Who were those masked men taking photos of the Brownsville Independent School District contingent traveling to the Council of Urban Boards of Education (CUBE) Awards and Luncheon in Atlanta, Ga., to be held October 4 - 6?
Among the contingent were two board members – Dr. Christina Saavedra and Catalina Presas-Garcia – as well as BISD Superintendent Carl Montoya and former superintendent (now district consultant) Hector Gonzales.

But was there some other more nefarious reason for her not going on the trip? Was she perhaps tipped that the Rodriguez sleuths would be taking "incriminating" pictures of the group boarding a plane? Did she think that perhaps this was one of those "junkets" that she could ill afford to be identified with as she makes a reelection bid in November?

The presence of Gonzales in the contingent makes sense. He was the BISD superintendent when the CUBE award was given to Brownsville. If anyone knows the ins and outs of that bunch, it's probably him.
Was Minerva advised not to go because she would also be a target of some campaign to smear the group?
Some are saying that the reason that Brownsville lawyer Eddie Rodriguez and his son Michael were there to take the photos was part of the Rodriguez's continued efforts to squeeze litigation money from the district. Eddie's brother, Joe Rodriguez (aka Coach Joe) and his protege BISD coach Tom Chavez filed a lawsuit against forensic auditors Defenbaugh and Associates for the report they released pointing out all manner of favoritism that landed Big Joe a lucrative commission for football uniforms for Veterans High School and the Manzano Middle School football teams.
Apparently, both men were embarrassed that Defenbaugh pointed out that other bidders for the equipment were given short shrift and weren't given a fair shot at providing the equipment, earning Big Joe a hefty commission in the process.
In their report the auditors said they discovered evidence that Rodriguez was using undue influence and coercive tactics to pressure BISD coaches, athletic coordinators, and athletic personnel to purchase sports uniforms and equipment from a company, BNS Sports, for which he became a sales representative for after he left BISD in Dec. 31, 2009.

Investigation and analysis subsequently revealed that a substantial amount of payments of uniforms and equipment totaling $497,117 in fiscal year 2010-2011 was completed compared to the previous fiscal years (2009-2010) total of $175,715; an increase of 283 percent.
Interviews identified most of the purchasing was made by the athletic department, in general, and by Chavez, in particular. Chavez, an admitted close friend with Rodriguez for over 30 years, succeeded Rodriguez after he left BISD.
The report went on to say that a review of purchase orders also supported the fact that the athletic department fulfilled most of those purchases, predominantly for Manzano Middle School and Veterans Memorial High School, both newly constructed schools with no prior uniforms or equipment. Although Chavez denied giving preferential treatment to BNS and/or Joe Rodriguez in the purchasing process for both schools, Chavez never gave any due consideration to at least three other approved vendors sports distributors, the report states.
At the beginning of September 2011, BISD's Purchasing Department changed the Catalog/Co-op procurement procedure shifting control of catalog procurement process from the end-user, Athletic Department, to the Purchasing Department. This change provided more internal control and was the apparent reason for Rodriguez's telephone call to Auditor Pizano-Flores after the realization that BNS would have to be more competitive in terms of price.

The Forensic Audit Staff stated that there was "no doubt the Athletic Department in general and Tom Chavez in particular exercised undue influence and misuse of authority in choosing BNS Sports, through their sales rep. Joe Rodriguez, particularly in the purchasing of uniforms and other sports supplies for Manzano Middle School and Veterans Memorial High School in school year 2010-2011.
(This) resulted in close to $500,000 of purchases being given to Chavez's close friend and former A.D. (Joe) Rodriguez. Chavez allowed his and Joe Rodriguez's personal relationship to interfere with what should have been a business decision causing a potential loss of revenue to be sustained by the district. The Forensic Audit Staff recommended that a no-solicitation clause be included in future employment contracts and that BISD make a determination with respect to a (vendor such as BNS) whose representative (Joe Rodriguez) issue a threat over the telephone to file a lawsuit against the district.
"It is the opinion of the (auditors) that Chavez and his AD staff afforded BNS preferential treatment to the detriment of the district. Consideration should be given to administrative action disciplining Tom Chavez with termination as a consideration," the report stated.
The fact that the forensic auditors focused on the cozy relationship between a BISD employee and a vendor did not sit well with Big Joe and Chavez, who charged in their rambling lawsuit against Defenbaugh that Presas-Garcia had put the auditors up to it to embarrass the duo.
So perhaps there was some twisted logic to the photo madness. It probably fits into some larger scheme that we non lawyers are not privy to. We can hardly wait to see where the photos turn up.
The fact that the forensic auditors focused on the cozy relationship between a BISD employee and a vendor did not sit well with Big Joe and Chavez, who charged in their rambling lawsuit against Defenbaugh that Presas-Garcia had put the auditors up to it to embarrass the duo.
So perhaps there was some twisted logic to the photo madness. It probably fits into some larger scheme that we non lawyers are not privy to. We can hardly wait to see where the photos turn up.
Why do we have Carl Montoya as Superintendent of Schools when we have Hector Gonzalez? Carl needs to step down and let the leader of the pac take over. Carl stopped being the puppet Superintendent the minute that Gonzalez got hired as consultant for the district.
"Intimidation" is the motto on the Rodriguez Family Crest. Brothers Joe and Eddie are a pair of poster boys for pursuing public money. A divorcee, Eddie's move to practice law with his kids was more than a slap in the face for former partners who funded his travels for 12 months out of the office when he was maskerading as a man fit to be Texas Lawyer Prez. The few comments to this article reflect the local fear for the ball-busting, career-destroying moves manufactured by this Mackiavellian tag-team. The federal prosecution of Rosenthal began with Rodriguezes dumping his "Cases Lost to Mark R." files on the Garza-Vela federal courthouse steps. That prompted Villalobos to hire Colwin. Intimidation = that's why the fotos were snapped.
We can assume that you were at the airport saying good bye to Cata or perhaps collecting your daily fees. Otherwise, how would you know about the mask men taking pictures of the Cata, Carl, Christi and Hector on their little pleasure trip. If you were not there, than we certainly know who has been feeding you the inside stories on BISD. So much for your investigating reporting. Your report failed to inform the readers how much the trip will cost BISD. I hope that it does not come out of the district's fund balance.
Gonzalez is not the leader of the pac...neither is Lehman. This shit is alot deeper than these 2 changos. Are they part of the puppets? Yes, but leaders....hardly!
And so, what happens to Coach Joe and his side-kick? NOTHING????? That is another reason why good people don't mix with this kind of people. Even the board does nothing!
How much is this pleasure trip going to cost the school district?
Porter belles, alright
October 4, 2012, @8:34PM
Agree. Crooks? Yes, leaders? Hardly!!
What is the matter Ms all capitals, cat got your tongue? How much is this little trip going to cost BISD, and why did you take your "new consultant" with you??
lets face it folks, many of these so called bisd candidates that are running for re-election talk that its all about the betterment of the kids? you had your chance chnagos pelones, and now its time for folks to elect new people. Yea right its always been and always will be about how i can better mu pocket, or line my pockets and nothing else, just look at all the schools districts its a multi-,million follar budgets all over the valley, hey where od i sign up too? and even if i steal we all know the DA wont prosecute.
The rumor has it that the husband (ex-counselor) of a BISD board member will be hired to fix the students' scheduling problems that still exist at Porter High School which has already lingered over six-weeks of school. He was to start this past week but he was unable to start because he had to travel with his spouse to Atlanta. It can be assume that the scheduling problems will be fix before the end of the semester.
You know it is pretty apparent that this is blog has resorted to a podium for certain individiuals to air their hatred and contempt for their adversaries. All of these comments are obviously by one or two of the same people venting their frustration over being called out for what they really are - liars and thieves with personal agendas. It's It is getting to you isn't it Cata? And you Juan, does Cata get to approve the comments before you post? I think so.
"liars and thieves with personal agendas"
"Rumor has it that the husband of a current BISD Board member will be hired to fix the students'scheduling"
Another created position to slurp the taxpayer's money???
Juan how much do you charge Cata to print her hatred on your blog? It is sooooooooooooooo obvious that Cata is your best client!
Helloo!!! whatever it is costing the district right now is all due to Cortez,Aguilar, zayas, colunga & Minerva Pena's illegal conduct. Why?? because they wanted all insurance contracts for Johnny Cavazos and milk the district on construction contracts. Why and how? don't forget Zayas was in the Bond Oversight Committee, this is where he saw the $$$$$ his gold mine & with the help of Butch Barbosa they both depleted the fund balance.
The fact of the matter is the ones responsbile for these lawsuits are your beloved, Zayas, Cortez, Aguilar, Colunga & Pena. Zayas, Cortez & Colunga had all planned out before Zayas was even elected.
Why aren't you concerned of the thousandssss of tax dollars are paying for these four individual lawsuits? Oh, it's okay with you that our tax dollars pay for these guys defense but not to safe the districtfrom spending millions going to court.
Yeah, I'm all for these lawsuits taken to court, but have these guys pay out of their pockets, what you say now?
Are these the people you support? This only show
you all lack integrity and are corrupt.
10-10 12:33 PM - Hello Cata - got a "mad" on again????
Oct 10, @12:33
And this is who we have running our district?? God help us!!
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