By Juan Montoya
Now, after we have all voted in the recent primaries, the facts are coming out about some of the people who were voted into office.
Had the people known the sordid acts that were perpetrated in the local courts – including the 404th under Abel Limas – we ould venture to say that some of them would not have been voted in.

Take Texas State Rep. Rene Oliveira, for example. There had been plenty of eyewitness accounts of Oliveira's bon vivant ways and his womanizing under the heavy influence of spirits. People had pictures of him in an inebriated state. A car under his name collided with another car on the frontage road and was charged with DUI and failure to maintain financial responsibility (no insurance).
Yet, all this was ignored by the local media and Rene was given a free pass. His hiring of former Brownsville Herald reporter/editor Melissa Zamora (now a city commissioner) doubtless helped the paper turn a blind eye to his escapades.
But now we learn during the trial of attorney Ray Marchan that Rene was also asking favors to cover up for his legal deficiencies. In one case covered in the trial by the local daily's Emma Perez-Treviño, we learn that attorney Randall Crane had him "by the balls" and begged Limas to "pretend" not to know when an underling would ask for a continuance in the case.
Crane was also asking Limas to sanction Marchan for not submitting his paperwork on time on a different case, as was Oliveira.
Limas, at the time, told Oliveira that he did not sanction attorneys.
So the question now becomes: If Limas in practice did not sanction attorneys, why is he providing the federal government with testimony alleging that Marchan paid him a $5,000 bribe not to sanction him?
Marchan, and just about every other attorney who practiced in his court, said he had loaned the money to Limas, who was in constant penury and asking for financial help. Most of the time, he would be in dire financial straits after a trip to Las Vegas with wife and son in tow.
Oliveira, for his part, knew Crane had him dead to rights in the case and said he had "to buy more time," or else the firm would lose the client.
Oliveira said Crane had "caught him with his pants down to his knees," said to be a common occurrence with him by those who know him. He would need, he told Limas, "a big, big favor."
Limas obliged and granted Oliveira the continuance, albeit, he never men
tioned what the quid pro quo would be. Would it be Oliveira's political support or perhaps a favor along his troubled way?

How believable is Limas (and by extension, the federal government's case against others)?
Marchan's defense attorneys pointed out that during the first interviews he had with the federal government prosecutors, he had said the $5,000 Marchan gave him drawn up on a check from his personal account was a loan. But a few sessions later, he said that the government allowed him to hear some recorded conversations and realized he "was hung."
Now it appears that defense attorneys have also heard the tape recordings Limas had with numerous defendants and non-attorneys and are drawing a very different conclusion than did the government.
Too bad the voters didn't know this before May 29 when they voted Oliveira in for another two years to make it a 30-year career in the Texas Legislature. The same goes for Arturo Nelson, who in previous court sessions was heard on a tape recording saying he "understood" he should play dumb and issue a ruling favoring a friend of Limas who would appear in his court.
We'll have him around for another four years.
Thanks for nothing U.S. Government prosecutors.
Montoya, this only proves that the laws in this State or country are to protect lawyers and only lawyers in the long run. The testimony about Oliviera also proves his lack of representation to the people that were DUMB enough to vote him into office. With all the skeletons that this worthless elected official had, those who voted should be ashame of themselves. Those who DID not vote for him, knew better. In my opinion, Marchan is guilty based on just this presentation by the prosecutors. The defense has only brought out about others who should have been indicted also and maybe in the future? As far as Nelson, it sounds like he just gave in to Limas because at the time was a big pain in the ass about it? If Nelson had suspected something then he should have mentioned it to someone? We'll really never know other than what attested in court? To the Feds, don't stop. Its time to get rid of the corruption and clean Cameron County!!!
a broken school district can be taken over by TEA.
a broken jail can be taken over by the STATE OF TEXAS JAIL COMMISSION.
a bankrupt city can be taken over by the FEDERAL GOVT OR STATE OF TEXAS.
why not the district courts after hearing what is being done by a few judges ?
I hear there are more indictments,,,,,
A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,,,,
(pio pio pio)
To stay outa prison, this bitch would most probably sell out his own family. His dad must be turning over in his grave. SAAAAD!
All of this was well known before the elections. The "Herald" ignored it and they should share any blame. The "Herald" has consistently ignored allegations that Rene Oliviers is a slug and have consitently failed to report on his womanizing, and other nefarious actions. Rene is a slug. The "Herald" is beneficial only to cover the bottom of bird cages.
Oliveira..........another shady ass Linebarger employee. What a surprise.
Nobody is stuck with these crooks unless they continue to be knee jerk Democrats.
(The "Herald" is beneficial only to cover the bottom of bird cages.)
I was gonna add "and to wipe my ass with", but naaaa! Not in this day and age.
Rene is a worthless piece of shit. He has done NOTHING to benefit our community in 28+ years. I don't care about his womanizing, his whoring, his drinking. I only care about the fact that he has been utterly worthless as a so-called "representative."
Pío Pío Pío ???? Who understands you people! First you say ALL public officials that YOU voted for, are corrupted and that You want all the truth to come out and that the Government should investigate! And when they give you what you want the names and information of the wrong doers you call it Pio Pio??? Hahaha ok then let's all CONTINUE to keep out eyes and mouth shut, because now any answer to the INVESTIGATING agency and the COMMUNITY is considered Pio Pio. If you don't want to know something don't demand answers you can not handle. To all the people that rejoice in the "disgrace" of the families going through this, you all probably have no love in your hearts for your own families. You may think you do and that is fine, as those who really have a love in their hearts do not rejoice in the faults of other, but instead pray for God to give them strength and that this dark moment works as a lesson of life to make them better each day.... Pio Pio?????
Do you even know who fathered you???? Apparently not as you have no respect for someone else's father especially when they are not in this world anymore.... You are SAAAAD!
Quacha nothing more and nothing less, scunbag slease has done nothing fo rthr district in the last 28 years, except he has been living off the high life and enjoying himself, Maybe dominguez should run as write in candiadte in November against this bum. make him work twice, perfectly legal
I did not vote for him even though the company he hired kept writing my friends and family we ask that you for vote for blah, blah, blah. He has been in office too long . My business is vetoing this company and will never order trinkets from them again. When u r publicly for certain candidstes then you are against all the others. This company made it clear they were.against all the others..elite my a-- like if being a drunk qualifies you to be a political analyst..
These guys have not been relected, but won the Democrat primary. Folks can still vote Republican and send them packing.
I note Limas named four other Judges as "crooked" in his testimony yesterday. I wonder if the votes of Cameron County have the cajones to clean house?
City of Brownsville, City of San Benito, Cities Harlingen, La Feria, Santa Rosa, Primera, SPI, PI and County Commissioners .... where are you now .. you give bullshit awards and special mention every damm (week) time you meet to praise someone and your devoted employees . . . . .
NOW LET US HEAR YOU ALSO CONDEM, embarrasse, call for special help from Gov Perry, the US Civil Rights Commission over the corruption by a few Judges at the County . . .
you were elected by the VOTERS TO REPRESENT .. SO GET OFF YOUR ASS AND AS AN ELECTED OFFICIAL .... say something in the form of a resolution or you all silent because you also have something to hide ....
Montoya your earlier story about how the Feds are controlling and meddling in local politics rings even truer upon hearing the testimony. I do not condone corruption, in fact I'm glad they are cleaning house. But it's certainly suspicious that the feds have handpicked certain candidates to derail and not others. Their timing of the Villalobos indictment couldn't have been more perfectly obvious. Yet, they allow X-Ray Panty Vision Oliveira to continue to put the screw-job to the people of South Texas. The Feds are just as corrupt and, unfortunately, no one can investigate them. Certainly, if you were allowed to dig in their house you would find some skeletons. I guess we the people have no choice but to continue to be controlled and meddled with by others who are just as politically motivated as the Oliveira's of the world! "Thanks for nothing U.S. Government prosecutors."
Texas judges may be removed in one of four ways:
The state commission on judicial conduct investigates, and if warranted, prosecutes allegations of misconduct by Texas judges.
Upon a commission recommendation of removal or retirement, the supreme court selects a review tribunal from among court of appeals judges to verify the findings and enter a judgment.
Judges may appeal decisions of the review tribunal to the supreme court.
Judges may be removed by the governor on the address of two thirds of the house and senate.
Judges may be impeached by the house of representatives and removed by two thirds of the senate.
The supreme court may remove district court judges from office.
@June 10, 2012 @ 3:31 P.M.,
The persons that put themselves in this position should be the ones who have to explain to their families why they got "greedy" and thus the end result? I feel for the families but did the accuser even consider what their families were going to go through when they decided to cross that line and take money, gifts or favors? I have been and was in that position where someone "a crook" to offer me money, gifts or favors for me to cross that line? I chose not to because of MY family!!! Its that simple? So, don't beat that drum and criticize bloggers that write their opinion about OUR elected officials. When you run for office and get elected, you open yourself to criticism. We voted for them to represent US and follow and obey the law for WE trusted them to supposedly represent us? Shame on them for putting their families through this!!!
(anymore.... You are SAAAAD!)
Have you considered suicide? I mean, give the rest of us a break. LOL!!!
(have you considered suicide) June 10,2012 2:14pm
Have you considered giving ANYONE a break? why should you believe "the rest of us" should be afforded one, including yourself and us all?
Practice your own advice or gag urself instead. oh and don't reproduce. Idiot.
@ June 10, 2012 2:14 pm
You are the one that not should only consider it but actually do it... I really hope your wish is granted and you get a break, but in your nose or neck!!!! HAHAHA
@ former county employee.... I agree with you in that we are responsible for our actions wich will hurt our families. You are right, I agree! I never have said other wise, if you go back and read. And the message was not for you, as you say you are a good person. But you tell me not to criticize others yet you criticize my opinions? Not fighting here, just thought it was a little contradicting.
@ "I wonder if the votes of Cameron County have the cajones to clean house?"
Again? Let's get it clear people cajones means drawers, as in dresser drawers. Cojones are balls, as in my hairy sweaty balls.
Personally I do not use the cojones term, I use "huevos" as in "pelame los huevos puto".
Mr. Border Speak
There is no reason to speculate whether or not Marchan's "loan" was or was not a bribe. The FBI recordings prove this fact without a shadow of a doubt.
Limas initially told the FBI it was a loan, but didn't know about the tapped phones. The phone recordings incriminate Marchan and Limas in this matter.
@June 10, 2012 at 10::42 P.M.
Ok, I agree with that.
(Practice your own advice or gag urself instead. oh and don't reproduce. Idiot.)
Buahahahahaha! Mejor MATATE PENDEJO!
@ June 11, 2012 2:58 PM
(Buahahahahaha! Mejor MATATE PENDEJO!)
So after all this, do all these corrupt lawyers get to keep their law license?? They should all be disbarred. A laywer is an "officer of the court". Just like all other law officers they are held to a higher standard. What happens to a police officer who is crooked and takes bribes and does not arrest his friends who violate the law?? They get fired!! How do you fire a crooked corrupt laywer?? You take away his license to practice. Let's wait and see what the Texas Bar Association is going to do about it. My guess....NADA.
Cajones, cojones, Hahaha! You are funny!
Alex dominguez does us all a favor and run as a write in write in write in write in write in against this slug, pig, manure of a so called state rep, write in write in write in write in it is perfectly legal for you to run as a write in candidate
jajajaja valla valla valla, no cabe duda k estos pendejos son mas corruptos k la abuela de Tarzan, deberian hacerle una limpia completa a todos estos mendigos funcionarios y una investigacion A TODOS SIN EXCEPCION, y veran k saldran mas trapitos al aire, y les voy a poner un ejemplo, en Mexico ya callo Tomas Yarrington Rubalcaba DESPUES DE 25 anos de ver sido presidente en Matamoros, y ya le confiscaron todo ese si supo trabajar y hacer chingos de pacas de dinero y ya lo pescaron, nada k ver como estos PENDEJOS DE AQUI DE EU k se conforman con miserias y aceptan migajas de lana tal y como los perros k estan bien muertos de hambre, estos merecen estar encerrados por pendejos y por verse conformado con migajas ya k muchos de los casos eran de gentes traficantes, K LOS ENCIERREN X PENDEJOS Y X PENDEJOS JAJAJAJ ESE ES SU LUGAR, Y ASI COMO ESOS HAY MAS EN LA LISTA
Awwww he looks so cute all dressed as a bird, I DEMAND AND WANT HIS AUTOGRAPGH, was he really that fast in taking money, that he became an inocent birdie? you guys leave the birdie alone.
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