POLITICIANS THAT POCKET THE $ AND GO ON LUXURIOUS VACATIONS..LIMAS, SOLIS, VIALLOBOS..lists goes on and on..DEMENTIA it happens to the best of us...no matter what..

Anonymous said...

why is Lucio 78 yrs of age and still wants to be the head sheriff..time to retire dude..u are getting too old for that seat..oh, and yes, u have to read the paper to make a comment and ur English accent is beyond repair..as for ur mind..sign over a HIPPA form and let the public view and prove u do not have dementia..say what? huh? oh, the ears are going out as well..GPS here it is..:)
