Tuesday, September 18, 2012


By Juan Montoya
The apartment complex off Paredes Line Road has seen its better days.
The manager of the half block of two-story brick buildings says they are not apartments, but rather owner-owned "condominiums."
The parking lot sports more than a few large potholes that must be navigated by motorists to prevent damage to their cars. The grass is unkempt. A swimming pool – once the center of social activity – lies empty behind locked wrought-iron gates.
"These units have the bedroom at the top of the stairs," said the manager. "There's a kitchen and a small living room downstairs. You can't have too many people inside at one time."
Yet, from one of these efficiency "condominiums," five mail-in votes were cast in the runoff July 31. The names of the voters does not appear in the door or mail box of the units. And the manager says he does not remember five people living at the unit in addition to a young tenant and his father who now are the only ones to occupy the dwelling.
"There's no way seven people can live in one of those units," he said. "As far as I know, that many people have never lived there."
And yet, a statistical analysis of the mail-in votes cast in that runoff election indicate that they made up part of the total cast in that voting precinct in favor of JP 2-2 Erin Hernandez Garcia in her race against Yolanda Begum. And the name of the woman on the mailed envelopes is none other than a well-known politiquera allied with the Hernandezes.
But how could it be that the mail-in votes could have been cast from that unit?
"They were," said Mary Helen Flores, an anti-voting fraud activist with Citizens Against Voter Abuse (CAVA). "We have gone to knock on the door at least three times and the current tenant said that the voters no longer live there. At first he said that they had gone on vacation and would be back later. When we asked when, he said that they would be gone for months."
However, the tenant also told other people – including the manager of the complex – that the people listed as voting from his unit's address had left the apartment at least four months ago. That raises yet another question. If they left the apartment four months ago, how is it that they could have applied for the mail-in ballots from the Brownsville address. And the killer, of course. How could they have voted by mail from that address if they had been gone for two months after the July 31 runoff?
Could it be that someone had applied and received the mail-in ballots, filled them out an returned them, without their consent or knowledge? Did someone have their cards?
And here's the kicker: All of the five mail-in voters were listed as having an incapacity.
 Those people have never lived there."


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work Juan. Too bad the "Herald" doesn't care about investigative journalism any more and will not take up this issue. As long as Jim Barton is only writing about poodles and German tourists....we have no hope of this issue rising to the forefront. This issue is important, but all the local politicians are afraid of taking up the battle. If what we hear about Carolos Cascos being under consideration for Secy. of State, we surely won't see any action or "huevos" from him. The good people of the county are at the mercy of the thugs....sort of like the book "Lord of the Flies"....

Anonymous said...

Sounds like jail time for Erin, Norma and Ernie

Anonymous said...

The noose is closing on those disgusting HERNANDEZ

no shame

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Juan, get ready for the personal attacks.

If you cannot refute the message attack the messenger.

Anonymous said...

God bless you, Sr. Montoya, and God protect you, too. Thank you for standing up for nuestros derechos humanos, which la familia Hernandez and their ilk have no respect for.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Juan Montoya is and will be the only jurnalist that has the intestanal fortitude to take on any injustice regardless of who it is. Always in my prayers as you expose, las ratas at all levels of government.

Keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at.10:44..he has the anal fortitude???WHAT!!! I think you meant intestinal. too funny

Anonymous said...

Yep..Keep at it Juan. Turn over the rocks looking for bugs. When you are all done, nobody will still give a shit.

Anonymous said...

my grandmother's voting card came in the mail over 15 years after she died someone was voting for her all these years... Good keep exposing the truth!!
Fraud corruption and cheating and no I would not be surpeised if those 4 men are illegal too
The Hernandez will stoop to anything

Anonymous said...

Please voters lets unite against this abuses, lets demmand clean elections, this is America the paragon of Democracy, our soldiers fight for our values, and the corrupt Hernandez are doing more damage to our way of life than Al Queda. We have the same situation as Iraq with Sadam Houssein.
We are the poorest County in the country, and it s be ause we have corrupt officials sitting in their asses for many years , they don't provide anything, they just take.

Anonymous said...

Erin, you derserve legal advice. Brownsville does not need yours.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Erin, YOU derserve legal advice. Brownsville does not need your SHIT.
