The voters are turning out in droves this presidential election year and one can only hope that a large outpouring of democratic fervor will wash out the politiquero-tainted voting outcomes this year.
And even though Moses Sorola announced he had suspended his campaign for the Cameron County Tax Assessor-Collector post, his name is still on the ballot on the Republican ballot.

"There's people calling me saying that they were going to vote for me," he said. "Some of them haven't even heard that I stopped campaigning."
Sorola has earned the wrath of previous City of Brownsville commissioners and mayors when he demanded that the elected officials stop taking benefits not specifically stated in the city charter. A lawsuit in Judge Janet Leal's court vindicated his stand and the benefits stopped. However, the city stopped short of asking the commissioners to return the funds they had illegally accepted.
Among some of those were some political heavyweights, including the former Mayor Eddie TreviƱo. After the Sorola lawsuit was decided, future mayors such as Pat Ahumada had the option of buying into the city's health insurance at cost. Later, he was also party to a lawsuit that tries to stop the issuance of Certificates of Obligation by the city without voter approval.
While his gadfly maneuvers have not endeared him to the politicians, it has clearly resounded in the electorate.
"Moses is my dog," said a voter standing in line at the City Central Library early voting site. "He may not be campaigning, but I can still vote for him, can't I?"
Will Sorola's truncated campaign grow new legs and possibly even beat incumbent Tony Yzaguirre? Only the voters can decide.
He's got my vote. The Democratic Party of Cameron County is a group of skunks....working to stink up the region.
I am a democrat..but this year I too will be voting for him and...Raul Lopez.
/reference the 3:27 comment. ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
heard that tony y offered him money to stop running dont know if that is true? juan can you check that out? Tony y is a guy who would do that very shameful and super crooked.
3:27 me 3
Tony Yzaguirre doesn't need to pay this guy to drop out. How can anyone other than family members vote for someone who has literally dropped out of the race because of health issues? This is what pisses me off about hard core Republicans, they never listen to facts or use common sense. If you're that type of Republican, go to Arizona where other people think just like you!!!1
The dirty Demos take a lot for granted. Took them by surprise Romney surpassing Obama's piss ass campaign at the last week, eh! The Dems are losing because they are crooked, shameless, and stupid
As a Democrat I'm tired of the pervasive corruption taken over my beloved party. I will be voting for the R's this election. From Obama to the locals we need to send a message and stop corruption. Si se pude.
Is Sorola still alive?
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