A Brownsville man charged with the murder of a Las Prietas resident is on the run today after an apparent mix-up in paperwork allowed him to walk away a free man from a Tennessee facility where he had been detained on drug charges, said Cameron County Chief Deputy Gus Reyna.
Randal Bolivar, 30, along with his brother Rodolfo Bolivar, 26, and Rolando Garza, 33, allegedly shot Aaron Castillo over a dispute about $500 that Castillo’s brother owed him back in February 2009.
"They just turned him loose," Reyna said of Randal Bolivar.
Bolivar was first arrested at the Sarita Checkpoint for possession of marijuana in October 2006. He was placed on five years probation beginning in February 2007. He violated the probation terms and traveled to Tennessee, where he was also arrested for possession of drugs.
A motion to revoke probation hearing in Kleberg County last year resulted in a 15-year prison sentence for Bolivar. How and why he was transferred to Tennessee is not clear yet.
Bolivar is the son of Brownsville activist Mary Rey, who last year had tried to recruit people to help her fund a defense for her son. Trials for the three suspects are pending.
Did Rick "the Dick" help him escape?
"Cameron County Chief Deputy Gus Reyna.
Randal Bolivar, 30, along with his brother Rodolfo Bolivar, 26, and Rolando Garza, 33, allegedly shot Aaron Castillo over a dispute about $500 that Castillo’s brother owed him back in February 2009.
"They just turned him loose," Reyna said of Randal Bolivar.
Isn't this the son of Mary Rey?
Gus Reyna trying to belittle the department. Who the hell is he? Remember your incident at WENDYs Mr. Reyna? When Brownsville P.D. tried to pull you over and you pulled into the restaurant, ran inside and tried to order something to eat? Mr. Reyna was soo intoxicated B.P.D. had to call family to come pick him and his county vehicle up. Werent you also "just cut loose" Mr. Reyna?
Boy that Mary Rey has clout.
Yes! They are Mary Ray's two sons but only one is on the run after an apparent mix-up(he still has a 15-year prison sentence).
Uhhhh that's what the article says......anon 10:24
To Anony, yes this is my son. If you want to know something else, please ask me. 956-579-9173.
To Juan Montoya:
1. I did not "try to recruit" any one, and you know it, but guess what? more truth is coming out regardles of what you write (paid for of course)to intimidate me.
2.Who paid you for this "article", is this all you, and the BISD corrupt $4 got?? I dare you all to answer if you have a pair, if not, I can lend you mine for a day!!! ;)
Mary Rey
Ha ha ha.... you don't know shit Juanito/Carlito, neither does the group you work for!
Any one with a pair?? If not, I can lend you mine for a day ;)
Mary Rey
To the person who wrote the June 9, @ 2:47 pm
Do you have the cojones to tell me this to my face?? I think not... but do not worry, there is help out there even for people like you. Hopefully some day, you would become the man you NOW CAN ONLY DREAM TO BE!!!
Mary Rey
Randy is a little wimp
Mary Rey is a fine lady and as it turns out, she convinced her son to turn himself in today. What else do you expect from a mother defending her son! And, yes, Mary has clout because she is not afraid to speak the truth and try to do something about what is wrong, including her own son.
As always, this blogger deletes my comments. You all have to remember, this blogger has a contract signed with the BISD corrupt $4, CQ, PL, among others. Do I blame him? No. We all have to eat!
Mary Rey,
I am so sorry that you are going through tough times right now. I speak as a mom and can only guess what you are going through. Maybe it is better that you not read the hateful comments that some people make in blogs.
Remember that every dog has its day and the haters WILL have theirs because KARMA is a bitch.
They won't be laughing for too long because GOD is just.
God bless you and your family and I send you healing thoughts of comfort.
To the June 9 @9:14
And you are a whore who bares not only her/his body to get laid, but her/his soul as well. Cocaine and Heroin can finish you...and it is going to...I don't have to do anything :)
Thanks Anony of June 10, @ 12:07 pm. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers!
What is not so nice, is for this blogger to flat out make out lies about me.
I have never done anything to hurt this person on the contrary, I fed him, and contributed an X ammount of money in Dec, 2010, so that his children would have a nice X mas during one of his many incarcerations (I have 4 witnesses to it) and this is how he pays me back? No problem! "Live and learn" Once again, do I blame him? No, he and his children have to eat!! He has to make a living.
As far as all the haters out there, I'm sure there are a few, but guess what? The person who is going to break me, has NOT been born yet. And that my friend, you can take it to the bank.
Intimidation does not work with me, I have already proven this.
Gracias a todos, buenos y malos comentarios porque de ellos aprendo.
Mary Rey
Family of drug trafficking murdering criminals plain and simple. Can't wait for this P.O.S. to fry. Didn't he run across a highway when trying to escape to Mexico and caused multiple accidents once again injuring innocent people. Fry Bolivar Fry.
To the gutless poster of 2:44
KARMA is a bitch anony....
To Mary Rey: Be strong. Do not let these evil people break your spirit. You are in our prayers.
Rudy and Randy love the white powder it was their undoing. Besides Rudy was gay. He likes men
Esa Ms Rey as if she were a saint her two son's son pinche murderers y drug dealers and she wants our pity fry those two pieces of shit. What about the victim. feel sorry for their families.
y ahora sale que Rudy era joto no wonder Ms. Rey gets alng with the other joto.
Ms Rey you a great fucking mom worry about your Children and forget about how big your cojones are they have not served you well yet. Drug dealers, murderers and losers. You have done well MAMA.
How does Ms. Rey find the energy to blog and act all macha? i would be on my hands and knees praying for the victims of these pathetic losers.
Always sucking up to our local Mother Teresa.
Parecen jotas.
anon at 8:50 pray for the victim who was killed by her two murderous sons. Pedazo de mierda she needs those cojones in her mouth to shut her the fuck up.
To the 11:08 AM And you, plus one of the currently sitting commish love it too. Right? :)
To the 2:52PM
No, we don't feel sorry for any of them...they do not deserve it...NONE of them.
To the 2:56 PM
And your mother??? She had you....so she dind't do very good either hu?
to the 8:19 PM
I got you where I wanted you...stupid.
To the 2:53 PM
"i would be on my hands and knees praying"
Yeah! I bet you would be, but not necessarily praying.... do you?
Are you upset because you will never ammount to anything? How is that my fault? Oh! well!
And with this I say BYE!
Randy and Rudy Bolivar have always been nothing but pieces of shit. Las Prietas lives
The 10:13 post : Well, they never lived in las prietas, but I guess you do, as you seem to know so much about 'em I 'm sure you were part of the group......
Aaron we miss you LP 4 LIFE
Say what you will, no one wins here.
Exactly! No one wins.
Randy Bolivar a true hero to look up 2 for all those fake wannabe drug dealers. You guys are a dime a dozen. You make me sick get a real f**cking job losers
Randy Bolivar is a true hero, my hero, and if any of you don't like it, go play with yourselves!! uyuyuy arriva Maclovio!!
Yes, Randall Bolivar is a HERO, y que putos??? Si no les gusta then go take a jump from the last floor of the Bahia mar!!!
A hero of shit
To the 11:41 AM
No, you are a piece of shit fucking drug addict. Keep it up, and see where it'll take you...
I find it interesting that Bolivar is a constant concern for this blogger. If Montoya is truly concerned about Mrs. Rey as a mother concerned for her son, then why put her family business on your blog? Do you seek to hurt her at every turn? Who fuels your need to display Mrs. Rey's heartache...? Dirty deeds done dirt cheap, so it appears. I remind everyone...Bolivar is innocent until proven guilty by a court of law and not by this blogger or its negative commentators. Justice will have its day. Until then, try to find a bit of compassion instead of sticking knives in the wound and twisting...that makes you no better than those you portray guilty without justice having its day.
Before you get bent out of shape over the victim's side, which has been taken into consideration already. Two mothers have lost three sons, one permanently lost; must you continue adding to their travesty? What purpose do your actions serve? None that are good, that is obvious.
To those cursing Mrs. Rey...idiots. Other's are watching your actions, reading your comments...don't think you are not observed while insisting on spewing half truths with innuendos, and for the most part pure cynical sensationalism aimed at titillating the dummy's of our community who fall for your lack luster blogs, hook, line and sinker...with one big gulp of gullible. Your motives are transparent to anyone with half a brain.
For all you Randy so callled supporters eat a dick
Well said. Two families have lost their sons, why continue to dig the knife a little deeper with each hurtful comment? I can not even imagine what it is like for the Castillo or Rey family. No one wins here.
@ Tere
Wow you drank the koolaid...LAMBISCONA!!!!!!
No one wins here. Everyone loses.
As for the 10:50 comentor, you are pathetic! For someone who is a sitting official, or trying to run for public office, you are pretty pathetic!
Both families lost sons but sadly the Castillo family visits their son at his grave! Why should we feel sorry for the Bolivar/Rey family? An eye for an eye!
Supply for demand.So both are guilty if you ask me, some of the family members who lost the son, were/are very heavy users of crack....Hello? I know, they live just a few houses down and the brother is, or was in jail recently for car theft, burglary of habitation , agravated assault etc.
So what's up with that Hu?
I know Rudy very well. It hurts what he is going through. I grew up with him and we had some good memories. There were 5 in our group and we were tight. One thing I could say is that Rudy would give you the shirt off his back for anybody. I could go on and on about him as an individual and yet some of you might still degrade him. Go on. I just found out about this a couple of days ago. I know the prison he truly is and will do everything I can to make sure others know how kind hearted he truly is. I am going to do what I can financially to make sure he gets the bat defense team.
"Hard Times"
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