Tuesday, June 19, 2012


By Juan Montoya
We had heard from diverse sources that we were personas non grata in the ever evolving Cheezmeh cyber presence and wanted to see what kind of vile sin we had committed that we were so unceremoniously denied access to their site.
Sure enough, one of our cyber demons tried, and nothing.
We must admit that we never counted ourselves among Cheezmeh's cult of true believers, but we found their postings on adopting stray animals, finding apartments and a good place to buy gyros locally about as amusing as useful as an electronic Bargain Book.
The schmaltzy posts on "feel nice" and "profound" quotes to better the soul and self – a kind of cyber chicken soup for the soul – we could have done without.
That said, we are told that we join a cast (or is it outcasts?) of characters the likes of Jim and Nena Barton, most of the Firefighter Association and the Brownsville Unity Council of organized labor, Citizens Against Voter Abuse, Craig Grove, both Gilbert Vealsquezs (Jr. and Sr.), and a host (that was too glib, even for us) of other local souls who displeased the Lord and Master of the group.
Oh, well, we could do worse. We will not say we "are legion" but these are all nice enough people to be associated with, even if we may not necessarily agree with them on all issues. But who does?
Milton said: “Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.”
We've been thrown out of better places, and anyway, the conversation (free and unrestricted) is probably better.


Gloria Guerra said...

A mi en lo personal si me gusta esta cyber pagina, por k todos en general tenemos la oportunidad a la libre de expression, sin ser amonestados y ademas esta pagina nos informa de todo lo bueno y lo malo k pasa en nuestra comunidad, recuerden muy bien k esta pagina NO ES LA CULPABLE de nada de las cosas horrendas k si estan pasando en nuestra ciudad, esta pagina es solo un medio comunicativo y de informacion para nuestra sociedad, y tambien recuerden k este medio informativo NO OPINA, la misma gente de nuestra comunidad es la k proporciona la informacion al publico en general y ademas conparten con todos nosotros una opinion logica, yo sigo encantada al igual k muchos lectores k esta pagina si existe y a los k no les gusta es porque tienen muchas cosas k esconder y llevan un comportamiento inadecuado, quiero decirle al Sr. Juan Montoya y a todo su equipo en general k ustedes an elaborado un magnifico trabajo para todo el publico y sigan adelante con los reportajes k han proporcionado, a mi si me gusta su trabajo. felicidades!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It won't be the first place you've been thrown out of and it won't be they last. I seriously wonder if the both of you just laugh at all the shit you all post about one another although you post way more about Cheezmeh than Cheezmeh even mentions you. Your articles just add to his notoriety.

Jim Barton said...

Erasmo is not exactly a consensus builder. He hits the "eject" button at the first hint of disagreement, which is fine, unless you're an adult accustomed to having an opinion.

Anonymous said...

Cheezme is a perverted joke of a so called organization. It's run by an obese, jobless, classless, Austin resident who has been criminally charged with theft numerous times as well as charged with a sex crime with a minor.

Only in a city of zombie idiots like Brownsville could a man with this sordid background thrive. It is indeed a sad sad situation he and his vile sister are in.

Anonymous said...

We laugh at Erasmo and his dumb sister Linda not with them. It is hilarious how Erin and Carlos Masso actually are putting their WHOLE Campaign at the hands of these two idiots. Erasmo has sold them the victory of Jessica (Tyson) Tetrau and John (Coward)Villareal. People Voted Charlie Atkinson Out not because Cheezmeh said so. The Fly Frontera was NOT their idea. Jim Barton has A LOT of input in it. Erasmo was a coward as always and never showed up to the meetings and when he finally did he read a letter that not even he could understand. If it wasn't for his stupid pictures that were once considered entertaining he wouldn't have lasted this long, but he and his sister got greedy. They are nothing more than politiqueras. They are scum and stupid people and a Cult. FYI Brownsvile Cheezmeh keeps telling people he don't care about the posts but that he cares about. We write about the Town Idiot called Brownsville Cheezmeh and his Tranvestite Sister lindas

Anonymous said...

The fact that that fat, cheezy, bastard, can get anyone to follow him speaks volumes of the misguided youth, and the lost people of our community. Got Cheeze?! Yeah, under his five chins and between his.....DOH!

Anonymous said...

love the pic,

Anonymous said...

Here is a good one: Even thoughh Erasmo insists that he was never "convicted" of inappropriate contact with a minor in Mount Pleasant, Texas , there are actually idiots that ask references for child care and nannys on his site. GO FIGURE. How stupid can those cult followers be?

Anonymous said...

"expression, sin ser amonestados y ademas esta"


Gloria Guerra said...

Jajaja, ven k bonito es escuchar o leer la opinion de los demas de esta Ciudad? Esto es lo grandioso de esta Cyber pagina!!!! Tener libertad DE EXPRESION y sacar al aire la mayor parte de los trapitos rotos de la gente k forma parte del circulo social o politico!! jajaja es increible de todo lo que uno se entera en esta pagina!! Claro que aqui todos nos divertimos de las sonceras o realidades que uno lee.
