Cameron County courthouse watchers have been waiting fro more than a year now to see when the shoe hanging above District Clerk Aurora De la Garza will drop.
They refer, of course, to her role in seeking speedy justice for her son Joey after he admitted to embezzling more than $85,000 in funds donated to the dying folks at the Sunshine Haven Hospice in Olmito. A half hour in Abel Limas' court took care of that pesky little matter and Joey slept at home that night.
Well, now there's a new strand that might just snag the spin master herself.
Some observers say that the missing payments may have resulted in some individuals actually getting jailed when they could not produce the receipts for their payments. The system, based on closing computers early and resorting to hand-written receipts, opened itself to theft by employees like Melinda, who just happened to be the daughter of Cameron County District Attorney office employees Peter and Irma Gilman.
In that case, also, the accused was able to walk into the office of the sheriff's department escorted by her dad and allowed to walk out on $7,500 bonds on each of the two charges using her step father's signature as surety.
Now, in the past, we had wondered how she was able to amass a $8,000 to $10,000 heist over time without being detected. News stories since, we have learned that the system De la Garza had in place permitted a huge loophole of temptation that allowed Melinda to delve in and out undetected at her heart's content.
The rumors emanating from the White Block House now is that Aurorita was reported to have been overheard instructing a certain employee not to be too forthcoming with the probe launched to determine how the pilferage from could have occurred undetected for so long.
"There is an affidavit that she actually did that," said a source. "We just have to wait to see what county legal finds out after they finish their probe into the matter."
So just when everyone is waiting to see whether Aurorita get snagged in the Abel Limas corruption probe, another strand may ensnare her before the wheels of the feds (which turn to slowly for some) grind her way.
"Ay mijito! The girls are sooo bizzzy. They have soooo much wrrrk!
Apparently, the "after hours" activities of Aurora's office has allowed her to assign cases to "special" courts to benefit herself and others. Her policy to allow attoneys who filed after 5pm to avoid computer selection of courts was well known among local attorneys. In Joey de la Garza's case, Sheriff Omar Lucio refused to take action because it was "little Joey"...and then the DA didn't prosecute Joey to the full extent of the law, and then Able Limas gave "little Joey" defered adjudication for a major felony and just before leaving the bench, Able dismissed the fraud chage against Aurora's baby...stupid baby. Aurora de la Garza should be investigated for her roll in the judicial misconduct in this county. Aurora's office is the primary source of corruption in the Cameron County Judicial system.
Isn't that lard ass a Democrat also? Why do you think she has been able to stay in office for so long? I just wonder if Irma Pena has forgiven that lard ass and her son, Joey "fingers" Lopez? Isn't her daughter Aurora Junior working for that corrupted and indicted district attorney? This is what happens when you allow nepotism to run rampant in a corrupted county! Now, that lard ass is starting to melt in the hot pan! She probably be allowed to retire before the fire gets too hot and receive a nice healthy retirement check for the corrupted crap she has pulled off all these years?
it's coming Juanito don't worry.......they are going to start calling you Nostradamus.... Aurora is done....
Certain local bail bondsmen would also guarantee you a friendly court for a fee. Some of them were so brazen as to even tell there people they didn't need a lawyer, they could make the DWI go away themselves for a fee. Usually 5k
WHAT A DIRTY __________ SHE IS!
Jr. Andrade, the "brains" behind the corrupt family that bank rolled the Masso campaign and is compadre with Abelardo gomez is one such bonds man that guarantees court outcomes for DWI cases. Look at the people that they have bonded out and where the cases fall. How in the hell is he a bonds man? The whole family should be in prison.
Aurora has been raised to be what she is. Her father (Mariano the barber)was doing back door favors and carrying the water for the courthouse crowd since she was born. Arora, just out of High School became the Secretary/punch of D.J. Lerma (County Court at Law Judge. The shadow world of border politics, favors and mordida is all she knows. She has lived in no other.
Aurora de la Garza reminds me of "The Penguin" (played by Danny DeVito) in an early Batman movie...same big, painted mouth and short fat body. Her involvement in judicial corruption has most lawyers and judges over a barrel. Aurora provides an office that facilitates the corruption of lawyers and judges. They depend on Aurora to place their cases with sympathetic judges. Add the District Attorney to the mix and we have corruption worse that Judge Roy Bean days. Without the corruption most local defense attorneys couldn't make a living. The FBI needs to investigate Aurora de la Garza, Dan Sanchez, Ernie Hernandes (who owes IRS 821 thousand dollars) and other Democratic Party officials. How is it that the Herald never reports on this corruption.....???????
She's too smart to get caught accepting money directly when cases are manually filed by Rosie Sotelo or Elvira "La Smurfet" Ortiz to the court of their choice after hours. Why don't you just look at Aurora's campaing report and see that attorneys involved with the Limas case make a nice donation to Auroras campaign when she doesnt even have an opponent. She hasnt had an opponent for how long, 8-12 years yet she collects money for her campaign. (ITS BRIBE MONEY) in the form of a campaign contribution for filing a case of the filing attorneys choice. Who do you think paid the amount her son Joey de la Garza stole from Sunshine Haven? Yup. Other crooked attorneys who bribed Aurora for a case filing. Hey Juanito, maybe you should post Aurora's campaign contribution reports online and you would be surprized all the attorneys that are listed on her report and the amount.... Como dice la Aurora...ay Mijita.....
Why did the Sunshine Haven not get the FBI involved in this pretty excuse of a man stealing from the most defenseless citizens. I hope his relatives never have to take advantage of this organization that does so much to make the last minutes of a person's life is finish with love, support and dignity. Here is this idiot filling his pockets with donations intended for them and his Mamasota de Madre is able to get him off. I do hope that she at least gave Joey a spanking and grounded him for the rest of his life. He is probably somewhere else do the same thing again, cause his super hero is Mammie.
They only report things after the fact. I called Emma Trvino to tell her about a bogus cancer chicken plate fundraiser that was really Aweful Abel Gomez fundraiser. He had people pre selling tickets saying the proceeds were to help a dying cancer patient. I showed up and it was his campaign tent and him giving oit plates.
Emma did nothing. She has an agenda also. Juan is the only one with the guts to print real stories that affect kir community
Thats the same family that used vans from their car lot to shuttle the elderly to the polling stations. Word is they are on the radar as well as Aweful Abel. Its rumored the Feds picked Aweful Abe up in July and hes rolling over on Villalobos.
Aurora para el bote like conrado cantu puros sold outs for their benefit. Animo
Hey didnt they catch the lady district clerk gonzalez in hidalgo county a few years back? Guess aurora is next. only time will tell. hay que verguenza
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