By Juan Montoya
Does he ever know when to quit?
Two days after the start of early voting – and 13 days before Nov. 6 election day – former BISD trustee Rick Zayas has filed yet another lawsuit which seeks to discredit incumbent Catalina Presas-Garcia.
This time, Zayas is representing the seller of a property where the sale fell through when the title company found that he could not sell the property because he did not have the approval of his divorced spouse or protected the rights of his minor daughter.

The last lawsuit Zayas filed was in late August ostensibly against Danny Defenbaugh and Associates of Dallas where he represents former BISD Athletic Director Joe Rodriguez and Rivera coach Tom Chavez for allegedly defaming them with the release of a wide-ranging forensic audit.
And even though most legal observers say that a court will probably order that Zayas remove himself from the lawsuit because he was a BISD trustee at some time during the course of the events in the lawsuit, the public impact of the lawsuit before the election was the main objective of it being filed.

The new legal gambit was filed today – Oct. 24 – and was served upon Presas-Garcia just minutes later after it was filed the same day. THat same day, a courthouse source said that the Brownsville Herald was tipped off to the case and that their reporter had already asked for a copy. As late as 9 p.m. Wednesday, no one from the newspaper had called her for a comment.
This latest case by Zayas also, is even more sinister, alleging that even though the sale did not go through and the buyer got all their money back, Presas-Garcia violated Texas real estate law by not depositing the money with the title company within a given period of time (two days).
However, the lawsuit does not explain that the title company in question – Sierra Title – would not receive the funds to process the sale because the rights of the seller's spouse and her minor daughter were not taken into account. As a result, the money stayed with the broker and was returned to him when the deal didn't go through. Neither the buyer nor the seller lost anything in the deal.
The filing of the lawsuit led Presas-Garcia to file a harassment complaint against Zayas Wednesday, charging that the local attorney and former trustee who was defeated in 2010 by trustee Lucy Longoria, has become obsessed with her both personally and politically. But even though she waited for them, the officers didn't show before she had to enter the meeting.
She said that the plot is even thicker, with the seller staging a meeting where he offered her money to vote on behalf of Peña and Associates, a delinquent tax-collection firm, or else the lawsuit alleging the real estate law violations would be filed.
According to Presas-Garcia, the man offered her a manila envelope with money. She said she immediately went to BISD attorney Arturo Michel and they both went to the Cameron County District Attorneys' Office where they filed a report on the attempted extortion.
To date, even though the DA's office has had the report, there has been no action taken in the case, she said.
A majority of the board, including Presas-Garcia, voted to award the contract to Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP instead.
"I've just about had enough of this man," said Presas-Garcia of Zayas. "He is obsessed with me and blames me for having lost his election for the BISD. Does anybody really believe that the filing of these lawsuits is a coincidence? They are going to make this available immediately to their reporter Gary Long at the Brownsville Herald so it can affect the election. I already know how they work."
Presas-Garcia said she was not ruling out filing of a counter suit against both Zayas and his client.
Where is the picture with Cata and her supporters? No hay!!!!!!
Go get her Rick! Pinche caty....RATA!
This is not what will cost Presas-Garcia the election. What will cost her the election are the vans full of elderly folks her opponents cronies are driving to the polls with instructions of who to vote for. Not the mention the bus drivers union. They need her gone so they can get thier little "mercado" and overtime back.
a preemptive strike
The truth hurts, doesn't it Cata? You can dish it out but obviously can't take it.
Mean Mister Brownsville has the actual law suit. Looks like Caty tried to write this article.
Throw her shanky ass in jail.
The one that should be thrown in jail is zayas and the idiot that threatened an elected official.
The ones that are going to jail pretty soon for voter fraud are Ernie,Erin and Norma Hernandez. Van a ir a ver al Negro dimas en prision los hijos de Su pinche madre,ya se los cargo la chingada a estos perros muertos de hambre. Pinche bola de ratas,y la Erin con cara de hamburguesa aplastada.
Rick Zayas should also be investigated for all the fraudulent filings he is filing in court and for all the wheeling and dealing he and Ruben Cortez did while on the B.I.S.D. board. Hasnt anybody though about filing a formal complaint against Rick Zayas with the State Bar of Texas so that he may be investigated for everything he has done. To be able to hold your license is one of the requirements is that an attorney must practice good moral turpitude. Maybe the time has come to refer Zayas to the State Bar
How about her to the State agency governing realtors????
Caty held this man's money for several months and you say no one lost anything? The man did not have the money in his possession to use. That right there is a lost!
To the 1:06 PM poster. Produce proof of the acts you are contending about Zayas! If you can't, Shut TFU! Your IP address can be had from Google and then you got some major problems on your hands! These blogs are great, but you better be able to prove your statement in a court of law! Are you willing to spread lies? You can say all you want, if they are true and you can prove it!
So zayas is the only one that can print lies, make illegal depositions and thinks he can get away???? Dream on buddy, he is not above the law.
Guess the truth hurts, don't it Ricky?
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