Their signatures are all over the mail-in ballot envelopes that have been associated with voter fraud in the runoff election for JP 2-2 between Erin Hernandez Garcia and Yolanda Begum.

"La que vino fue la señora del pol tax," said a woman who allegeldy voted and whose vote was mailed in by one of the two men. "Yo no se la di a ninguno de ellos." (I gave my mail-in ballot to a lady. I never gave it to any of those two men).
And yet, these two apparently carry some weight with some trustees at the Brownsville Independent School District, as they merit occupying the VIP seats at Sam's Stadium during the football games. Some are saying that they have the seats courtesy of trustee Minerva Peña, who is up for reelection in November.
"I see them on those seats all the time," said a football enthusiast. "I always wondered how they rated those choice seats. Maybe they got pull from some politico."
It'll be interesting to see whether the two super politiqueros will be involved in the coming Brownsville Independent School District election in November. With voter-abuse activists already on their long and obvious trail, it might be to their benefit to keep a low profile as the group's report makes its way through the maze of law enforcement levels.
There's no denying that their signatures, often with different addresses, are those that have been red-flagged by investigators with the activist groups looking into massive mail-in votes fraud. The Texas Election Code is very specific about correct documentation on any votes cast in elections in the state.
When push comes to shove, will the two politiqueros grin and bear it in return for the VIP freebies and money they receive from their clients, or will they spill their guts if they feel they could draw time for the alleged elections violations of the elderly voters?
Meanwhile, it appears that candidates Donald Culper (Place 5 against Butch Barbosa and Caty Presas-GArcia) and Linda Gil Martinez (Place 7 against Jose Chirinos) have also allied themselves with the cyber politiquero group Cheezmeh and that the Association of Brownsville Educators is using the group's Facebook site to promote another of their so-called "forums." These forums are usually used to ambush enemies of the group and as a moneymaker for the Cheezmeh people. Erin Hernandez Garcia was openly endorsed by the group even as they were ostensibly hosting "impartial" candidate debates.
As far as the AOBE endorsements, let's just say that they also endorsed former BISD trustee Ruben Cortez over Democratic contender Celeste Sanchez. Cortez has a GED and no teaching experience. Sanchez has a Master's with more than 45 years experience as an educator and is an assistant superintendent at the San Benito ISD.
Are we missing something here?
These are the geniuses that illegally swing elections?! Cumulative IQs of about 70! Disgusting pawns in the Hernandez crime network.
Come on Juanio, everyone knows that Joey Garza is Catita La Ratita's boy. He was her helper when she ran for the city commission. Now she is angry at him because he wised up and decided to help Butch Barboza. So she trashes Joey Garza because of it. It is soooooooooo obvious she fears losing to "Butch", so she tries to actack her colleagues instead of standing up to "Butch". What are you afraid of Catita? Losing! You should of thought of that before you started destroying BISD. You really think BISD believes in you? You are totally and completely delusional? Triste!!!!!!!!!!!!! One question; Catita, where are you getting the money to pay Juanio to get your stories printed here? You have to be pretty desperate to rely on Juanio the blogger. Again, Triste oh so Triste!
So that is why "Argelia Miller" was taking a picture of these people at the Pace Football Game. WOW! It is true! "Argelia Miller" is one of Cata Presas-Garica's girls. Thanks "Argelia Miller" for showing us your true colors. You like to do Catita La Ratita's dirty work. Argelia and you claim you love everyone. You are a screw short of being a total nut case Argelia. Want to know why we know that is true? Because you allow yourself to be manipulated by Cata La Rata. SAD!
Let's see what happens at the forum tomorrow. I will certainly be there to unbiasly listen to the platforms of each candidate and try to determine who is not lying. We will see tomorrow who shows up! The place where they are holding the forum should be packed tomorrow because it is so small, but people could care less now knowing that all of them are a bunch of liers and "pocket-fillers"
"Cortez has a GED"
And what does Cata and Lucy have?? So what's the difference? One stupid, Two stupid, Three stupid people? Please tell us the difference.
Argelia Miller was heard saying "I did not want to run, I did it ' cause Caty wanted me to run"
People can we please focus on doing what is right for BISD and stop attacking each other!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said...
People can we please focus on doing what is right for BISD and stop attacking each other!!!!!!!!!!
The only one posting here is Minerva. She posts her question or statement and then answers herslf.
This is obviously a monologue!
Thought it was Caty??
Thought it was Caty??
Argelia is a great person...hope she wins!
Wow Cata Presas-Garcia is posting here with post 11:50 PM. Way to go CATA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are we keeping you awake reading comments Caty?? Why??
what next? the Cameron County Democrats hire campaign staff straight from the special ed short bus!
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