Tuesday, May 15, 2012


By Juan Montoya

The unattributed leaflets appearing in Port Isabel that seek to paint a "Calavazita Enterpriza (?)" linking almost every Cameron County District Attorney candidate to convicted 404th District Court Judge Abel Limas and incited DA Armando Villalobos point to one culprit by omission – Carlos Masso.

(That's him on the right of Mando happily taking the port's cut of the $1 million with his former boss, you guessed it, indicted DA Villalobos.)

The hoja suelta distributed seeking to associate Masso's opponents with the Bad Men is titled, in a very lawyerly fashion, "Exhibit A."

In the unattributed missive passed out surreptitiously in that seacoast burg, just about everyone, Maria DeFord, Luis Saenz, and even Republican candidate Chuck Mattingly is taken to task for being "Villalobos Approved" while failing to mention that Masso himself was at one time appointed by the indicted DA to head the White Crime section of the prosecutor's office.

Labeling Villalobos and Limas as "compadres," it goes on to ask "Is there Compadrismo in Cameron County? You decide."

Now, we're no strangers to this type of guilt by association tactics by candidates, but never has it been so brazen and pointed to the only person not named by the writer of the propaganda. Of course, Gus Garza, a Republican isn't even mentioned, so apparently Masso doesn't see him as a potential threat to his candidacy.

But just as the illegal campaign leaflet has no political disclaimer, it would also be reasonable to ask whether only the three DA candidates named – DeFord, Saenz, and Mattingly – are the only local attorneys who have been contracted as special prosecutors. But that would probably defeat the purpose of the hoja, we imagine.

If Masso did not authorize the printing and surreptitious distribution of this missive, he might do himself a favor and distance himself from it and call on whoever is doing this to do him no favors.

Of course, he might say that as part of the conspiracy to make him look bad, someone might have done this just to cast suspicion upon his innocent self.

Yeah, right!


Anonymous said...

Masso gets lots of support from his mentor, Gilberto Hinojosa. So his claims against other candidates is much like the "pot calling the kettle black". Masso is just a corrupt as Villalobos, Hinojosa, Conrado Cantu, and Able Limas. To elect Masso to be DA would be a step backward for Cameron County. Masso is a DICK!

santos g. salinas Jr. said...

''Mandito'' Villalobos, don't worry about your indictment nor about losing your bit for congress, you'll always have a job at Valley Baptist Hospital as their gofer- you will be there, near them.They won't ''hover'' over you when it comes to making those ''difficult'' legal decisions.

Anonymous said...

He had them placed on every car in and around the Cameron County Courthouse, both side and front parking lots along with the Federal Courthouse lot yesterday as well (05/15/12). Desperate men have done worse but man this guy sure is showing his true colors.....wait...is slimy snake a color...???

Anonymous said...

Why do you assume Gus Garza is not the one who put this out? Neither Masso nor Garza are named. It could be both or either or even neither.

Former county employee said...

A little too convenient Carlos Masso?

Anonymous said...

What Masso also forgets is that as a criminal defense attorney, his largest clients were the 8-liners businesses, many owned by his family (coincidence), where he worked out special deals with Villalobos and the DA office on forfeitures, because he was an ex-ADA got special treatment much like Persons G, E and Eddie Lucio.....that $1 million check wasn't the last time Masso n Villalobos held money together!

Anonymous said...

Masso is as corrupt as the rest~ his family has connections to most of the eight liner arcades. Sorry asses who vote for him.

Abelardo Gomez running for Constable? Please, all his supporters hang out in the back room (arcade) of the restaurant on Paredes at Cameron Park.

Ghost of Besterio said...

Montoya, Masso looks very much like he is smiling in accepting that $1M check with Villalobos and that other guy. This is the pay back for stealing over $21M from the Port of Brownsville fiasco. Masso like Villalobos and the rest of the Port board accepted this money from Dannebaum Engineering, the ring leader in this scam. The same company that was represented by Colvin, Villalobos' attorney at this time! Puro chuecos aqui in Cameron County!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Montoya, do you have any pictures or video of Villalobos with Gilberto? The democrats in Austin are about to elect Gilberto to be the statewide Democratic chair they have no idea what has happened here. Gilberto must be telling them he didn't know Villalobos very well and wasn't a supporter.
