Well, the other shoe has finally dropped.

Cameron County District Attorney's Office spokesman Jason Moody confirmed that Mattingly, a Republican, was placed on leave from his job at the DA's office. Mattingly is still an employee with the office but is classified as being "on leave."
Mattingly is facing Democrat Luis Saenz in the election.
Rumors have run rampant throughout the campaign of Mattingly's absence from his position after he was sent to San Benito because of his "disruptive" behavior with his underlings. Some even claimed that Chuck would grow irate if the DA's staff would not support him politically.
Staff members also grumbled about his extended absence from the office after he broke his leg. His being placed on leave without pay now frees him to campaign without pretense of holding down his $106,000 salary.
This is typical of Armando Villalobos politics in an office that privies and still employs ass-kissers, back stabbers, liars, tattle-tales, people with suspicious activities and backgrounds. Everyone in that office knows that Michelle Garcia, office manager has abused her time away from the office along with her favorite side kick who has Cartel ties? That she covered for certain employees while they campaigned for his congressional seat on county time. But lets see about Armando Villalobos himself? When was the last time you saw him in the office much less in a courtroom? He is under Indictment, separated from his wife and partying with certain individuals in that office. On Bosses day, only a certain few were invited to his luncheon. Yet, in years past was a big production with all in the office invited? So, he is an elected official? Doesn't he or didn't he have a responsibility to be in the office up until his term expires? That's what the voters expect of any official that they put in office. Armando Villalobos did put out a memo that anyone in the office who ran for a political position had to leave six months prior to the election. But, as usual in the politics of AV, only certain people had to abide by the rule? Why now does he suspend Chuck Mattingly? Is it Armando Villalobos way of getting back for squealing on him about the Livingston screw-up? Only time will tell and when all comes out, then it really won't make any difference!
Sounds like DA Armando Villalobos wanted to make sure his office stays loyal to his corruption and that of the Dumbokratic Party. And Luis Saenz, with the support of Carlos Masso, seems prepared to keep the same old curruption, hire the same old politiqueras, and pass legal work on to the lawyers that support him (Saenz). Judicial integrity and honesty would cost the lawyers too much money....they need corruption and public money to survive.
same ol same old thing nada changes av just wanted to get back at chuckie, but chuckie too dont have any cajones either so its his fault too. be a man chuck stand up and fight for what you truley beleive in or just shut up and dont cry abou it. now its your chance to straighten this mess out. i leave it in your hands.
Chuck has my vote for DA....he is offers a chance for change. Saenz and his new bud Masso offer us the same old judicial corruption and filandering.
I agree! I am calling friends and family to vote for this republican. Sorry Luis, you didn't need to do this to win, now the race has changed!
al gordo simpatico se le fue el livingston,ya saenz se le salio del bote la vieja cisneros, a que le tiramos con un par de sonsos. lo que se necesita en brownsville es un cambio total y acabar con todos estos ladrones. ahi tienes al willy glz sin ir al bot y el heraldo sigue callado.
CHUCK ll the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chuck sure has been busy posting anonymous comments here! LOL C'mon Chuck, everyone knows you are your own biggest (and possibly only) supporter. Luis is gonna win this one by a landslide, cuz no one wants a lazy DA that doesn't even show up to work and still collects a paycheck. And besides - Livingston flew and Chuck knew. Vote Saenz for DA.
Chuck, quit trying to taint Saenz because Masso endorsed him. That was a strategic move on team Masso/Gomez/Andrade to hope he doesn't prosecute them once he's in office. Masso wants to be able to continue to work out deals like Villaloser lets him do. He's worried his client base will shrivel up and die because Saenz and Masso don't like each other. Stupid Zeke talked Saenz into the photo op, it was IMO a mistake. However, the fact they stayed along party lines and didn't publicly cross over and endorse you, even though they are really helping you is no damn secret. Political manuevering typical of crooks.
Say goodbye Chuckie.....oh you already did, haven't been to work in months, but still stealing a check. Maybe Livingston will put you up after the election on some Indian island.
yeah, chuck has alot of free time on his hands since his boss doesn't make him work for his check
October 25, 2012 9:28 PM
Well, well, well......look at all of you envious bitches!!! all you mother fuckers always have shit to say!!! and its always stinky!!! Los pinches perros muertos de hambre son todos ustedes que opinan negativamente de los DA's office, esa gente es muy buena y le sirven a la comunidad con honestidad y respeto!! Todos los que han puesto comentarios negativos de estos agentes es por que ustedes son los perros rabiosos y muertos de hambre y envidiosos, ustedes no soportan ver que la vida de otros sea mas placentera y menos complicada por que luego luego los quieren hacer garras, todos tenemos derecho a un descanso y donde nos de la gana, ustedes como saben si este hombre se quedo dormido en la sala del doctor? o tal vez estaba esperando algo en algun lugar, o a la mejor el estaba en su break!!! chingados con ustedes gente, todo les molesta y ya caen bien gordos!!! vallan y lavense la cola bien y esa boca gedionda que tienen y de pilon traguense unos chiles abaneros para que ya no esten chingando mas, dejen que el mundo ruede, que la gente viva como quieran, cual es el problema con ustedes? por que la envidia? por que tanto coraje con los mismos? este hombre ni les hace nada y hay lo estan chingando!!! se salen bola de perros rabiosos y muertos de hambre.
@Oct. 25, 2012 9:28 P.M>
You have to be one of the mamonas of Armando Villalobos!!! Are you the one who had the Cartel ties??? The same one that takes more trips in one year??? Are you the one who got caught with AV???
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