The SAVEBISD PAC started as a host of Bobby Wightman's Brownsville Voice blog.
Now it has reemerged as the voice of a Ernie Hernandez politiquero Joey Garza.
Obviously, Norma and Ernie Hernandez didn't appreciate the fact that Brownsville Independent School District trustee Catalina Presas-Garcia was seen speaking with their daughter Erin Hernandez Garcia's opponent Yolanda Begum.
In fact, we have from a good source that Ernie himself told Presas-Garcia that she could forget about the 1,500 votes he controls when she ran for the board again.
So, in true form, the Hernandezes have loaned their flunky Garza to the Butch Barbosa camp to use his name in political advertising on behalf of "Butch," who can issue a plausible denial of any involvement.
Now, with the ad in today's Herald, it has also revealed itself to be the vehicle of vengeance against Presas-Garcia from the Joe Rodriguez camp for her role in stopping the BISD from being used as the private ATM machine for him and his toadies.

The cities where she traveled, Washington, D.C., San Diego, Orlando, Baltimore, San Francisco, New Orleans, Boston and New York City, have all been sites for these national organizations' conferences. The BISD, after all, is an urban district even though some of us still want to think of ourselves as some sort of backwater and are content to let compadrismo and favoritism guide our policies.
If you average it out over four years, it come to a grand total of $6,645.28 per year, hardly enough to equip "our children," as the PAC ad claims, with "basic school supplies" they allegedly don't have.
In fact, what Coach Joe got at the end of his illustrious career at the BISD was a $90,000 golden parachute as a goodbye present from the former board majority who thought nothing of handing out BISD money like it was theirs. That's almost four times as much as the travel money and it happened in one fell swoop.
And also conveniently missing from their critique was the fact former BISD trustee Ruben Cortez logged more than 25 trips in two years and spent an astronomical $35,874. Now Ruben is running for the Texas State School Board of Education. Where is the hue and cry from the SAVEBISD PAC?
How do we know the Rodriguezes are behind the PAC ad? Those who went on the Atlanta trip included Presas-Garcia, Hector Gonzales, Supt. Carl Montoya and Dr. Christina Saavedra. Minerva Peña was scheduled to leave with them from the Harlingen airport and cancelled at the last minute. While at the airport, the group saw that Coach Joe and nephew Mike Rodriguez were taking pictures. Were those pictures supposed to have been on the Herald ad but was cancelled when they were outed?
By the way, Peña – after conveniently missing the Harlingen flight with the group – showed up in Atlanta nonetheless. Funny how the PAC makes no mention of Peña. After all, she is also running for reelection, isn't she?
Now we can see that the perfect political storm against Presas-GArcia is being pushed along by these usual suspects. And Butch is more than willing to align himself with politiqueros and embittered sacred cows of this ilk? Theres' nothing more that Ernie wouldn't love than to have a toady on the board of the BISD board that has control of a $509 million budget. That is almost five times as much as the county's, where he has just about run out slots with which to hand out his patronage.
Oour district faces the urban problems faced by larger cities in the country: unemployment, urban decay, teen age pregnancies, dropout rates, crime, and drug violence that results in a large percentage of our Latino and poor white students ending up behind bars.
These issues should not be overlooked when we elect trustees to the BISD board.
The fact that Ernie is looking for another source of patronage and has been handed the opportunity to line up at the BISD feeding tough should give everyone reason to pause. The octopus is spreading his tentacles and using prejudices fueled against Presas-Garcia by the Likes of Rodriguez and the previous majority to beguile the unwary voters.
Is Yolanda Begium supporting Cata?
Is Chuck supporting Cata? How about Casco, Lopez, Lucio, Rupublican Party are they supporting Cata? Maybe Begium will take a picture with Cata endorsing her for school board? Please somebody take a picture with Cata offering their support.
Great job Juan! we all know the type of scum these people are. Like the saying goes, La sora no se ve la cola". Their acts speak louder than words.
Hector Gonzalez, Antonio Juarez, and Art Rendon should take a picture with Cata showing her their appreciation and support for all her actions in getting them back into BISD. Maybe there is a picture of Gonzalez and Cata attending the conference in Atlanta that can be publish in her support for school board member.
You guys miss the point. Juan supports Cata. Cata supports Juan. What else matters?
ernie in all the pictures you allways wear the same blue blazzer,and by the way is this guy is your twin brother.
Vote against all candidates associated with Ernie,Erin and Norma Hernandez. This people are just plain evil,they have been raping and pillaging brownsville,cameron county,and now they want to control the justice of the peace courts and they have their eyes on the 500+ million dollars at BISD by implanting Butch Barbosa as their trustee. No No and I repeat don't allow another of the hernandez cronies get elected. Lets Save BISD from the hernandez,lets not allow Ernie to put his hands in our scool district cookie jar.
PONTE a trabajar Minerva la CUERVA ..... Stop posting you mensa
Photo with Ernie Hernandez.... that's like an anti-endorsement!!!
Vote for this guy... cuz Ernie owes the IRS $800,000 in back taxes!
Tomorrow: Conrado Cantu endorses Barbosa... from prison?
Ernie has always been and remains a piece of shit.
ernie has always been a piece of shit and wears the same blue blazzer.
Juarez, Rendon and especially Hector with the help of Precious- Garcia has ripped off BISD and the citizens of Brownsville of over a million dollars of needed tax payer support. While BISD schools were running short of funds to buy the humbles of supplies the last two months of the 2012 school year, the board was passing out huge checks to these gentlemen. I don’t know why they paid Hector all that money when he didn’t have a chance in hell to win after he lost the TEA hearing. Of course Montoya is entitled to his own opinion and with the right motivation $$$, he can find something nice to say about Precious even if it is a lie.
Barbosa has no shame. Today after church at Our Lady of Good Counsel, Sunday worshipers found flyers under their windshields bashing Caty P-G and singing the Barbarosa's praises. The parish Padre flew into a tirade, saying Barbosa had no right on private property, and especially when people want to escape from the political crap on a Sunday morning. What a jerk is Barbosa. I will not vote for this guy now for anything.
The ones that ripped off the district were Zayas, cortez, colunga, aguilar, minerva, mike saldana, fuller, springston and rick pena.
There are rumors the hearng officer was paid off by zayas. Why do you think vittitoe got removed from representing them.
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