Things are not going well at the Brownsville Police Department under new chief Orlando Rordiguez.
The latest scandal involves the report to police 911 dispatchers that two officers were involved in a fist fight in the middle of the street, allegedly over a woman.
The other incident – perhaps more troubling – is that a Brownsville police officer's home was raided last week by the FBI because of his nexus to the Gulf Cartel.
The officers involved in the love triangle spat – we have learned – are none other than an officer named Julio Hernandez and BPD's own "Policeman to the Stars" Everardo Longoria. There was a police report filed in the incident that news organizations have been promised will be released at BPD's convenience.
According to several sources, a citizen called up the 911 dispatcher to report that Hernandez and Longoria were duking it out in the middle of the street.
"It's a miracle that they didn't pull out their guns," quipped a BPD insider. "Then the stuff would really hit the fan."
Remember that Longoria is the brother of city commissioner Ricardo Longoria and that Ricky has gone to bat for him in the past over some domestic troubles that Evie got into.
The ever-popular Everardo has gained some notoriety for being at the wrong place at the right time when he was the arresting officer of former mayor Pat Ahumada, the officer who arrested State Rep. Rene Oliveira's girlfriend Lupita Molina for DWI after she (or was it her?) crashed into then rear of a van driven by an unsuspecting couple. He also conveniently overlooked the fact that another city commissioner – Melissa Zamora – twice ignored the warnings she was interfering with an arrest and let her go her merry way.
He was also one of the officers who gunned down and killed 15-year-old Jaime Gonzales at the Cummings Middle School standoff that gained national coverage.
Now we wonder whether his political connections and his high-profile image will protect him from the wrath of Rodriguez and the mantle of City Manager Charlie Cabler.
The other, and perhaps more serious incident, involves the reported raid by FBI agents of the home of a police officer last week in an investigation into possible involvement of city employees with the Gulf Cartel.
The probe is said to permeate several city departments, with the police department members' involvement being the most serious.
We don't know the full extent or the seriousness of the investigation, but we do know the officer's name and his badge number. We are not releasing it until the feds are more forthcoming on the matter. News organizations now are petitioning the local office of the FBI and U.S. Attorney for details into the reported raid and the extent of the allegations in relation to the Gulf Cartel.
Brownsville's finest at work and at play. Pretty sight isn't it?
This piece of shit, at the very least, needs to be convicted of domestic violence, have his firearms confiscated, be restricted from ever purchasing firearms again, as per the law, and demoted if not fired. We don't need this kind of scum bag wearing a badge and waving a gun around town. If he is allowed to remain on duty he should be restricted to using a tazer and he should have to ride with a respectable supervisor for a one year probation period.
jajaja que nacos y corrientes estos policias, chingados...exponer su carrera por UNA VIEJA PUTA QUE SE LA HAN ROLADO VARIOS DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE POLICIA!!! PENDEJOS ASTA POR LOS CODOS!!! DEBERIAN DE RECIBIR SU BUEN CASTIGO MAS QUE NADA POR SER SERVIDORES PUBLICOS!!! Vamos a ver que medidas va a tomar el naco y creido analphabeto de Orlando Rodriguez, digo....queremos ver si tiene los huevos para diciplinar a sus pendejos que trabajan bajo su mando y que portan el uniforme y pistola o simplemente, los ira a mandar a descansar a su casa x unos dias??? jajaja ya te veremos fuera del departamento Orlando, y nos vamos asegurar que saltes muy pronto por mamon, incopetente, corriente y x que le jugaste sucio a Ingram!!! Ingram estaba a punto de ser el Chief y tu mendigo desgraciado te encargaste de arruinarlo, y no descansaremos asta que salgas expulsado del departamento de policia!!!
Damn it, Juan! And then you ask why the boys target you.
You are going to get the Pat Ahumada treatment, which consists of them following you to the bars and waiting for to walk outside and attempt to drive home. Can you say automatic PI or DWI charges?
Remember that some of our boys have forgotten their pledge,"To serve and Protect" and have replaces it with,"Us Against Them".
Ya Dije!
ademas eso de que los policias estan inbolucrados con el Cartel es muy cierto, desde hace muchos anos atras estos mismos en carros de la policia, levantaban las pacas de mariguana en el bordo del rio y las llevaban a clavar en una direccion de domicilio, los mismos carros de la policia eran usados por que nadie los paraba y la mercancia llegaba a su destino completita y sin problemas, apoco eso no lo sabian? uffff y les puedo dar nombres de quienes levantaban en el bordo del rio y que toda via trabajan en la policia, pos de donde cren ustedes que un policia sin estudios universitarios va a tener una residencia bonita, negocio propio y propiedades a nombre de otras personas??? HELLOOOOO???? y que bueno que ya esta saliendo todo al aire y que el FBI va a tomar cartas en el asunto, y cuando quieran nombres, yo se los doy y fechas tambien, y es entendible que los policias no ganan lo suficiente para vivir comodamente como havemos personas que si vivimos muy comodamente :) en fin... haver que pasa por que esto es solo el principio.
lol, the Police badge has already been all over the ground and stepped on by many careless people, what a shame, how much more is going to happen before anyone really puts a stop to this shit? Its embarrasing to have people working at BPD with this behaviour. pero a cada perro se le llega su hora :)
Aha entonces eres complice. No hables tanto que eres igual
Julio Hernandez? hay ningun oficial en el departamento con ese nombre. El primer nombre si esta bien pero el apellido no es correcto. La que deben de correr de la policia es la vieja estupida por metiendose con dos hombres, uno que es el papa de uno de sus ninos y el otro es casado. Esa alamejor se estaba metiendose con los dos y para hacer escandolo y darle celos al papa de su bebe invito a proposito al otro a su casa. Y de ahi se deo cuenta que el 'Sancho de Sanchez' estaba en casa de la puta esa. Todos saben que le gusta tener varios hombres al mismo tiempo. Ya casi tiene ganada a la otra suata de la policia Nancy Garza Alanis, esa si tambien le encanta estar con policias casados estando ella casada. Hasta que el Jefe Orlando cambia las reglas a tocante de tener relaciones entre el departamento esto va seguir pasando. No es la primera vez que policias se estan peliando entre ellos por un pelado o suata.
Shut up Gloria.....
De que te admiras tu eres igual y fuiste una suelta cuando trabajaste ayi....con los comandantes, el patrullero y asta el Pobre guardian de traffico! Y para acabar...con una familia de marijuanos
Jaja...ya se esta poniendo caliente el asunto...sigienle sacando garra a las suatas o sueltas de la policia. Nancy y Gloria...sabemos ke hay muchas mas.
A Gloria or encanta el chorizo!!!!! Gloria es cierto que andabas de patas abiertas que trabajabas en el depa de policĂa ? So hombre casado, te acuestas conmigo??? :) jajaja
Pancho Pistolas
September 11, 2012 8:19 PM
Jajajja, me dan risa, y a mi ni me importa lo que ustedes digan o piensen, yo solo me concreto a vivir mi vida y la de los demas perros y perras no me importa, jajaja y eso de familia de mariguanos??? no mi amor...para mi eso es lo mas bajo y corriente, yo solo con gente del cartel y QUE COPERA CON EL CARTEL DEL GOLFO, POR EJEMPLO BPD!! La mariguana solo trae problemas, por que es mucho bulto y se hecha a perder muy rapido, recuerden siempre, cuando yo hago las cosas, las hago muuuyyy bien y no dejo rastro por ningun lado, esa es la ventaja de pertenecer al cartel baby!!! por que cren que yo ando donde quiera? y NADIE ME PUEDE TOCAR??? jajaja babosa, a la otra, fijate muy bien lo que dices y acepta la verdad, yo soy mucho muy inteligente, mas que muchos pendejos de ustedes, y lo digo con mucho orgullo y con la frente muy en alto y NO ME HANDO ESCONDIENDO DE NADIE!!! QUE ME QUIERAS DIFAMAR?? NO ME IMPORTA, POR QUE YO SE LO QUE YO SOY, YO SE LO QUE VALGO Y LOS TERRENOS QUE PISO, POR ESO SIEMPRE ME VERAS POR LAS CALLES SOLA Y SIN MIEDO Y LEGALMENTE Y PROTEGIDA!!! Y FIJATE QUE SOY UNA MUJER DE TANTA LEY Y DE PALABRA...QUE TU PENDEJA Y PENDEJO ME HACEN LOS MANDADOS ASTA LA PUERTA DE MI CASA!!! JAMAS ME VERAN INBOLUCRADA CON GENTE DE BAJAS POSICIONES DE TRABAJO, YO SIEMPRE EH SABIDO SELECCIONAR MIS AMISTADES Y MIS COLEGAS, ASI ES DE QUE ESO DE QUE YO ME INVOLUCRE CON ALGUIEN DEL DEPT DE TRAFICO??? JAJAJA NO LO CREO, SOLO CON LOS DE TRAFICO DE BLANCA NIEVES Y NADA MAS BABY!!! Y por tanto odio me tienes, ya saves donde nos podemos ver...en mi casa o en Matamoros y haver a como nos toca a cualquiera de las o los dos :) hay los huacho despues por que YO SI TENGO MUCHAS COSAS MAS IMPORTANTES QUE HACER, good bye baby y que suenes con los angelitos por que yo solo sueno con las pacas de dinero baby. jajajajaja babosos.
September 11, 2012 8:10 PM
You shut the fuck up bitch!!! you leave Gloria alone, because she does not have nothing to do with this shit, you fuckers fuck up and you fuckers hate it when someone else fucks u guys over!!, so leave Gloria alone, and just do your fucking thing bitch, she did not make this shit up and she is not the problem right now!! the problem right now is you BPD and all the sex you have going on inside and out your department, you fuck with it and YOU FUCKERS DEAL WITH IT!! stop blaming others for your fuck ups and start taking responsibility in your actions!!! dumb ass!!! ohhhh and by the way.. why is there a RUMOR FROM THE PEOPLE FROM BPD THAT SARGENT DE LA ROSA WAS CAUGHT DRUNK AND THAT HE GOT INTO A VEHICLE ACCIDENT AND THAT YOU POLICE OFFICERS ESCORTED HIM TO HIS HOUSE?? AND THAT NO ONE SAID ANYTHING AND TRYED TO HIDE IT??? WHY??? IS HE BETTER THAN THE COMMUNITY? FUCK NO!!! AND YES HE WAS DRUNK, HE GOT INTO A CAR ACCIDENT AND YOU BPD COVERED UP HIS SHIT ALL THE WAY!! YOU FUCKERS!!
AHHHH.... y ustedes de la policia sigan cagandome el palo, y yo con gusto seguire dando datos, y aqui es de haganle como puedan, por que hay muchos policias que no handan nada bien, y me vale que se vallan quien se valla entre las patas de los caballos!!! a si es de que piensenle muy bien antes de decir pendejadas que no son siertas, por que yo si voy hablar la verdad y con prubas en las manos!! el que le quiera atorar, adelante, por que yo no les tengo miedo, y tampoco me IMPRESIONAN.
Julio wasn't even in town Thursday when that incident supposedly happened. Liliana is just tryn to cause problems with Everardo like always. She can't be without drama and loves to lie and cause escandolo. She's so stupid because he takes care of his children and pays child support. It's stupid on her part.
Triste que Gloria se porte asi......Esa mujer esta bien perdida en este mundo.........
jajajjajajjaja todo me da risa, y ni cren que me duele nada de lo que digan, jajajjajajaja yo solo veo, escucho y callo jajajjaaa huyyy se ve que alguien me tiene mucho coraje?? pobrecitos, mientras yo VIVO LA VIDA LOCA A TODO LO QUE DA, cancion de Ricky Martin jajajaaj haganse garras como quieran, por que yo solo me divierto.
Julio wasn't even working that day people when the so called incident happened. Everardo is a great officer, a great dad and a great friend overall. Just because he does his job and seems that hes been at the right time at different places, well thats just coincidence or plain luck. I dont know why people try to bash at him or his family just to bring in a bad reputation or add fuel to the fire when you dont knw the truth. No one is perfect, before you start bashing out trash about someone point the finger back at yourself first. Everyone has many faults, the only perfect one and who can judge us all is God alone. I dont see why bring up Everardo's past incidents has anything to do with what really occurred or not. Find out what really happened first. Dont be quick to judge.
This reminds me of 1993 Bruce Willis movie Striking Distance where a family of cops has a bad seed. The bad cop corrupts and kills and finally is killed by bruce willis. If he is dirty so is his brother. I have to disagree with Juan on the most important evil done by Longoria is shooting that poor 15 year old. Some smart greedy lawyer will take that murder to court and win. This "Police Officer will not suffer and his brother will continue representing The City of Southmost.
It's sounds like Disorderly Conduct to me, fighting with another in a public place! On Duty or Off Duty, that's the question I'm asking? Class C Misdemeanor is a slap on the hand.
I do agree that BPD has some interior problems to deal with especially the BPD Officer's relationship with the Drug Cartel! That officer needs to go... no questions asked? BPD does not need Dirt Bag Officers like that. Do the right thing Chief Rodriquez. Maybe this dirt bag knew something ahead of time with the Bocanegra's case and didn't tell anyone. Clean your department Chief or the people will clean you out...
Concern Citizen and Tax Payer
Everybody needs to get the facts straight. If this so called incident indeed ocurred the officers would've been repremended the same day if a police report was filed. I've known Everardo for a long time and he is a great officer and father to his children. Why would Liliana want to start such rumor knowing it was going to affect her and the father of her child. You guys don't make sense. Now Everardo and Liliana were seeing shopping together with their daughter Saturday morning at Sams, meaning they have a good relationship and no need to cause drama. All this was started by someone who doesn't have a life and is jealous of Everardo and wants blame Liliana to cause friction between them. How convenient he gets transfered to a better position at the police department and now theres a "scandal" not only that the blog was about a so called " fight" and everybody is focusing on his past. What they both should do is find out who started all this and press charges for defamation of character because at the end we know they will be vindicated. On the other hand what does Nancy and Gloria have to do in all this, people calling this girls and Liliana "putas" well that is none of our business they can do whatever they want, WE are no one to judge them. People leave Everardo, his family and Liliana alone!!
No facts or sources given, just trash talking more cops and fueling the fire for all the haters. But since this is a blog and not real news, no real facts have to be given right? This blog is a joke.
Do not blame the chief for the officer's wrong doing. The one who should be questioned is Carlos Garcia. He has been gone for less than a year and his legacy carries on. I feel sorry for the new chief. He has to clean Carlo's mess. Carlos had his boys and they could do no harm. Right Robert
September 12, 2012 5:54 PM
jajaja there you go defend us!!!! Para empesar, las que nos juzgan mal, es por que ellas piensan que somos igual que ellas y por que definitivamente nos tienen ENVIDIA jajaja,nosotros no tenemos la culpa de que haigan galanes de muy buena postura que se fijan en nosotras y que se enamoren perdidamente de uno!! ademas, a nadie le pedimos nada y mucho menos que nos mantengan, asi es de que NOSOTRAS SOMOS LIBRES de hacer lo que se nos venga en gana, el dia que sea y a la hr que sea y con quien sea. Y PUNTO.
LOL!!! Quien da PAN que no llora!!!!
September 12, 2012 12:13 AM
jajajaja mira quien habla??? yo perdida en este mundo y tu bien jodido en el tambien.
Just to have you know, Sgt De La Rosa was never in an accident as you say!! Whomever you are referring to is not this officer. I would suggest you fact check before you throw out accusations and names out there!! I would think that this would be a cause for libel and slander!!!
Quien se enamoro mensa los pelados que se revolcaron contigo ya te aventaron a la jodida por eso eres una mujer amargada y por eso tratas de cauzar problemas pero ya nadien te hace cazo porque ya te conocen
jajajajajsjaja. Hasta que te eches otro pelado perdida.
September 16, 2012 10:34 PM
jajaja un perro hablando de sus propias experiencias!!!! How cute bastard.
September 16, 2012 7:39 PM
What ever BITCH!!!! all you fucking assholes ALWAYS HAVE EXCUSES for all the wrong things you guys do in the police department, its pathetic the way you people behave, and when you fuckers get caught, you always deny your wrong doings, even with proof in our hands, you police officers always deny your actions or bad behaviour, so fuck all of you and go straight to hell!!! and if you fuckers get mad because information comes out in the public, well then you fuckers close your freaking mouth and start behaving correct.
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