How long will the saga of an obviously illegal contract that Mayor Tony Martinez inked with a salesman from New York committing the city to a three-year "agreement" while at a mayor's conference in Orlando, Fla., go unquestioned by the city commissioners?
The company also has a website that states its offices are in Warsaw, N.Y.
The agreement indicates that it was signed by Martinez June 15, 2012, while at the mayors' conference and commits the city to a three-year period when the company can do business selling advertising banners to local businesses that will include the city logo on top and an ad from buyers on the lower third of the banner.
The agreement states that the company headed by CEO David McCarthy will be responsible for designing, marketing, production, printing and distribution "at no cost to the City of Brownsville."
It also commits the city to furnish the company with "preferred pole locations" for it to place the banners it sells.
Already, several small business owners have been approached by Community Showcase Banner representatives and urged to purchase space on the banners for their business.
The salesmen carry a letter of introduction from City Manager Charlie Cabler bearing the city letterhead as per the agreement. The agreement also calls for the city to provide Community Showcase Banners "all necessary brackets, hardware, installation and maintenance of the banners.The city also agreed to give the right to use organization's name in connection with the representation, production, and marketing of the program...
The agreement also calls for the city to provide "identification of, and access to the preferred pole sites for proper banner placement, monitoring and maintenance of banners as needed throughout their display and installation of replacement banners as needed (and hand scribbled) "and no cost to the City of Brownsville."

According to the account in MeanMisterBrownsville.blogspot, a local businessman whose wife is employed by the city, was approached by McCarthy and Pena. McCarthy represented himself as a close friend of Mayor Martinez, saying "he and Tony went way back."
He told the businessman that "Tony needed him." When the businessman looked over the selection of packages, he said he might be able to spring for the $600 offering since cash flow was a problem. He was told that package was only for churches and non-profits and was pushed toward the $4,000 selection. Perplexed, the business owner said the only way he could go the four grand would be with a post-dated check. McCarthy at first rejected that offer, but seeing it was the only way he could make the sale, he accepted a post-dated check for the amount.

"Does Sossi have anything to do with this?" the city employee asked Cabler. "I don't know. Call him." was Cabler's response.
"My name was NOT EVER to be used on this! NOT EVER!" Sossi could be heard to say on the other end.
So what's going on here? Was Martinez hoodwinked into doing the company's bidding by McCarthy in Orlando and then got Cabler to send a letter or introduction/recommendation to local business owners misrepresenting that the company had been approved by an act of the city commission?
Do Martinez and Cabler (and Sossi, apparently) know that they have bypassed every requirement for contracts and agreements between vendors and the city in violation of every law and regulation?
Why were there no call Requests For Proposals to give local advertising agencies (are you listening Melissa?) a chance at the business?
Was the Public Utilities Board ever told that a private company was going to use its electric poles for advertising? Does the mayor know about our sign ordinances?
Now, Hizzoner Da Mayor Tony Martinez did attend the 80th Annual Conference of Mayors in Orlando June 13-16 where this great once-in-a-lifetime prestigious "award" was said to have been made. But try as we might, we can find nothing on the city agendas since that the city commission had "accepted" the award.
The agreement indicates that it was signed a day before the conference ended in Orlando. Does Martinez know that he cannot commit the city to any contract or agreement unless it is vetted by the different departments (legal included, Sossi)? And how did Sossi get involved in this subterfuge?
All these questions need to be answered to assure the residents of Brownsville that everything done with this company that commits the city to a three-year agreement was not just Martinez's temporary letdown of his guard and signing off at the whim of the moment?
Where is the rest of the commission?
A review of the Oakland Raider roster for the Super Bowls in 1981 and which Jim Plunkett played.....there is no one on the roster named David McCarthy. Anyone with money can probably pick up a Super Bowl ring at a pawn shop. How is it so easy to fool Brownsville officials? Sossi is a New Yorker....does he know this snake oil salesman? Why do all Brownsville mayors seem to think they can make decisions like this without going to the Commission? How are these dinky banners going to help the economic problems in Brownsville? Since no one goes downtown...who will see the banners?
Having banners in the downtown area would require them to be in Spanish...since no English speaking buyers shop downtown.
we the citizens of brownsville demand to stop all this fix pricing, bid rigging.and the only way is to clean the house starting with the city manager and his compadres. and you the commisioners and the mayor know who they are.
"wont cost the city" Guess the brackets and hardware to put these banners up are free. Oh and dont forget we are now responsible for the up keep of the banners and the replacement. Seems to me that the mayor made a mistake and needs to come out and get this behind him. wasn't he the first one to demand a code of ethics be created and that they would all be held accountable? The mayor needs to calm down and understand his role and his limit of power. As for any of the city comm. questioning him, forget it, they quiver when he approaches them. The only one that has held his ground and told him that he is wrong when he is is Comm. Longoria. How dare the city manager act stupid abpout Sossi's involvement, his comment of "why dont you call him' when asked by the city employee/bus.owner if he had anything to do with nthis scam was just plain childish.
I need to get in contact with Juan Montoya about this but can't find a correct phone number. Important information to this situation. If the city and its local business community knew only half of the story. OMG!
1st comment is correct! I too searched the Raiders data base from 1975 to 1988, granted 1980 was the 1st year Jim Plunkett came on board & 1986 was his last year with no success of finding a David McCarthy on the Raiders roster or any NFL roster for that matter.
However, Mr. David McCarthy was QB for the Rochester Raiders Flag Football team and is/was the team owner. Occupation: Sales Manager in the Automotive Industry. Good character call Mr. Mayor! What is the refund policy?
See for yourself: David McCarthy
I do.
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