Wednesday, October 3, 2012


By Juan Montoya
By now all of us who consume Internet postings from local blogs have seen the portly countenance of GOP Cameron County District Attorney candidate Chuck Mattingly excoriating his opponent Luis Saenz's "old-fashioned" style of justice.
He, in turn, promises in his video that he will leave the "old" style behind and introduce a brand-new day to Cameron County. He does this standing before the judicial wing of the Cameron County Courthouse.
In a nutshell, Chuck states that crime is different, that criminals are more ruthless and have more money.
"They can afford to hire expensive criminal attorneys who come and manipulate our courts and corrupt our legal system."
And while giving Saenz a backhand compliment saying his opponent is a "good man," he says that it has been 20 years since he was given the oath of office. We cannot, he says, afford to prosecute cases the way we did 20 years ago. We must, says Republican Mattingly echoing Democrat Obama, move forward.
We have seen the video and, as the stranger in Mark Twain's "The War Prayer," heard another message. This time it was from Saenz, and he said:
"In the old days, the criminals we convicted stayed convicted. We did  not, as Mr. Mattingly and his boss Armando Villalobos, stand around and agree to let a judge give a man convicted of murdering a teacher and a mother 60 days to "get his affairs in order" before turning himself in to serve his 23-year sentence.
"In fact, we wonder why Mr. Mattingly chose to return to the scene of the crime to put together this ad. The very same spot where he filmed this video is the place where Amit Livingston, the murder now on the run, walked out of the courthouse and became a fugitive as Chuck looked on. And speaking of expensive lawyers defending criminals, wasn't it Mr. Villalobos' former partner, Eddie Lucio, who made out with $200,000 as a result of Chuck's boss agreeing to release the bond in a parallel civil lawsuit? A federal indictment indicates at least $80,000 of that amount made its way back to the DA and another $18,000 to Abel Limas, the judge in the case.
"If this is the 'new' way to prosecute crimes, I think the residents of Cameron County prefer the 'old-fashioned' way of dispensing justice. In this one, I'm not with Chuck."


Anonymous said...

"Manipulate our Court System"

YES! Chuck you are 100% right on, "manipulate the system" just like YOU and your current boss did in the Livingston matter manipulated that system RIGHT OUT THE FRONT DOOR ALL ON YOUR WATCH... for what MONEY, GREED and POWER. Do you know where the last person CONVICTED of MURDER by LVS is(Jose Antonio Treviño, 21 Convicted just THIS PAST FEBRUARY) can find him sitting in A JAIL CELL for the rest of his life as he's serving a sentence of LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE. Now I ask you Chuck where is Mr. Amit Livingston ???

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mattingly has my vote and the votes of my compadres. Luis Saenz has had more experience with corruption, sexual harrassment, playing political favors and life with the likes of Gilberto Hinojosa, Conrad Cantu, and "Disable" Limas than we need. Chuck Mattingly is 'da man. My choice for DA of Cameron County.

Anonymous said...

Chuck has not shown up for work close to a year now and is earning over 100 thousand a year. He has not tried a case in that year as well and the last high profile case he did the Murderer walked out the front door never to be found after he paid the District Attorney and the Judge so that tells me Chucks cut was to not work and get paid on tax dollars money. He gets a free ride while we can't do anything about because his boss is nowhere to be found and Chuck has the goods on Villalobos so he can't get fired but we sure will no vote for corruption anymore. My vote is for Luis who has shown true leadership and has accomplished more than Chuck will eve be able to.Chuck Know first hand what corruption is and has tasted free money and is addicted to manipulating the system to work his way. He is a womanizer and a theif. Anyone who steals from the public is a thief. Chuck collects a check without working and that is stealing. Vote Luis Saenz for District Attorney. Early Voting is Oct.22-Nov.2. November 6,2012 is last day of Voting. Do the right thing and Vote for Luis Saenz

E. Lucio said...

I vote for a Nat Perez for District Attorney. Now there is a guy with a pair of cajones.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but there is just no way that I can vote for Chuck knowing that he is ripping off the taxpayers of Cameron County to the tune of $100,000+ this year, by taking a paycheck while not even working. It sounds to me like he is the RATA, and not the Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Chuck cooked cases for his friends. He also helped a murderer walk out of the courthouse. I think it is safe to say I will not be voting for this guy.

Anonymous said...

Anon. of October 3, 2012 5:14 PM
YOU LIE!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Armando Villalobos has the investigation regarding Aurora in his office...he will do nothing to on this case. ...he will wait till Saenz takes over and he will definatley do anhything tio prosecute his godmother Aurora. Luis Saenz works for the DA's ofice too. He was helping Aurora sweep this under thge rug...the more things change the mpore they stay the same....Saenz is part of the problem not the solution!

Anonymous said...

Pendejos, a vote for Chuck is just like re_electing Villalobos!! Sad that even republicans would votefor him. If you're a straight ticket rep. Voter you should check him of ur list and not cast a vote ay all

southmost kid said...

luis and chucky = nada, we are wasting our votes, which there was a write in or independent candidate

Anonymous said...

Nat Perez for DA! I wish he would consider, he is a straight arrow!!

Anonymous said...


the only way the only way you can get
elected . . . is to hold a press
conference . . . .

call for help from the atty general or the TEXAS RANGERS . . .

this thing here in CC is bigger than you are . . .

so do the only smart thing . . .
so the voters will know to trust you or . . .

forget the race next month . . .
