For the past two or three days this blog has been sent comments said to be from sources "deep inside" the Brownsville Independent School District administration that the promised $1,200 stipend for district employees will not happen and that the announcement will be made after the November 6 trustee election.

"We took board action in this year's budget to give our employees a $1,200 stipend in two parts," she said. "The first one will be included in the December paycheck and the other will be in May. Since it's an earned stipend, we didn't authorize for all of it to be given out at once."
Longoria said the motivation for floating the rumor appears to be purely political and is aimed at hurting the reelection bid of incumbent Caty Presas-Garcia in favor of her opponents. The action take during the vote for the 2012-2013 budget cannot be undone unless there is a board action on an agenda to reconsider.
"We already took the action and it's not going to be recalled unless a board member who voted for it asks for it to be put on the agenda," she said. "Whoever says it's going to happen is plain out lying."
Most suspicious is why incumbent candidate Minerva Peña has not dismissed the rumor, some BISD insiders say.
"We know where this is coming from," he said. "They don't say that the stipends were approved by a board action and cannot be undone by the administration unless the board approves it "
Longoria is even more emphatic.
"This is an outright lie perpetrated by people who want to hurt Caty's campaign," she said. "This has caused a lot of unnecessary worries in our employees. It's a mean thing to do and it's not true."
Thank you present Board Member for your fortitude. Being a trustee is a difficult job, not for the faint of heart or those who wilt under public scrutiny. Thank you Again!
Well, Luci, what IF a board member who voted for it before want to revisit the agenda item and DOES place it on the agenda for discussion and possible action. What say you now? And why are we to trust you being that birds of a feather stick together and we are just sick and tired of all the lies and untable shenenigans?
Bull shit Lucy. Ask Cata who she told at a politcal function that the wording was "If the funds are available" ???? Also, the first payment was for the Thanksgiving check; why is Lucy saying December? What you can call conjecture is my opinion that this whole scam is about buying the teachers and employee's vote with a promise of $1200 and when CATA loses, the rest of the board are going to blame her for not giving out the stipened! Remember what I predicted!
Why are you acting DUMB Juanio. Cata started the rumor herself and promised some people that if she is re-elected she will make sure the stipends are paid. Now Lucy speaks with you, the Blogger, and is proud to give you an interview. Why didn't Luci Goosey go to the Superintendent and have him put the rumor to rest with his employees? Instead she goes through you Juan Montoya! It appears that Luci Goosey is confusing her Montoya Boys! How Low Can Lucy Go! Well if she continues to be Cata Presas-Garcia's puppet, that is pretty low!!!!!!!!!!! Wonder what Cata has on Luci, Christina and Enrique? Any Guess?????
Just spoke to board member that even Lucy is wrong! The first payment of $600 is set for the November check. However, anyboard can bring it up before then and rescind it!
Typical Hernandez.
When your candidate (Barbosa) had to resign from the City Commission after he got caught giving Ernie Hernandez the illegal tow truck contracts, there's only one thing left to do: make up lies.
Minerva will probably bring this item back. She's so stupid & makes it so obvious she is zayas puppet. how sad zayas is lining up butch, otis, minervva & chirinos as his puppets to finish ripping the district to the ground.
all of you are a bunch of idiots, just remember this mess is a result of the former board majority, like it or not.. So stop blaming the current board majority. We have been watching all of your moves. We voted zayas & cortez out, we can easily vote minerva out & keep Barbosa and Chirinos out.
whats wrong Lucy talking to a blogger, she is a public official she is suppose to talk to everybody that calls her, this is her fiduciary duty to her constituents.
Lucy thank you for putting a stop to the rumors that are being spread by evil people that want to be Board Trustees. God help us.
Juan Montoya is more of a Journalist than Gary Long. I inderstand Lucy requested an interview with Gary Long and he has yet returned her call. Guess he can't bear to hear the truth because he is so politically involved with the corrupt 4. What u say now?
Oye Juanio, wtf? What the hell is Cata doing dining out with a 17 year old male student from Veterans? Is she trying to rally students to vote for her? This kid isn't even old enough to vote! Do his parents know about this? Does her husband know about this? Does PD know about this? We need some answers Juan, interesting minds want to know!
Why does Patrick Hammas AOBE president keep spending the members hard earned dues on political functions and ads?? Is this legal? We need to request an audit, Patrick stop stealing our hard earned money!
Lucy, you make such a positive and sure statement, but I have spoken to a bunch of BISD employees and I ask them, "Where are you now???" they say, "I am here today but who knows about tomorrow!!!!" Just like their uncertain position, I bet the pay raise issue falls in the same catagory. Here today, gone tomorrow! It is time for spineless backbone Supt to send out an email to all employees assuring the pay raise, but then, the board has not pulled the strings for him to move on this issue, simply because THEY could change their mind. The blogger of 8:04 hit it on the spot! IFFFFFF
Cata wins where will come back and claim she made the raise possible after it was on the chopping block and when she loses, the blame will go down with her and the rest of the board members will be smelling like roses - dead and wilted ones!
Thank god Rick and Cortez didnt get re=elected these employees would have been gone 2 years ago. What say now Minnie?
who cares if it's Nov or Dec it's more the prior board gave us since 3 years ago!!
Check out the BISD website dummies. Our superwoman did take care of the rumor through the supt. What say now??
And yes we are also tired of your cheap conniving lies the truth always comes out.
Thank you Lucy for always looking out for us!!!! ;-)
Minerva, Chirinos, Butch what have you done good for the district besides screwing it up?
Minerva voted for Estrada Hinojosa that sold 30+ million bonds without taxpayers vote costing the disrict 3.5 million a year that was not budgeted. There went our pay raises.
Butch sitting on the Bond Oversight making recommendations to spend more tax dollars from fund balance to fill his compadres pockets.
Chirinos spending thousands in supplies and parts AND millions on overtime for his compadres and comadre Petra Ramirez.
As for Otis, he makes sure his family members are taken care of, should he win Sylvia or Rita will be the next supt.
Are these the abusive people you want in office? Nottttttt
10/23 - 3:18 - You don't know much about the Powers family do you? There is no, and I repeat, no love lost between Otis and Sylvia. And who the hell is Rita?
Hey Luci Goosey is that you on post 3:18 pm? It sure sounds like you. We have heard you out and about making the same statements as post 3:18 pm.
To the pendja or pendejo who said the last board didn't give us a raise! That is the last time we got a raise! Do some research before you show your stupidity! The board had the final say so on what monies to spend, these losers have been too busy paying there buddies and getting healthsmart off the hook; that would have been a nice stippen for the employees.
Sorry to disappoint you, I'm the 3:18 post. I watch all your meetings. Told you we are watching every of your moves. Like the way Minerva Pena wasnt ready to vote for the financial Enrique made the motion twice on the third he motions for Estrada Hinojosa and lord and behold Minerva is quick to vote for them. It is very obvious its all about compradismo. Shame on Minerva, Enrique, colunga & Aguilar.
Just remember we have been watching all of you.
5:00pm is not lucy is yours truly.
we would have gotten raises every year if your pendejos hadnt spent thousands to pay Navarro, Mike Saldana and Johnny Cavazos insurance. how stupid can you be?
"Yours truly" Post 10:29 pm, prove it is not Luci Goosey and print your name! You won't!!!!!!
Minerva and Rick don't act pendejos, you know damn well where all the money from fund balance went, into your pockets. The truth will soon come out. This is why there havent been any raises since then. Who's the pendejo or pendeja now?
I dont have to prove shit to you. Why don't you show yourself coward.
Luci isnt afraid to speak up, she told Rick to his face how he made a mockery of the district. He sure wasnt a happy camper. Hahaha
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