College is expensive, but it costs even more for the students who don't graduate in four years (and the odds of pulling this off aren't good).

Not surprisingly, the state schools with the best graduation rates tend to be the wealthier state flagships, while the institutions with the rates are regional universities that could be characterized as drop-out factories. The Following lists state universities with the best and worst six-year graduation rates:
Best state university graduation rates
- University of Virginia, 92.7 percent
- University of California, Berkeley, 91.1 percent
- University of California, Los Angeles, 89.8 percent
- University of Michigan. 89.7 percent
- College of William and Mary, 89.7 percent
- United States Naval Academy, 88.6 percent
- University of North Carolina, 88.1 percent
- College of New Jersey, 86.2 percent
- University of California, San Diego, 86.1 percent
- United States Military Academy, 85.7 percent
- Pennsylvania State University, 85.3 percent
- University of Florida, 84.5 percent
- University of Illinois, 84.4 percent
- University of Wisconsin, 83.0 percent
- University of California, Irvine, 82.6 percent
- James Madison University, 82.5 percent
- University of California, Davis, 82.3 percent
- United States Air Force Academy, 81.5 percent
- University of Maryland, 81.5 percent
- University of Connecticut, 80.7 percent
- University of Washington, 80. 4 percent
- University of Texas, 80.3 percent
- Miami University (Ohio), 80.2 percent
- Texas A&M University, 79.9 percent
- Virginia Tech University 79.9 percent
- Vincennes University, 0 percent
- University of Houston-Downtown, 12.4 percent
- Texas Southern University, 13.3 percent
- Chicago State University, 13.9 percent
- Cameron University, 14.1 percent
- Utah Valley University, 15 percent
- Coppin State University ,16.3 percent
- Central State University, 19.4 percent
- Indiana University-Northwest, 19.4 percent
- CUNY York College, 19.5 percent
- University of Texas at Brownsville, 19.6 percent
- University of New Orleans, 20 percent
- Northeastern Illinois University, 20.1 percent
- Metropolitan State College of Denver, 20.5 percent
- Shawnee State University, 20.5 percent
- University of Arkansas Little Rock, 20.8 percent
- Southern University and A&M College, 21.2 percent
- Clayton State University, 21.9 percent
- Kent State University -- Stark, 23.1 percent
- Alabama State University, 24 percent
- Eastern New Mexico University 24.1 percent
- University of Arkansas at Monticello, 24.2 percent
- University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, 24.2 percent
- Augusta State University, 25.5 percent
- Auburn University at Montgomery 24.5 percent
Looks like UTB should be in the SEC....all sports and no academics. Juliet has long feared the publication of the "real" statistics at UTB. Long ago Juliet lost touch with reality in education....she had to choose self=promotion or education and she chose self-promotion. The result, the academic failures at UTB have tarnished her self-promotion. UTB is the 13th grade and Juliet forces the faculty to treat the students as if they were high schoolers. She comes down hard on professors who fail students...who should be failed. It is a vision of smoke and mirrors at UTB and Juliet is controlling both.
In all truth, there is probably not much that can be done about the graduation rate. UTB can't be compared to Univ. of Virgina and the other high end school.
One part of UTB problem is it location and another is's student body which is one and the same issue. Our students don't enter ready to do University level work. They are products of fourth rate public education system and can hardly read or write.
The students also don't have the resources to go away to school, but must stay here and work as best they can to get what education they can. This stretches out their college by years.
So, you have a combination of poor students, both in educational background and financial resources and third rate faculty. With such student potential, faculty is also third rate. Nobody with choices wants to move and teach down here. Of course the administration is third rate as well.
Cameron County Texas is the armpit of the United States. Corrupt public officials, crooked cops, drug wars, poverty out the ass, ignorance by the ton. Our university reflects it's environment. Harvard on the Rio Grand it will never be.
I am not a fan of Juliet Garcia, but the problem is much bigger than just one woman.
"We have met the enemy and he is us."...Pogo Possum
Just following the post of 2:15 p.m. and making reference to the Geico’s commercial.
If you graduate from the Brownsville Independent School District, you will not achieve acceptable scores in your college entrance exam or your standardized entrance test (SAT) for college. If you cannot achieve acceptable scores, you have to attend UTB and probably take remedial classes. If you attend UTB, you will probably not graduate and will be working for corrupt politicians. Therefore, do not attend BISD especially now that they fail to meet AYP passing standards.
Queen Julieta's action to issue pink slips to nearly one hundred UTB professors -- some tenured -- will gut the confidence of top educators across the South in UTB as a stable and attractive institution for decades to come. Hey, Queen J, where's TSC's rent money? The split is only final in 2015, so why the rush to mass layoffs now?
Worst state university graduation rates
I graduated from Pace H.S. During my junior year at Pace, I achieved a high enough SAT score to get accepted to the University of Texas Austin. In addition, many of my fellow Pace grauates ended up at prestigious universities such as Stanford.
Although i didn't end up going to UT, I did graduate from another 4 year Division I University by way of TSC. I found TSC to be just as challenging as two other State Univerisities that I attended.
I am not arguing for either side, but I will say that my experience at TSC years ago has enabled me to see why they have a low 6 year graduation rate. My classes were loaded with 30 and 40 somethings who already had careers and families but had gone back to school to finally seek their degrees. These non-traditional students take one or two night classes a semester which causes them to take much longer than a traditional student.
Sure, I will acknowledge that there are many underqualified students that attend UTB who are not serious about graduating, but I think that many of the above comments are unfair to our community. Yes, our community is poor. Yes, there are a lot of illiterate people here, but we are not in a unique situation. There are many communities that have similar issues. Just because you graduate from a Brownsville public school doesn't mean that you are doomed to a blue collar existence.
To the 2:15 commenter. The reason you think that Cameron County is the armpit of the U.S. is because you are a piece of shit and your are stinking up the please be my guest and relocate yourself!
A college is only as good as it's students and it's professors. Students graduate and take the state tests, to get certified as a teacher, and they have to take it 2 or 3 times and still not pass. Why, because their professors are not preparing them or because they cheat their way through classes and not learn the material that needs to be learned. Professors assign chapters for each student to teach and the professor sits in the back of the room and sleeps. Everyone gets an A for the presentation and we idiots sit and listen to some amateur tell us what the book is trying to tell us. Then, the teacher gets a test prepared by a company that no more fits what was actually taught in the class. The student fails and is discouraged and drops out. Why or why, does someone not hold Julieta accountable?
That middle school over there by Rivera High School needs to be renamed after someone truly deserving of the honor.
"The problem is much bigger than one woman" anonymous wrote.
Not this one. She's obese!
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