So you want to run for office and win an election in southeast Cameron County?
Her are a couple of pointers.
1. Be prepared to do anything to anyone at any time to take their vote.
2. Be prepared to cut any corner, run over any person be they ignorant, illiterate, elderly or mentally-disabled to finagle their signature on a mail-in application and main-in ballot when it arrives, and then find a way to get them (or later yourself) to hand over the ballot and mark in your candidate.
3. Do not touch your heart to entice and fool Hispanic elderly to get them into a van, give them pre-marked ballots with your candidate, and, if possible, when the get to the polling booth and pliant election officials , take their ballots inside the van and – away from prying eyes – instruct them to fill in your candidate's name.
4. If the elderly or mentally-disabled voter is in a local day care, pay a provider there to give you access to them, fill out their mail-in application unsolicited, and then call them incessantly to see if their mail-in ballot comes in.
5. Repeat Step 2.
6. If you don't want election officials to find out who is collecting these illegal ballots, collect the ballot and then, when you are with your conspirators, have someone else fill out the line where it asks who mailed the ballot for the voter.
7. Be nice to the trusting elderly voters and tell them that they don't need to worry about a thing and that you will handle the ornery task of putting a stamp on the ballot envelope, walking in the hot sun to mail it, and you will even fill it in for the. If they are illiterate and cannot sign it (or read it for that matter), tell them that out of the goodness of your heart, you will do it for them. Tell them you are their friend.
9. If the voter is so infirm and mentally-disabled (or wracked with Alzheimer's disease) they can't possible know what they're doing, just pick up the ballot, fill it in yourself, and mail it in to nullify someone else's vote.
10. Rest assured that no one in the Cameron County Elections Office or on the Electrions Commission will question your illegal votes and will count them as legitimate.
11. Think of the democratic process as a means to a money-making end – to help the candidate who paid you to win an election – and not as a sacred right afforded U.S. citizens and guaranteed by the sacrifices of the Founding Fathers or the lives of veterans and other martyrs who died to give your fellow Americans that right.
12. Given the recent judicial decisions and the unwilling character of law enforcement and county, state and federal authorities to enforce the voter fraud laws, feel free to keep on trampling the rights of others to achieve your ends.
Is this a great country or what?
Lol, you said it friend!!! You have been following Gloria's advise!!! that's the way to do it!!! if you really want to win the elections, follow steps 1 - 12 as advised and you will have no problems to win!! You guys better watch it, Gloria might want to come and run for something and she might win!!! Money talks baby and the brains too!! woooo hoooo!!!
That is not Stalin no chinges,'s David Betancourt.
13.) Say to yourself do I hate Politiqueras more than I hate Republicans and vote for Raul Lopez or Realize you are an accomplice to Voter Fraud.
Sounds just like voting in third world. We often criticize non-developed nations around the world for their political corruption. Here, we are no different than nations like Somalia, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Zimbabwe....our political system is corrupt. There's an old saying that "a fish stinks from its head" and that applies to Cameron County politics. People like Aurora de la Garza, Ernie Hernandex, Sofia Benavides, Dan Sanchez, Armando Villalobos, Sheriff Omar Lucio, Judge Able Limas and other elected officials prove this every day. We have no elected officials who have the "huevos" to initiate change. Maybe we can get Jimmy Carter or the UN to come down to supervise our elections. Here we don't just accept corruption, our voters demand corruption in Cameron County.
Anon of September 5, 2012 11:02 AM
"Sounds just like voting in third world..."
NO IT'S JUST HOW democRATS ROLL !!!!!!!!!
The Hernandezes, don't have anything to feel proud of, no accomplishments whatsoever in life, Ernie had businesses that were not profitable and he burned them down, he was stealing from his employees in the gas station, subtracting taxes and social security from their pay check but he kept the money, when one of his employees, an old mechanic died, his only asset was his tools that he had accumulated through many years of work, his children went to pick up the old men's tools and Ernie had bought new cheap ones to give them instead of the old men's good tools, there was a police report and he had to give back the tools. whatever he owns now or whatever he owes the IRS is from the conflict of interest businesses he has done with the city or the county. Norma has been a politiquera for many years bragging that she makes sure the mail-in ballot votes are for her candidate because she takes the green envelope from the trusting voters and she fills them up and mails them, and Erin has been there when this was happening so for her is normal to cheat, steal, bully and take advantage of people, that is what they do, and they don't care that people despised them as long as they get away with it.
Erin's much touted legal experience is a non existent experience, as an attorney she has not work very much, in the legal community nobody had ever seen her in court or had a case with her. And now she just made a name for herself, as the proud daughter of the most disgusting, shameless, and cynical family in our poor Cameron County, Congratulations Erin! You are on the right track you have already surpassed your parents.
Folks, you missed the message, its not how we vote, its WHO COUNTS THE VOTES thats matters at the end of the day, just ask Masso?
sometimes i wonder why some of the ballot boxes show up at the brownsville courthouse elections dept after midnight when the voting stops at 7pm. thats 5 hours after, things that make you go hummmmmmm. chan shuy? the mysterious of life
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