Now that the furor over the massive voter fraud-tainted runoff election that catapulted his daughter Erin Garcia Hernandez to the Democratic spot in November 6 general elections for JP 2 seems to have died down a bit, Cameron County Pct. 2 Commissioner Ernie Hernandez is making his move.
Not only does it appear that he has ditched his longtime friend John Wood –a former Democratic candidate for county judge against Carlos Cascos – and gotten him off the Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority, but agenda items placed on his behalf indicate a plan is afoot to move the Justice of the Peace offices to the current Elections Offices and perhaps put a district court at the Carrizales-Rucker Corrections Center in Olmito.

And, to make your head spin some more, he is also calling for action by the court to authorize him to begin plans to rebuild the county's animal shelter, and perhaps raid the $1.4 million fellow Pct. 1 commissioner Sofia Benavides got approved to build a gym at the Pete Benavides/Browne Avenue Multi-Service County Park.
The meeting starts at 8:30 a.m. Thursday at the Oscar Dancy Building on Madison Street in Brownsville.
It is apparent to many county political watchers that in exchange for throwing his longtime political ally John Wood under the CCRMA bus, Ernie may have garnered the necessary votes to take some of Benavides' bond money to pacify the animal-rights crowd he has courted for the better part of a year.
"I have never seen s county politician so driven by personal ambition that he would have cut a deal to remove Wood from the CCRMA in return for a vote," said a county worker. "The more I see this guy in action, the more surprised I am at how ruthless he has become."
Those who remember when Wood's Adm. Asst. – and former city commissioner – Carlos Cisneros left the county under a cloud when he was arrested in South Padre Island after a domestic altercation with his wife. Hernandez, who had been elected as Pct. 2 commissioner, was hired by Wood to replace Cisneros bfore his term began, a move that allowed Ernie to get his teeth into county finances. He hasn't let go yet.
Now, with his other proposals to move the JP offices from the judicial wing of the courthouse into the Elections Office and to move a district court to the county lockup in Olmito, this has to be Ernie's master stroke.
"If he can get all these things past the full court, his pieces will all be in place, for whatever ends he might have in mind." continued the county source. "He wouldn't place these items on the agenda if he didn't have any hopes of having the necessary votes to pass them."
Has Hernandez cut a deal with other commissioners – or even Carlos Cascos – to get some of Sofia's money for the gymnasium to provide air-conditioned comfort to stray animals?
"How do you figure he treats his friend like a dog and want to give precinct 1's money meant for the kids of the barrios to the animals?" quipped the county source.
As long as Ernie, Sofia and Dan Sanchez show up, the Dumbokrats have the votes to proceed with their corruption and personal efforts to benefit themselves. John "Dead" Wood had two or so years of the big bucks on the CCRMA, and now Ernie is spreading the wealth to Horacico Berrera...a partner of Tony Martinez. Political "smoozing" is part of Cameron County corruption....taking care of friends and themselves....without any concern for the public.
Lie, cheat, steal, now you know the real ernie the snake hernandez, he had many wrong doings as city commissioner in brownsvlle, like 2 wreckers on the same rotation, wouldnt pay his employeees, he backstabbed his late uncle emilio hernandez many times, seems like folks in pct 2 are very happy with him and pretty soon he might even run for county judge, now thats the enxt step, right ernie? sofie my dear watch out for your money honey cuz Ernie is going to try to take it away from you babe. No te dejes
pura caca doodle doo
The Hernandez aparently want 24 hour access to the voters' ballots directly, while they are being stored overnight in the Election's Building. Shameless!!
You haven't been paying attention. The two Republicans, Cascos and David Garza (yes David Garza is a Republican but he likes to wear Democratic clothes so he can get elected in order to continue going on Alaska fishing trips with venders, etc) have been trying to get "Dead" Wood off the non paying RMA Board since he was appointed to that position sans their support.
The question has been raised about the appointment of Horacio Barrera as being a payback to Barrera for defending Erin pro bono and having defended Ernie for free in the past. But remember, Horacio is also a very good friend of Cascos. They were all three once college roommates.
Do we now have one big happy family, or are the 2 republicans and Ernie going to now run the show?
Cameron County is officially more corrupt than Hidalgo County and Matamoros!!!
Viva el PRI! Viva el PRI!
No one has mentioned Karlos KasKos delivering a big chunk of County legal business( hundres of thousands of dollars) to Horacio Barrera to defend the county against a former SPI land owner who came back and wanted to be paid for the land he donated to the county muchos anos ago. Hey those republicans know how to work the system just as good as anyone. Wonder if Horacio knows the CCRMA does not pay anything even though they meet almost weekly?
i've seen the benavides park.... judging by the graffitti, I would say that the canine and feline animales would be more appreciative than the local valle hermosa amimales, who don't know how to take care of anything....give the money to the strays!!!!
Time for that bitch to take down all her political signs! Her fugly face is at every corner.
Fuckers shouldn'tbe allowed within 100 yards of the ballots. Why dont the feds or Rangers at the very least send one guy to be in the room and watch over the ballots
Damn, you readers are just fucking pieces of shit every where, I cant believe you people just talk about everyone so bad as if you guys were perfect!!! Please...the ugly ones and fuckers are only you bastards! so fuck you big time loosers
The feds need to step in. This is another part of the Armando Villalobos crime network and official corruption. Whichever commissioner votes to approve putting a Hernandez in the election's facility will signal they are in with Villalobos, Hernandez, Limas
Regarding voter fraud. "It may be too late for justice, but its never too late for the truth."
jajajaja ladrando como siempre!!! chingados estos peladitos pendejos asi los veran siempre, y como este perro hay muchos, bueno esta llena la ciudad de perros rabiosos y falderos lambiscones como este!!! y vean bien, el mendigo perro es de raza fina "PECO".....JAJAJAA significa perro corriente y de la calle, jajajaja..... Juanito te sacas un diez en tus notas de informacion para el publico, eres genial y muy inteligente. :) tu sigueles hechando.
It's spelled "losers" YOU FUGLY PENDEJO!
Why, do we allow it to happen Cameron County? Get rid of the fucking snake of Ernie Hernandez!
lol Ernie is a snake too? lol you people are just the snakes, but you just dont know it yet lol lol or are the snakes the best ones in town? I think so, cuz you people call snakes to the only ones that are much better than you people. Im a snake too... ok Im the KING COBRA UMMMMMM so becareful shittie grass snakes!!!
Pendejos, if you think Ernie is not listing to us voters . . .
el pinche wood lost his race for county judge and to help him save some face . . ernie appointed him to see if his ways of the past would change . .
you should have heard some of his comments at the meetings and work sessions . . .
thank the almighty he could be removed in time . . .
but only after .... in my opinion . .. . awarding a $ 30 million road contract "to the good old boys from san bennie "
that's right a fuking $ 30 million
road contract . . ..
without a promise or condition of JOBS JOBS JOBS to more people of Cameron County.
So Sanchez, mr. economic development dreamer . . . where were you to make sure NEW JOBS NEW JOBS with this $ 30 million contract . . .
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