Wednesday, September 5, 2012


By Juan Montoya
Brownsville Independent School District's Sylvia Atkinson was once the Assistant Superintendent  for Human Resources (at $113,000).
Then, she was named Asst. Superintendent for Curriculum (at more tha $120,000).
Now, as her star wanes at the district and Superintendent Carl Montoya (no relation to the writer) finally realized that her bludgeon style of administration at both these positions was creating growing animosity within the ranks, unlike Mexico, he finally said enough and found he indeed, have huevos.
At yesterday's meeting of the BISD Board of Trustees, he recommended – and the board approved – her transfer to be the Asst. Superintendent for Maintenance and Operations of the district($????)
This is the same administrator who was hired by the former board after they found out that she was contemplating a run for a trustee position against Ruben Cortez. Rather than give her the opportunity to meet her in a campaign contest, she was hired at $98,000 as Grants Administrator, a sort of catch-all position that has served as a transitory position while they find a place to put you.
"The principals are overjoyed,"said a BISD administrator. "They had had enough of her bullying style of management. Everyone is happy once again."
Atkinson's run at the BISD occurred after she had been superintendent at other school districts int eh state. To say that her tenure at the former districts was tumultuous is to put it mildly. In almost every case, she left the districts in conflict and walked away with a nice pile of cash when they bought out her contract rather than engage her in costly litigation and public spectacle.
The straw that broke the Montoya's back was her reported and continuing attempts to undermine his authority. We understand that recently rehired former superintendent Hector Gonzales told her in no uncertain terms that before she spoke with anyone in Human Resources, she would have to get his approval.
Atkinson's career has been marked by constant  charges of favoritism and cronyism in almost every district where she has worked.
When she was at Los Fresnos, a divided community ousted her after a school election with many school employees charging that she kept a coterie of favorites and disdained others.
On December 2005, she resigned from the Los Fresnos Independent Consolidated District after she could not muster the majority vote on the board to maintain her job.
The LFCISD shelled out more than $205,000 in severance pay when she resigned. And, thanks to a law championed by state Rep. Leticia Van de Putte, D-San Antonio, the state penalized the district for awarding severance in excess of a superintendent's annual earnings and the district took another $80,000 hit in state funding, too.
It was the largest cut to any district in more than two years. As part of Atkinson's severance agreement, Los Fresnos agreed to rescind a number of negative documents from her personnel file, according to documents on file at TEA.
In April 2006, after leaving Los Fresnos, Atkinson landed in the Santa Rosa Independent School District where she served as superintendent for about eight months. After conflict there, she left to take the job of superintendent of Socorro Independent School District in January 2007.
Charges of favoritism and cronyism have followed Atkinson there, too.
Her hiring of Ida Trevino and her husband Guillermo Salinas and Andres and Cynthia Lopez, who all worked with her in South Texas, for the Socorro ISD Police Force, irked some locals who claimed they were hired simply because they knew Atkinson.
Trevino beat out 15 other qualified applicants for the job of task force commander, even though she has a high school diploma and a cosmetology degree. Critics said they believed cronyism played a role in her hiring since Trevino worked briefly as the chief of police for the Santa Rosa School District.
The El Paso Times and KFOX television station have reported that Atkinson had been at the center of an investigation into the district's hiring practices and allegations of cronyism.
Trevino and Salinas left the SCISD after a number of controversies including one where Trevino charged that a district employee had threatened bodily harm on her son, a charge strongly denied by the accused. No charges were ever filed or arrests made in that fiasco.
When Atkinson she left, the SCISD agreed to give her one year salary as severance.
At the time, her salary was $220,900.
Now that Montoya has finally opened his eyes and discovered that Atkinson's performance was undermining his authority, the move the Maintenance and Operations for a former superintendent of schools surely must be the writing on the wall for her stint at BISD.
Whether she chooses to read Montoya and the boards' motives for the reassignment is now left up to her.


Anonymous said...

What morons decided to hire her at BISD after all the problems she had in other districts? It isn't like it was any big secret that she was a terrible administrator everywhere she went, and what makes them think she won't mess things up at Maintenance?

Anonymous said...

A todo diablo se le llega su dia!This should be identifiable as insubordiation and should be FIRED, not moved to another position. A bunch of us knew that it would just take time for people to come to their senses, going back on her record. She also caused a fiasco in Eagle Pass, don't forget. Gracias a Dios que ya le llego su dia!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Atkinson Klan are all like bulls in a china shop...they are large, loud, obnoxious, and always think they are right. Amzing that she and Charlie still have jobs. They continually exercise themselves in a way that his haughty and self-serving. Now she can put on a pair of overalls and get under a maintenance chief. She probably doesn't know a crank case from a drive shaft. Montoya should keep book to enable him to fire her. But, the tenure system in BISD rewards bad behavior.

Former Santa Rosa employee said...

And yet with all these skeletons in her closet, BISD still employed this carpet munching whore of a female? Too bad for that Ida person and her husband? They must have been brain dead to follow that lesbian CUNT to Socorro for that piece of the American pie? This lesbian CUNT knows the game? Why do you think that she does what she does for the payouts?

Anonymous said...

And ADELA GARZA was the deciding trustee vote in Los Fresnos ISD for hiring that evil woman Sylvia Atkinson.

Anonymous said...

You might want to check out how she "persuaded" many principals to hire a former employee of hers, Andy Lopez. He has been making a ton of money this past school year and still today as a consultant at Porter.

Anonymous said...

Its a ploy.. she'll be back after elections.. Cata and her group are pretending to let Montoya give orders.. Don't be fooled folks...

Anonymous said...

Only the principals who could not spell STAAR are happy.

Anonymous said...

"And ADELA GARZA was the deciding trustee vote in Los Fresnos ISD for hiring that evil woman Sylvia Atkinson."


Anonymous said...

Andres lopez and his wife are working in BISD for the TIPPS grant, recommend by spa and making over $100,000...thank u, rrun rrun!!!

Anonymous said...

She got to go back to 3rd floor...doesn't sound like demotion to me...and, hey haynes alleged sancha got her promotion last night...administration for, with 3 years teaching experience and 3 years as an assistant principal, yet Carl says she has extensive experience?? They are all corrupt...time for major change

Anonymous said...

The beef is with the Teachers Union. They take care of their own kind. The union is the problem at BISD. Of what I have seen, I like Montoya (no relation to Juan).

Anonymous said...

Charlie the loser is the President of the Hanna booster club and within a year almost everyone quit. Why do they not get it?

Anonymous said...

Her new position also oversees all athletics - watch out are now at her mercy.

Anonymous said...

HR will continue to be run by Dr. Atkinson as long as Mrs. Zarate, Mrs. Barrientes, and.Mrs. Rodriguez are in HR.

Anonymous said...

Insubordination should require that she be fired. Montoya has his pants on finally, but he is missing what he is hiding under his pants.

Anonymous said...

I am a coach at the middle schools who served on her personnel committee last year. She recommended several rasies for coaches that didnt get approved. No money.

Anonymous said...

Apparently the puppets at HR do not have the brains to make a decision on their own. Oh and what they do not know they make up. Triste!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

September 7 12:02 - Take off your blinders - she talks a good talk and is a b-sh-- artist. You fell for her line. She orchestrated the unwarranted reassignment of a head coach who has sued the district and he will win and win big!

Anonymous said...

What a coincidence that our new AD is the brother in law of one of Charlie Atkinson's former teammates from Hanna.

Anonymous said...

Middle school coach, do you happen to be her brother Charlie? If not why do you think she wants a raise for coaches. Papita para el uncertified Coach at Faulk. Oh, I heard he is now coaching at Porter - higher salary?

Anonymous said...

What is BISD thinking!!!!!!!!!! Sylvia Atkinson over Athletics? NOooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! :(

Anonymous said...

I agree with September 5, 2012 8:11 PM - she's still the puppet master and still up to the same shit - just like a street magician who days watch my left hand while my right hand robs you blind

Anonymous said...

As of today, now A.A. over Hanna and Veteran's Clusters with Jimmy back in Operations. Still in the driver's seat, driving her Board support right out of re-election.
Who da boss?

Anonymous said...

Isn't that conflict of interest? Isn't her life partner the principal of one of the elementary campuses in the Veterans cluster?
