Guess who picked up an election package to the board of the Brownsville Independent School District and is announcing that he is ready to take on board member Catalina Presas-Garcia, the same Catalina that threw him off the board four short years ago?
Would you believe Otis powers?
Otis Powers, whose in-laws and relatives such as his wife Sandra Powers (Special Services, Asst. Adm. - $102,885), Mary F. Atkinson Tolman (Special Programs-$103,505), and Sylvia Atkinson (Asst. Sup. for Curriculum & Instruction-$113,004) now occupy well-paid positions in the district. And let's not forget former city commissioner Charlie Atkinson, who was placed in a coaching position at Faulk Middle School while his sister Sylvia served as the Asst. Superintendent for Human Resources.
In this election in November, four sets on the board will be up for grabs.
Besides Presas-Garcia, Minerva Peña, Rolando Aguilar and Joe Colunga are up for reelection.
None of the members whose seats are coming up for renewal has announced one way or the other if they will run. But already some of the names mentioned who will run besides Powers include, Jose Chirinos, Rachel Ayala, and Victor Caballero, former principal of Garden Park Elementary.
Chirinos and Ayala are compadres, so we might expect them to run as a ticket. Chirinos is the former director of Transportation before he was shunted off to curriculum and was drawing a cool $113,004 a year. Ayala was the former Asst. Super. for Educational Services (at $100,000-plus).
Powers, who fell before Presas-Garcia last time partly as a result of the electorate's distaste for electing board members who hold top-paying positions in the district, is also embroiled in a federal lawsuit involving the manipulation of the BISD grievance process in the case of Tony Juarez, the district's former Chief Financial Officer.
In that case, federal judge Andrew Hanen allowed the introduction of a tape-recording where Powers is urging Juarez to file a grievance against former Superintendent Hector Gonzales to give the board majority the justification to fire him.
At the time, Powers was not on the board but had a continuing relationship with the sitting board member on the majority (Rick Zayas, Ruben Cortez, Rolando Aguilar, and Joe Colunga). Partly as a result of that taped conversation, the judge said there was enough evidence to indicate that a conspiracy existed to deprive Juarez of his constitutional rights.
In the tape recording Juarez took to the FBI, Powers is quoted as saying: "So…you gotta, you gotta, I…I…"I’d file a grievance...Your grievance is against Hector Gonzales and the board is gonna love you for that."
Is Otis ready to be confronted over that continuing episode?

In this election in November, four sets on the board will be up for grabs.
Besides Presas-Garcia, Minerva Peña, Rolando Aguilar and Joe Colunga are up for reelection.
None of the members whose seats are coming up for renewal has announced one way or the other if they will run. But already some of the names mentioned who will run besides Powers include, Jose Chirinos, Rachel Ayala, and Victor Caballero, former principal of Garden Park Elementary.
Chirinos and Ayala are compadres, so we might expect them to run as a ticket. Chirinos is the former director of Transportation before he was shunted off to curriculum and was drawing a cool $113,004 a year. Ayala was the former Asst. Super. for Educational Services (at $100,000-plus).
Powers, who fell before Presas-Garcia last time partly as a result of the electorate's distaste for electing board members who hold top-paying positions in the district, is also embroiled in a federal lawsuit involving the manipulation of the BISD grievance process in the case of Tony Juarez, the district's former Chief Financial Officer.
In that case, federal judge Andrew Hanen allowed the introduction of a tape-recording where Powers is urging Juarez to file a grievance against former Superintendent Hector Gonzales to give the board majority the justification to fire him.
At the time, Powers was not on the board but had a continuing relationship with the sitting board member on the majority (Rick Zayas, Ruben Cortez, Rolando Aguilar, and Joe Colunga). Partly as a result of that taped conversation, the judge said there was enough evidence to indicate that a conspiracy existed to deprive Juarez of his constitutional rights.
In the tape recording Juarez took to the FBI, Powers is quoted as saying: "So…you gotta, you gotta, I…I…"I’d file a grievance...Your grievance is against Hector Gonzales and the board is gonna love you for that."
Is Otis ready to be confronted over that continuing episode?
As attorney Neto Gamez would say,...WOAAOW!!!
Vengeance is the punishment inflicted in return for an offense, filled with a desire for revenge. Vindication is a better word, and it seems to me that those named as possible candidates for board chairs are those who are filled with personal vengeance. Is this what we want on our school board? Agenda items indicate the major interests of the board, and if we count those related to educational programs and services, we can count them on one hand, but when it comes to bids and awarding contracts, you need a centipede to count on their legs. Let's study the candidates that do dare to run and serve before we color in that oval on the ballot. Children, programs, teachers - programs related to them, should be the major issues. Forget personal vengeance. Joe, Lucy, Caty, Christy are all out to settle pass scores, or correct me if I am wrong.
If there is a tape recording why is OP not in jail or been indicted. I hear people talking about this tape but no one ever seems to have heard it.
Wow....Otis is related to Charlie Atkinson????? That clan seems have taken over BISD, sort of like Aurora de la Garza's family members have corrupted the County Court House. Otis, like Charlie was behind the door when brains were handed out. Nepotism is rampant here....
No CACA, he wants his ass whipped. LOL
It a family affair and they want to keep it that way. More money to the fire of this family.
What happen to professional reporting? Mr. Powers have not been on the board for four years. The hiring of Dr. Atkinson and Charlie Atkinson was approved by Cadillac Caty Presas-Garcia with majority. If Mr. Powers won the election in 2010, by board policy they would not be working for BISD. Let’s call a spade a spade. Mr. Powers were on the team that won the Broad Prize and CUBE award for Urban School Board Excellence in October 2008. The last four years has been firings, reassignment, travel abuse, individual lawsuits and the list goes on, on, on. No More and SAVE BISD. Enough is enough!!!
L. Lucio
Soooooooo, is this why they moved Sylvia down? This allowed for Sandra to be made asst to special services without blaming Sylvia, and giving Otis the opportunity to run for the board since all the family now has a secure and well paying job with the district, including Charlie. But I understand that Otis and the Perez-Atkinson family are not very friendly to each other, or so Otis recounts! Oh and don't forget Mary Tolman's husband who also holds an administrative job in the district. Que desmadre!!!!
such venom with out knowing the facts. The Atkinson's have been in education since the 1990's. That's over almost 20 years of service to our community. To think that all of sudden they are getting something for nothing is completely insane. Beside the years of service and continuing education that includes MEd degrees, they have helped countless students succeed. Hard work and dedication should stand for something.
He also ran and lost just two years ago in the election that was after Presas Garcia defeated him four years ago. Before that he was voted out of office when he publicly scoffed at a state comptrollers audit suggestions for better financial management of the school district. In fact, he has been defeated by the voters more times than he has been elected. He's run 5 times and was defeated three of those -- including the last 2 times he ran. You have to wonder if Otis's day is done, if the voters want to move forward rather than return to the troubled past of Otis's and others time on the school board.
Payback is all people that are running are concerned with.
Well let the circus begin!!!!
I will support ANYONE who runs against Caty Garcia.
Juan posted it repeatly. Surprised you didn't hear it, Otis.
It so.
Only a bunch of looser will name and post as anonymous.
We note that no coverage has been given to the public meeting on the new bridge to SPI. Especially noteworthy was the presence of John Wood....apparently taking down hundreds of thousands of dollars of tax dollars. While locasl pundits slammed the bridge as not worth the money....John Wood is apparently the winner here....big bucks for nothing. John is a Dumbokratic Party pimp and is being paid off for his loyalty to Gliberton Hinojosa and the party of corruption. One thing we know about John Wood....all decisions take time and time is money in his pocket. John Wood should be audited.....along with others.
You are wrong current Board
Members are doing the job other
Board Members had not been able
To do or focus on.. The focus on some
Of our current members is balanced budget
And Education no self interest...
Never had we seen the change for the better..
Go for it OP....YeeeHaaa!!!
Anonymous said...
Only a bunch of looser will name and post as anonymous.
July 19, 2012 12:12 PM
So, why didn't you post your name..LOOOOSERRRR!!!!
@anonymous 9:15 a.m.: the Atkinsons have provided service only to themselves! Mary and Sylvia, in particular, are two of the most despised "educators" in the district, by students and faculty alike. They have advanced degrees in bullying!
I hear Rick "D'Dick" Zayas wants to also run to settle old scores and prove to the world that he didn't have anything to do with melting down the school district while he was in office with his Compadre, Ruben "Sasquatch" Cortez. And don't count out the fact that if Cortez looses this coming run-off to Celeste Sanchez, that he too will run for BISD Trustte along with his,I mean, compadre, Zayas.
We have "Los Tigres del Norte", "Los Tigres de Sonora", now I hear that we might have "Los Putos de Brownsville" trying to put a PAC (political action committee) together in hopes that they may overthrow and control the current board and administration at BISD this coming November. Can anyone tell me who these “Putos” are? I think I can guess who they might be!!!
(It so.
For those of you doubting that the above was Otis Powers, guess again. He is that illiterate. By all rights, that boy shouldn't be anywhere near a school district or any of its students.
I have no scores to settle & seek no vengance. I have picked up my packet & filed my appointment of campaign treasurer as required by law. I only seek the best education possible for my 3 grandchildren & other students of the district. I am a retired teacher from Porter High School w/22 yrs experience w/BISD>I have a BBA & MBA degrees & can contribute significant financial expertise to the board which it greatly needs. I taught (I am certified in 3 areas) economics, special education, & mathematics for the district. When Porter had the lowest math scores in Brownsville I stepped to the plate & went from sp. ed. to math to raise the scores at the same time otherv teachers were applying for transfers & going to other districts. I anm known for 1 thing. Get it done!! and I got it done. I am going to make a serious bid to be on the board. Don't ignore me. Donald Clupper
I have no scores to settle, seek no vengance,& only want the district to provide the best education possible for my grandchildren & the other students of the district. I am a retired teacher from Porter High School who has picked up his packet & filed my appointment of treasurer as required by law. I have 22 yrs. experience w/BISD,and have a BBA degree & MBA degree & can supply needed expertise & finaqncial knowledge to the board. Don't ignore me I am going to make a serious bid in this race. Donald Clupper
I am certain that anyone who runs for the board is going to have his or her name dragged through the mud, and even if Bishop Flores ran, someone would find fault or something hiding in his closet. That is why so many who would do well as a committed to children board member says out of the race. It is not worth the money that is spent on campaigning nor having your name or your family draffed through the mud. Look at what has happened to Erin. There is no perfect person, and until there is, we must settle for the lesser of two evils. Show me a citizen who would risk all this. What a shame!
To whoever posted that the atkinson/ powers/ tolman have over 20 years of experience...keep in mind that no one can really stand the atkinson/ powers/ tolman. It doesn't matter how much experience they have, they are the scum of BISD. They have slithered their way into power. Cuz let's face it....anyone can become an administrator at BISD. I pray that one day BISD will purge itself of such sycophantic imposters who are only looking out for themselves and not the children of BISD...SIGNED...future administrator of BISD
Everyone get a grip and do something useful. Stop being such cry babies...............
Lol, how stupid can many of you be? some of this people have invested alot of their time for the community and this city, some of this people have helped people with many needs, some of this people have the position in society because they HAVE EARNED IT, now why alot of you people getting mad and bitching? recuerden que lo que uno siembra eso cosechamos, ahh... o lo que tal vez pasa es que muchos estan enojados por que los olgazanes y pendejos de sus amigos y familiares no se les a tomado encuenta??? Y los Atkisons LES LLEVAN MUCHA VENTAJA EN CUESTIONES TANTO COMO DE DINERO Y PREPARACION Y DEDICACION A NUESTRA CIUDAD.and to the ignorant that posted the comment about the daughters to be promoted fast...well in this life you have to EARN A PLACE IN SOCIETY, YOU HAVE TO EARN A PLACE IN LIFE, YOU AND I HAVE TO WORK FOR EVERYTHING WE WANT!!! SOLAMENTE QUE TENGAS MUCHISIMO DINERO ENTONCES EL DINERO HABLA Y COMPRA TODO LO QUE UNO QUIERE EN LA VIDA.
Is Linda D. from cheezmeh an old whore or does she likes to look like one? Any one know?
Incorrect spelling of "loser". Most often used by teens and adults with límited English grammmar knowledge.
The opposite of "tighter,"; more loose; less restrained. Often confused with "loser," a word describing a person that has lost in a bid for something or that no one likes.
Unless one has palanca, to deny that es ser pendejo; sin tranza, no avanza.
Al que le quede el saco.
Unless one has palanca, to deny that es ser pendejo:
Sin Tranza, no avanza.
Anonymous said...
Lol, how stupid can many of you be? some of this people have invested alot of their time for the community and this city, some of this people have helped people with many needs, some of this people have the position in society because they HAVE EARNED IT, now why alot of you people getting mad and bitching? recuerden que lo que uno siembra eso cosechamos, ahh... o lo que tal vez pasa es que muchos estan enojados por que los olgazanes y pendejos de sus amigos y familiares no se les a tomado encuenta??? Y los Atkisons LES LLEVAN MUCHA VENTAJA EN CUESTIONES TANTO COMO DE DINERO Y PREPARACION Y DEDICACION A NUESTRA CIUDAD.and to the ignorant that posted the comment about the daughters to be promoted fast...well in this life you have to EARN A PLACE IN SOCIETY, YOU HAVE TO EARN A PLACE IN LIFE, YOU AND I HAVE TO WORK FOR EVERYTHING WE WANT!!! SOLAMENTE QUE TENGAS MUCHISIMO DINERO ENTONCES EL DINERO HABLA Y COMPRA TODO LO QUE UNO QUIERE EN LA VIDA.
July 21,
Al que le quede el saco.
Unless one has palanca, to deny that es ser pendejo:
Sin Tranza, no avanza.
Anonymous said...
olgazanes y pendejos de sus amigos y familiares no se les a tomado encuenta??? Y los Atkisons LES LLEVAN MUCHA VENTAJA EN CUESTIONES TANTO COMO DE DINERO Y PREPARACION Y DEDICACION A NUESTRA CIUDAD.and to the ignorant that posted the comment about the daughters to be promoted fast...well in this life you have to EARN A PLACE IN SOCIETY, YOU HAVE TO EARN A PLACE IN LIFE, YOU AND I HAVE TO WORK FOR EVERYTHING WE WANT!!! SOLAMENTE QUE TENGAS MUCHISIMO DINERO ENTONCES EL DINERO HABLA Y COMPRA TODO LO QUE UNO QUIERE EN LA VIDA.
Yes! there are other daughters that are prepared AND DO NOT GET A CHANCE LIKE THE AKINSON/POWER/AYALA?
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