You won't need seismic crew or vibrator trucks to find the oil deposits in plain sight in downtown Brownsville.
Just head over to the municipal parking lot on the corner of Washington and 10th Street and there you will be able to see that it is piled in chunks.

The literature tell us that the ancient Sumerians, Assyrians and Babylonians used crude oil and asphalt ("pitch") collected from large seeps at Tuttul (modern-day Hit) on the Euphrates River. A seep is a place on the ground where the oil leaks up from below ground.
The ancient Egyptians, on the other hand, used liquid oil as a medicine for wounds, and oil has been used in lamps to provide light.In Brownsville, where we do things a little differently,it comes from above.

With Brownsville easily the hands-down victor in any contest for Pothole City USA, we're sure that Charlie Cabler and his handy stable of well-paid assistants could put the accumulated deposits seeping from old motors into the asphalt parking lot to good use.
Think of it as recycling, a practice that some on the city commission have taken to heart. We recycle politicians, clothing, tires, etc. So, why not recycle the ample quantities of burnt oil that is accumulating on our own city parking lots? It's a no-brainer!
Forget about cigarette butts and chewing gum. Think oil, Rose. If you multiply one municipal parking lot times (how many do we have?), think of the barrels of oil we could recycle.
The British Columbia Used Oil Management Association estimates that one a single drop of used motor oil
can contaminate a million drops of water. Now can you imagine how much water is drained off from our oil deposits on the one parking lot and into the Rio Grande, Laguna Madre, Gulf of Mexico, etc.?
One of the biggest peeves that former PUB Chairman Robert Sanchez (Capt. Bob) had while on the board was the number of clunkers on Brownsville streets leaking oil that eventually ended up in the resacas. Well, we would think the Healthy Communities and Wellness bunch would jump allover this issue and leave the gum chewers and smokers alone now that they have been relegated to the outside fringes of our living spaces.
The British Columbia Used Oil Management Association estimates that one a single drop of used motor oil
can contaminate a million drops of water. Now can you imagine how much water is drained off from our oil deposits on the one parking lot and into the Rio Grande, Laguna Madre, Gulf of Mexico, etc.?
One of the biggest peeves that former PUB Chairman Robert Sanchez (Capt. Bob) had while on the board was the number of clunkers on Brownsville streets leaking oil that eventually ended up in the resacas. Well, we would think the Healthy Communities and Wellness bunch would jump allover this issue and leave the gum chewers and smokers alone now that they have been relegated to the outside fringes of our living spaces.
Just like being in Mexico isn't it?
The last time I checked,the municipal parking lot was located at 10th and Washington. 11th and Washington has no parking lot.
We have to be very careful in downtown Brownsville....that oil and the potholes are in the "Historic Overlay" and can't be changed/improved/repaired unless Peter Goodman and his cronies give the clearance. This oil may be coming up from the original wooden beams (rail ties) inserted vertically for the first streets in B'ville. Peter needs to make sure everything is historicaly correct...that is what he does.
aqui tienen FOTOS Y DIRECCIONES de las irregularidades de nuestra Ciudad, tantas Taxes que nos cobran por ano, yo quisiera saver que fregados hacen con nuestro dinero los que gobiernan esta Ciudad? roban y roban y roban, y no estan invertiendo nada en las necesidades de nuestras calles, nuestros parques, nuestras resacas, el drenaje, nuestros canales, que es lo que esta pasando? por que exigen tanto dinero y nuestra ciudad cada vez se ve peor y en condiciones fatales. que pena da esta situacion. ponganse a trabajar bola de gente huevona y socarrona y sinverguenzas y rateros EMPLEADOS DE NUESTRA CIUDAD.
@ July 18. 2012 9:16PM
Entre "años" y "anos", hay una diferencia muy grande.
Mejor presiona alt+1+6+4 y la ñ sale sola.
jajaja siiii.... se nota la gran diferencia que hay entre anos y anos y lo mucho que ha cambiado la Ciudad, por ejemplo... Las resacas se estan secando, los canales estan tapados y el agua no corre, la Boca Chica Blvd. se sigue inundando, al igual que otras colonias dentro de la Ciudad, la gente pierde sus pertenencias y tienen que empesar de zeros, la puteria de la casa de las Putas (Court House) sigue incrementando mas y mas cada dia, hay muchos indigentes pidiendo limosna en las calles y dan un mal aspecto a la Ciudad, hay mucha corrupcion con Jueces, policiaS, sheriffs, abogados y empleados!!! HUYYYYYY SIIII COMO A CAMBIADO ATRAVEZ DE LOS ANOS/TIEMPO...WOW...QUIERES MAS?? BABOSA, PENDEJA Y ANIMAL
Just like being in Mexico isn't it?
I'm sorry, but Mexico looks much better than this streets in Brownsville, at least the corruption over there does something for the city, so that people will not be complainning on them and corruption can keep generating more, but people here are so money hungry that they forget about the city and doing good things for the community and city as well, corruption here only thinks about them and that is the biggest mistake they make and thats why they get caught and fucked and we all see the results of their acts and the condition of the city.
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