Monday, September 17, 2012


By Juan Montoya
Where is Chuck?
That is what everyone in Brownsville and San Benito is asking about the Cameron County District Attorney Office's Chief First Assistant Chuck Mattingly.
Mattingly, who is also the Republican candidate for DA against Luis Saenz, has been reportedly transferred from the main Brownsville office to the San Benito office because he was being very disruptive at the Brownsville office.
Insiders say he was on the campaign hustings continually and was trying to use his position to garner political support for the Nov. 6 election. Anyone who refused to support him, according to them, incurred his wrath.
Mattingly holds the position as Chief First Assistant to Armando Villalobos and his website cites his involvement in some high-profile cases such as the prosecution of  John Allen Rubio who got the death penalty for killing his infant children; Abraham Mar who was sentenced to 101 years for shooting a Law Enforcement Agent; and most recently Mexican Mafia Boss Wilfredo Padilla who got sentenced to 80 years in prison for murder and engaging in organized criminal activity.
To be fair to the defense, Mattingly was retrying Rubio after the former DA flubbed the prosecution and in the case of Padilla, he was demanding the death penalty, and the jury didn't grant it.
Yet, at an annual salary of more than $100,000, his disappearance from public view has fueled speculation even before the primaries on May 29.
At the time, some commented that he had broken his leg and was laid up at home and didn't show up for work but was still receiving his hefty salary.
And those of us who saw the recent coverage of by CNN on the release of Amit Livingston for the murder of a teacher and was allowed to walk out of disgraced 404th District Judge Abel Limas' courtroom for 60 days, ostensibly to allow him to get his affairs in order, would never have known that Mattingly was there with his boss Villalobos and said nothing to stop the gross miscarriage of justice.
"He may say he had nothing to do with it," said a local courthouse watcher. "But let's face it, if he had really been passionate about the killer's release, he would have raised hell about the agreement between his boss and the defense counsel that allowed Livingston to walk."
Now that Mattingly is running for office, he is noticeably quiet on the subject. He seems to want to forget that he was the lead prosecutor in the case. He was, in fact, responsible to see that Livingston was taken into custody after he pleaded guilty. Yet, the record shows that he went along with the bargain and said nothing.
Where was Chuck?
Mattingly has not been seen in San Benito and as the photo at right above indicates, anyone who shows up at the office will find it papered over and a note directing them to the main office in Brownsville.
Will he make an appearance before the Nov. 6 election or during early voting?


Anonymous said...

Montoya, someone needs to ask Chuck Mattingly? I don't think he will answer since he is still working for the office. The chisme tree says that he did argue about letting that Livingston guy go and that Armando Villalobos told him to stay out of it. Montoya, you need to find out how a guy like Eddie Lucio (not the relative of the elected officials) got to represent the family of the victim? They are from Edinburg and could have gotten a shyster lawyer from that county? How does this Eddie Lucio get them as clients when at the time had been here for only a short time? Did Armando Villalobos or one of his cronies like Abel Gomez, Joe Lopez, Michelle Garcia, Monica Gonzalez or someone direct Eddie Lucio to them. Remember, Armando Villalobos knew that there was a half million cash bond put up for him to be free before his plea?

Anonymous said...

The above post was written by Chuck Mattingley.

Anonymous said...

another wired rat.. feds at work jaja

Anonymous said...

Fuk the fact that the Big boy is running for D/A ! He has to show up to work or don't pay him ! !

Who gives a damm he is disruptive
at the office . . .

if armando can't control him - fire
the guy ! !

county auditor where are you ?

county treasuer where are you ?

show up for work or no pay ! !

you are no one special except a county employee ! !

Anonymous said...

I agree someone does need to ask Chuck. And I agree that he probably won't answer, but not because he's working at the D.A.'s Office. Chuck won't answer because he knows that he's a rat that is taking the taxpayer's money at a rate of $100,000+ and he's not doing a thing to earn it. I'm NOT with the rat.

Anonymous said...

We should be worrying about the fact that Armando Villalobos is still the DA and is now the fox in the judicial henhouse. Why worry about Mattingly, we should be worried about the potential return of another Dumbokratic Corruptor, Luis Saenz, the the courthouse. Luis Saenz, like his buddy Gilberto Hinojosa, seeks to have all women around him ride his moustache. Luis Saenz is a filanderer and yet another egomaniac. His supporters seek to empower themselves by ignoring his weaknesses. We need an honest DA and that would not be Luis Saenz.

Anonymous said...

The chubby little bolio knows he is not going to be the next Cameron County DA, nor will be hang onto his job.

I suspect he is using this time looking for work in other parts.

Former female ccda employee said...

@Anonymous 9-17-12 @ 9:08 P.M.

I agree with you on that one. If they don't show up for work then don't pay them. The only problem my friend is that applies to a helluva lot other county employees. Just in the district attorney office alone, you have la pinche vieja mamona de Michelle Garcia, la otra mamona de Maria De Ford, Sam Smith and other pinche viejas que son primas de Michelle?
What is a slap in the face to us taxpayers in Cameron County is that Armando Villalobos is still getting paid while under Indictment!

Anonymous said...

To the September 18, 2012 11:42 AM

Get over it Carlos Masso. You lost and the conunty will forver be free of all the illegal gambling 8-liner parlors you so much protect and who bank rolled your campaign.

There has been many sightings of Carlos Masso with Chuck in Harlingen having breakfast and lunch in restaurants. It is obvious Carlos Masso is whispering in Chucks ear to become an Assistant District Attorney so he could still try and run interferance with the 8 liners and illegal activity.

Chuck is no different than Villalobos and Masso. Masso helped the 21 million bridge to nowhere dissappear, Villalobos took from the helpless kids and victims of $500,000.00 a half million and Chuck did not object to while it was happening. These three are the 3 Amigos.

Voting for Chuck is voting for a blind eye to Justice and yest to corruption. If he is taking our money NOW he would do it any chance he gets.

Anonymous said...

Between Luis and Chuck...gotta go w Luis!!!

Anonymous said...

To the person who wrote " Luis Saenz is a filanderer and yet another egomaniac," I have this to say: You should get to know Chuck Mattingly. Ask all the young ladies at the courthouse about his constant harassment. And then ask all of Chuck's co-workers about Chuck's massive ego. If you dig a little, you'll discover alot about Chuck.

Anonymous said...

His campaign mantra is bring integrity back to the system what the hell was he doing as first assistant for the last 5 years. No a Vote for Mattingly is a vote for bully politics. He a politicians and has milked this county for the last year for salary that was not earned. Gotta go with Luis

Anonymous said...

villalobos indicted as a d/a then
how can he just say no criminal prosecution on the $ 21 million . . .

once a crook . . .

how do we the voters of cameron county know that d/a villalobos was not also doing the same thing . . . in this case

if he committed a crime in office . . . then all of a sudden ... no crime in looking into the $ 21 million . . .

oh come on now . . . FEDS where are you . . .

or . . Big Boy Chuck show us the funny bussiness and we will elect you the next District Attorney
