Some may have been surprised, but others may have said that it was predictable that the legal counsel plum of the Brownsville Public Utilities Board was handed over to the law firm of former City of Brownsville mayor Eddie Treviño, of the Treviño and Boden Law Firm.

(In the picture above, Treviño is flanked by Vasquez, with mustache, and local attorney Ruben Herrera).
A court ruled in Treviño's favor and Vasquez was in, and Pee-Wee remained as counsel.
Now, with Treviño taking over the job, the clock has gone full circle.
With Dr. Dr. David S. Morales as Chairman, Enrique G. Nájera, Vice-Chairman, Oscar D. Garcia, Secretary/Treasurer, Arturo R. Farías and Vasquez as members, and Mayor Tony Martinez as Ex-Officio member, the board still has one vacancie left open when Raymond Hinojosa's term expired in July and was not reappointed by the city commission.
About the only item that even remotely addresses the issue of a legal counsel was in the Oct. 10 meeting for "Consideration and Approval of a Loca1 Board Counsel~J. Bruciak."
con ese bigote parece que le dio un beso a un mofle. lo que deberian hacer es capar(castrar) a todos estos cabrones que nomas estan mamando de esta entidad.
Arrivaaaa, Emiliano Zapata, "El Bigoton"!!!!!!!
PUB remains a cesspool of politics in Brownsville. It is ironic that these politicos on the board are literally in charge of Brownsville's shit.
PUB remains a cesspool of politics in Brownsville. It is ironic that these politicos on the board are literally in charge of Brownsville's shit.
Trevino looks real "cute" in this photo!
anoymous "cute", a mi mas bien me parece un venado lampareado, otra rata himunda.
Nombre, se ve mas puto que la chingada.........Uuuuuuyyyyyy!!!!
puto, p u t u o s i s m o.
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