Tuesday, June 26, 2012


By Juan Montoya

It ain't the fat lady that you hear when you pass by the federal courthouse in Brownsville.
Insiders say that in view of his seven-count racketeering and bribing conviction related to the Abel Limas judicial corruption investigation, the virtuoso voice you may hear singing is that of Port Isabel attorney Ray Marchan.
Marchan, who fought the federal government's charges that he paid Limas kickbacks and bribes for appointments to lucrative cases, is the first defendant in the federal slate who fought the prosecution aggressively, but now – facing a long time in prison – is moving quickly to make points (literally) with the federal government.
During Marchan's trial, tantalizing glimpses into the scope of the government's judicial corruption probe were given the public when the names of a handful of Cameron County judges and prosecutors, including DA Armando Villalobos, came up in testimony and cross-examination by the defense. Federal Judge Andrew Hanen limited the questioning of the witnesses when they strayed away from the case before them against Marchan.
However, while on the stand, Limas did implicate some prominent jurists.
Already, his testimony is known to include several district judges who he said committed unspeakable "crooked" and unethical acts. Limas, in his attempt to save his skin, his wife's, and his son's freedom, has spilled his guts to the federal government.
Those judges – 138th District Judge Arturo C. Nelson, 444th District Judge David Sanchez, 357th District Judge Leonel Alejandro and 404th District Judge Elia Cornejo-Lopez – can only guess what's contained in the dossier folders waved by federal prosecutors before the jury that convicted Marchan, except that Limas claims the allegations contained therein are true.
Already, Nelson has disputed Limas' version of the events leading to his name being linked to the alleged corruption and a former Asst. DA (Doug Pettit) also claims he was unaware that he was being drafted to be part of a Limas-Marchan scheme to generate ad litem fees for him and Marchan. Whether other evidence linking Nelson ad Pettit to the probe is in the hands of the feds is not known.
And now that Marchan can almost hear the clanging of the prison cell doors behind him on the way out of the Rio Grande Valley, whose head will he seek to deliver to the government is anyone's guess.


Anonymous said...

Oh please Nelson, to say you were only helping out a fellow judge ! !

the jig is now up and you better know the FBI and Prosecutor already got some files started ! !

why didn't you report the activity instead of waiting to see if your fellow judge would keep quiet on you ? ?

now you act surprised ? probably the same surprised look judge limas gave to the FBI when they told him they got him on phone call after phone call .....

surprise surprise . . . . lucyyyy we got to talk . . . . .

FBI keep up the good work and thanks for the letter . . . . . "PERSON N"

get ready for what comes out in the other cases next month . . . july ! !

forget the movies . . . we still need to hear about the sexxxxx in the corruption . . . .

Anonymous said...

How can he deliver anybody's head to the Feds? He is an innocent victim of the power Angle racists, toward the downtrodden brown man, or so I have been told.

Anonymous said...

"Downtrodden brown man"...what crap. The corrupt Cameron County judicial system is made up of Hispanic lawyers and judges and other elected Hispanic elected officials who were elected by a Hispanic majority. The Hispanic judge and lawyer convicted so far have surely been singing to save their brown butts. The one name that I hope is on the investigation list is Aurora de la Garza....her office was responsible for setting court in these corrupt courts and she is surely complicit with them and the DA in all judicial corruption. It is time for Aurora to be indicted.

Anonymous said...

Montoya, someone needs to re-edit the copy.


Anonymous said...

Edit? We don't need on stinking edit!

Anonymous said...

Montoya you keep talking about singing? Do you see all this comming out as a bad thing? Are you covering for some one that has been named or what???? I see all this information comming out as a good thing not as singing. Either it is all or none! The FBI is working hard to deliver answers and now you want the investigation to stop and for those that can answer all the questions to stay quiet?

Anonymous said...

Lol, just leave the bird keep singing, other wise you will scare it away!!! and the birdie wont sing no more!!!!! we all like it when the birds sing....

Gloria Guerra said...

Lol, OMG!!! who in the world is this talking about the FBI??? its all a bunch of non-sence, the FBI will never release information to ANYONE!!! (not even family to members) due that its all confidential and also for their investigations not to be interrupted by people like the one talking about files and investigations, what a dumb person for speaking like this, its only obvious that this person doesnt know how special government forces work, that first article just makes everyone laugh, get a grip and relax cuz I believe you have seen to many ACTION MOVIES OF FEDS DOING INVESTIGATIONS JAJAJA

Gloria Guerra said...

lol, al pajaro este le faltan hagallas, se ve muy pinchurriento!!! y tal ves asta muy falso el condenado!! por favor ponganle unos TEQUILAS Y UNAS CANCIONES RANCHERAS, y veran k el mendigo pajaro va a cantar mucho mas!!!! esa es mi estrategia cuando yo quiero k un pajaro cante..le compro el mejor tequila y el mendigo suelta toda la sopa al instante que le pega el aire!!! es mas yo me quiero encargar de ese pajarraco y yo lo convertire en un JILGUERO JAJAJJAJA
