Tuesday, August 21, 2012


By Juan Montoya
To say that the new Democratic Party chairwoman Sylvia Garza-Perez has a long row to hoe is putting it mildly.
Cameron County's Democratic party has earned itself the dubious reputation of fostering the longest-running voting fraud continuing criminal enterprise of record.
If you are going to run for a position in any jursidiction (JP, Constable, etc.) that encompasses Brownsville, be prepared to face between 300 to 700 fraudulent votes engineered by a corrupt vote-stuffing machine finessed to an art by a ring of politiqueras allied with the Hernandez clan orchestrated by none other than Cameron County Pct. 2 commissioner Ernie Hernandez and his wife Norma.
You know the Hernandezes Sylvia.
Fact is, you are intimately connected to them and demonstrated your alliance with them by siding with their daughter Erin H. Garcia in her run for Justice of the Peace 2-2 against political newcomer Yolanda Begum. During that election massive fraud was committed in plain sight of your party officials and in front of the elections office administrators and no one made a peep about it.
And you, the supposedly neutral party official who is to treat every candidate impartially, openly sided with the Hernandez camp to help them – by guile and fraud – steal the election and pervert the voters' wishes.
This is a changing of the guard? Or is it, as the Mexican saying goes, "La misma gata como Gilberto Hinojosa, pero revolcada?"  
If kidnapping the elderly from day care centers and coercing them to vote their way in the confines of a rental van, hauling in mentally-impaired adults and holding them captive while their ballots are filled, manipulating the mail-in votes of people who can't even read or suffer from dementia, and plain taking people's ballots and filling them in to suit your predilections is "encouraging the elderly to come out and vote" we have vastly different ideas of representative government.
Is it any wonder, as you stated "that young adults between 18 and 25 are the least likely to vote"?
No, we don't think so.
With Norma and Ernie sitting back and paying off the long list of politiqueras under their service for delivering the ballots which they then manipulate at will from their lair, do you really think that young people want to "be brought into the electoral process with the aim of learning the importance of serving the community, county and country"?
“The biggest difficulty is that this is a man’s playing field, and as a woman, I will have to work harder, be more diligent and results-oriented so that I can gain that respect," you told the local daily. "It’s going to be a tough job. But accountability and credibility will be key to this position and we can no longer have the same good-old-boy system."”
Well, no, not exactly. The bulk of the mail-in ballots are handled by a dozen or so female politiqueras who openly flaunt their deceptions upon the electorate and nullify the honest votes. You know that. In fact, you have a blood relation with one one the major offenders.
Yet, you say that you are "convinced that if precinct chairs were engaged more, there would not be a politiquera system."
Guess what? The politqueras generate more votes (albeit fraudulent ones) than any precinct chair could ever count.
Either you denounce the voter abuse that is endemic to your party and distance yourself from the voter abusers like the Hernandez family and the politiquera mnachine, or you can kiss all of your and Gilberto Hinojosa's handwringing about attracting people to the Democratic party goodbye.


Anonymous said...

I agree with this. I am still in shock at the way the Democrat party have treated the Begum family who support Democrats all the way and major donations to Obama and Democrat candidates over the years. If this is how they treat their base...?

Anonymous said...

Wow, wow! Chaos in Brownsville all boils down to gals named Sylvia!

Anonymous said...

The fucking truth, every bit of it.

Anonymous said...

How does a nutcase become Demo Chair for our county? This is total bullshit!

Anonymous said...

Yikes :/ Hernandez, Limas, Conrado Cantu, all democrates. Culture of corruption

Anonymous said...

Escribes chingon Juan.

Que putaso les diste con este articulo.

"the longest-running voting fraud continuing criminal enterprise of record."

"fraudulent votes engineered by a corrupt vote-stuffing machine finessed to an art"

Que desmadre! hahaha

Keep the great news up! Cuz Brownsville Herald and all the bought out manufactured pre-thought pre-meditated and pre-printed articles are so evident.

Anonymous said...

same o same o sylvia is related to hermina becerra, do you really think she will step up to the plate and clean up all this mess thats 25 year old and brewed up by gilberto hinojosa, juan magallanes I dont think so

Anonymous said...

The other day I heard a well respected person in the community make the comment "We used to feel that the most corrupt government in the Valley was in Hidalgo County, but now that distinction is held by Cameron County." Here, we don't just accept corruption, we demand it.

Anonymous said...

Same old bs,nothing has changed gilberto hinojosa still in power like the last 25 years same caca, same dodo girl now in but no change

Anonymous said...

que lastima! this lady sounds as bad as Gilbert Hinojosa, politiquera lady. so much for the party,

Anonymous said...

The Begums can go to hell...they think their shit doesn't stink...got news for you Alex and yolis....EVERYONE'S shit STINKS!

Anonymous said...

People can eat shit for only so long! Eventually Hispanics are going to want to elevate their life style. They are realizing that these bozos don't have their best interest in mind and it's time to look else where!

Anonymous said...

The Democrat party was never perfect, but today they are hardly recognizable. indictments flying, judges convicted, an organized network of votes for sale, incompetence and corruption being supported at the highest levels. all time NEW LOW.

Anonymous said...

is Herminia Becerra related to La Betty Becerra?

Anonymous said...

Look at the lengths Gilbert Hinojosa's corrupt Democrats go to keep out any new fresh faces. Begum was a threat, because her family is independent, successful on their own. No strings Sylvia GP or Gilbert or Ernie or Tony can pull to manipulate her. She has no kids on the county payroll they can threaten to fire if she doesn't do x and x favors for so and so. She lacks the necessary desperation to accept a few hundred dollars under the table to fix tickets, dismiss cases for the compadres. Heaven forbid, someone independent with strong ethics were to be elected, he or she might actually say no to the corruption.... That is why the corrupted Democrat party of Gilbert Hinojosa and Sylvia Garza Perez goes all out to elect the GED Ruben Cortez'es or the ethically challenged Erin Hernandez'es every time, instead of the intelligent, ethical, financially stable, articulate options. Expect them to defend the politiqueras too, because without them they would lose every election.

Southmost kid said...

And I thought Hidalgo county was bad, Cameron is worst thanks to gilberto and now sylvia, thanks a lot. peolple are in fear now to go tovote, now that the cameron county democrat party way keep the voters way. Maybe the republican candidates here in Cameron now may have a chance, im sure the young voters keep way from the democRATS

Anonymous said...

I agree, I'm tired of waiting for the Democrats to clean up their act. Have waited years, yet the party only congratulates itself for another successful fraud pulled on the community!!! puro filth. Until it is exposed, the people keep voting Democrat palanca. I am not Republican, but if the Republicans are willing act, to clean up the mess in Cameron County created by the Democrats' unchecked corruption, so be it. might find a new party which earns my support.

Anonymous said...

The corruption that the Democrat Party is experiencing is systemic from Obama to the local levels. The election of Gilbert Hinojosa was not an error, it was intentional to steal elections at all cost. THE END JUSTIFY THE MEANS by Leon Trotsky quotes (Russian Communist theorist and agitator). It's time to clean house and start over. Let's send a message and start voting the corruption out. We can't sink any lower otherwise we ALL lose as a nation.

Anonymous said...

I dont want to hurt my family, my tia hermina becerra right sylvia? she does a great job election after elections.
