What an outrage!
One could literally feel how livid Patrick Hammes, the president of the Association of Brownsville Educators must have felt when he wrote and Emailed his protest to the Brownsville herald over the settlements between the Brownsville Independent School District and the former district's superintendent Hector Gonzales and former CEO Tony Juarez.
The hand-wringing Hammes takes only members Catalina Presas-Garcia, Lucy Longoria, Dr. Cristina Saavedra, and Enrique Escobedo to task for awarding the men $800,000 and $700,000 respectively and employment with the district. Gonzales will be a consultant at $72,000 and Juarez will be in charge of Human Resources at $154,000.
What he doesn't say is that the other two trustees who abstained from the vote on the settlement were both named as co-conspirators in the scheme to rig the multi-million dollar Stop-Loss insurance contracts to their benefactor and political supporter the late Johnny Cavazos and therefore could not vote.
In the case of Minerva Peña, she played to the electorate for her run for trustee this year.
We didn't read any letters of outrage from Paddy Hammes when the former majority oversaw a Special Services department that was in essence a virtual ATM machine for crooked lawyers, consultants and mental therapists. Where was the outrage when more than 400 Special Education students were misdiagnosed with testing instruments that the district's own attorneys called "legally indefensible?"
Who spoke out for those children? It sure wasn't Paddy "The Hand-Wringer," was it?
Where was Hammes when relatives and close friends of the former majority trustees got plum principal and adminuistrator positions over other more qualified candidates?
Where was Hammes when Ruben Cortez went to Special Services and forced the department to hire his sister even after the application period had closed?
Maybe he missed this little nugget from the Art Rendon case that, by the way, was also settled to save BISD the embarrassment of the revelations that would come.
"58. On or about June, 2008, Ruben Cortez, a sitting board member on BISD, contacted Plaintiff directly via telephone. He instructed Plaintiff to hire his sister, Linda Aguilar, for summer school employment as a Special Education teacher.
"59. Plaintiff informed Mr. Cortez that BISD had hiring policies in place and instructed him that the hiring application for the summer of 2008 had already been accepted and processed.
60. Cortez sent Plaintiff his sister's application and insisted Plaintiff call her immediately and giver her a job. Plaintiff set up a meeting between Cortez's sister Linda, Ana Lerma, who was a Special Education supervisor, and Dr. Lee Garcia, Assistant Director for Special Services. At the meeting, Ruben Cortez's orders were followed, and Linda Aguilar was given a job for the summer of 2008."
Or how about this one?
– Also May 2008: Cortez went to Gonzales and instructed him to promote his wife to principal of Benavides Elementary. Cortez threatened Gonzales that "if he wanted to remain at BISD as superintendent, he should make it happen. Gonzales said he could not oblige such a request. Cortez responded "we will see what happens."
What does Paddy do?
He and his organization endorsed Cortez (with a GED) to the Texas School Board of Education District 2 position over Celeste Sanchez, a classroom teacher and now assistant San Benito ISD assistant superintendent with more than 45 years in education. Oh, yeah, that was a fine example of Paddy's continued support of education, alright.
And where was Paddy's indignation when Joe Colunga continued to pressure the BISD administration to get "special treatment" for his disabled son? Did he read the charges raised by Gonzales in his lawsuit?
"Gonzales charged in his lawsuit that he was being persuaded by members of the conspiracy of four to join in their schemes to fire Rendon and Juarez because the various board members of the majority were not pleased with:
1. The administration of the Special Needs Department under Rendon because Colunga did not want Rendon poking in areas where illegal activity may be uncovered and he and his wife Judy, who had a son in Special Services, were demanding (and receiving) special treatment for their disabled son;"
Or how about this?
"– May 2008: Cortez went to Gonzales and instructed him to promote his wife to principal of Benavides Elementary. Cortez threatened Gonzales that "if he wanted to remain at BISD as superintendent, he should make it happen. Gonzales said he could not oblige such a request. Cortez responded "we will see what happens." Gonzales reported the incident to BISD counsel Mike Saldana. Saldana told Gonzales that the board majority could change in November 2008, thereby becoming part of the conspiracy."
Or perhaps he didn't hear that the BISD attorney Arturo Michel when he said that "We settled for a significant amount...The district believes it's a fair settlement and one that prevents further exposure for much larger dollars for the district."
The lawsuit insurance the district carries paid part of the settlement. But it would not pay anything if the district went to trial and lost the lawsuits. That increases the monetary difference the district would pay – much much more – if it took a chance on the lawsuits and lost.
So why wouldn't the insurance pay?
This is the interesting part. Because the insurance doesn't cover the district when school board members break the law, or act outside the duties of the job. It doesn't cover the district when the likes of Cortez, Zayas, Colunga, Aguilar, and even former trustee Otis Powers are found to have conspired to manipulate the school district into firing its superintendent and financial officer.
These actions alone have already cost the district taxpayers at least a million dollars on this when you consider the cost of firing Gonzales added in.
Hammes also took the trustees to the woodshed charging that they had raided the district's fund balance to complete the payment after the insurance companies paid their share. It was considerably less than the $100 million-plus that the former majority took from fund balance in two years alone (2008-2010) to pay for construction fund overruns that ended in the pockets of local building contractors and architects. That should have created bedlam, but nooo! Nothing. In short, the AOBE, former president Borrego, and in fact, no one associated with this group made a peep about that.
Where were you when we needed you Paddy? The hand wringing, alas, comes a day late and a dollar short.Hammes also took the trustees to the woodshed charging that they had raided the district's fund balance to complete the payment after the insurance companies paid their share. It was considerably less than the $100 million-plus that the former majority took from fund balance in two years alone (2008-2010) to pay for construction fund overruns that ended in the pockets of local building contractors and architects. That should have created bedlam, but nooo! Nothing. In short, the AOBE, former president Borrego, and in fact, no one associated with this group made a peep about that.
Hammes only recently became president. all those events happened under another's AOBE leadership didn't they?
I'll bet you $1.6 million dollars AOBE also endorses Otis Powers, who was part the reason we got into this big mess.
What a cover-up to pay Tony Juarez? Mr. Powers were not on the board when CFO Juarez was reassigned. Tony Juarez called Mr. Powers for guidance. By protocol, Tony Juarez had no choice to file a grievance against his former boss Mr. Hector Gonzalez. Mr. Juarez came to Mr. Powers’s office twice during January 2009. Mr. Powers voted for the stop-loss Mr. Juarez recommended. Mr. Hector Gonzalez did reassign Mr. Juarez in December, but why? What was the cover up on the stop-loss? During a special called meeting September 2008, why did the firm Mr. Juarez recommended pull all the bids out? Why were Mr. Powers never given a deposition by Juarez attorneys or BISD attorneys? Know why? Because, Mr. Powers told Tony Juarez to tell the truth on the tapes many times about what happen during the insurance stop-loss concerns. Mr. Powers knew the truth about the insurance deception and Tony Juarez counted on the majority to deliver his law suit. What a ignominy (shame)?
So then it shouldnt be a problem when the district and CATA are sued for trying to fire a principal for no reason, and having her reassigned. Maybe all those who conspired with her including HR and a candidate running for school board right now should be worrying. They sure have been quiet in the blogs lately, must be killing them to keep their mouths closed.
I hope the voters remember that Otis was involved in this fiasco even though he wasn"t a sitting board member. Does anyone know if Zayas and Cortez are backing Butch?
You know Juan, I have been paying for years to this organization and you couldn't have said it better! This guy is a joke and so is our association, I am turning in my drop request to payroll tomorrow. I suggest that all members do the same. There has to be another association that truly cares about education!
Juanio, You are such a story teller. What facts you cannot prove you make up. Why? Cuz you work for CATATITA LA RATA QUE ES UNA GARRAPATA NEGRA! Keep it going Juanio and you can make sure CATA LA GARAPATA RATA LOSES HER ELECTION BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE all know these articles are being pushed by CATA LA GARAPATA RATA.
AOBE is RIPPING OFF BISD TEACHERS! Pay attention! The monthly dues are $44.00 & change. For what? They are never in their offices & they protect their cronies. BISD employees drop their services. ATPE has better coverage & the monthly dues are only $11.00. In this economy why trust people like HAMMES & BORREGO with your dues.
AOBE is RIPPING OFF BISD TEACHERS! Pay attention! The monthly dues are $44.00 & change. For what? They are never in their offices & they protect their cronies. BISD employees drop their services. ATPE has better coverage & the monthly dues are only $11.00. In this economy why trust people like HAMMES & BORREGO with your dues.
Oh, but Pat gets up at every public forum representing the 4000+ members of AOBE without consent from the entire group. He thanks the board more often than not for being there for the association. What about being there for the teachers who should be heard. He is also a special ed teacher, so he must have know what was going on in the Sp. Ed Dept and kept quiet and now complains because Gonzales, Rendon, and Juarez didn't and were retiliated against by the Corrupt 4. Now Otis wants to come back??? You have got to be kidding! I guess he is running short on money? They should have made the Corrupt 4 pay the settlement. That, I am sure, would certainly fix any new board member from trying to do the same.
If you do not like AOBE, please get involved. AOBE is affiliated with the Texas State Teacher's Association and the National Education Association. TSTA would have been the organization behind endorsing the State Board of Education candidate, since it covers several counties and local associations.
TSTA's liability is the best. Other associations will not cover you if you are sued in the future by a parent/student. The other organizations will only cover if you are a current member.
Patrick only became the AOBE president this last summer. Wish I could have seen the letter.
Themis, her blindfold shed
Saw the truth pled.
And though obscured,
By the dark deeds,
Of men of greed,
She now bears Justice in her arms
For all to see,
That men might take courage
And be not afraid to stand firm
mobsters r us? pura lana. do you really think they care about you and me? hell no its about the money get it.
Is this the same Pat Hammes that had a problem with students speaking spanish in school several years ago.
I think I remember reading about it in the Herald.
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