With the arrival of former Brownsville Police Department Chief Carlos Garcia at the helm of the Port of Brownsville police force, people figured that an officer who had been in charges of a force of about 250 officers would have easy sailing with his impressive 8-person troop.
But the rumblings we hear from the Golden Gulch is that not everybody is a happy camper out there.
"At least two of the people who left were good veteran cops," said a port insider. "They just got tired of the way Garcia was running things. And the guy who lasted three days before quitting is a testimony to the fine screening done by the chief."
Garcia was a shoo-in for Port of Brownsville's director of security when he was named the finalist for the position.
It didn't matter that there were 25 other candidates, the scuttlebutt at the port indicated that Garcia had the inside track on the plum position even before the application period had elapsed.
And, as was the case when we initially reported the item, Garcia had not told the city commissioners or city manager that he had applied for the position.
At $107,966 (plus benefits), Garcia was the third-highest paid city employee only behind City manager Charlie Cabler at $159,120 (an ex-cop himself) and Assistant City Manager for Finance Pete Gonzales, at $115,696.
While Garcia was responsible for about 250 police officers in a city of almost 200,000, he will now be the head of a formidable seven-officer force and ride herd on a dwindling port force that has steadily decreased from a high of almost 6,000 workers in the different port leasees to a number estimated to hover between 2,000 to 3,000.
And still, after less than a year there, and with the number of defections under his command, could it be that the job is too much for the chief to handle?
First, everyone knows that Carlos Garcia did not pass the port of brownsvilles interview board. It was only when, the port director campirano, ordered they give him a second interview and along with a "make it happen" command.
My way or the highway, micro management style is his norm.
Got what you asked for.
Why would he leave a high paying job as the chief of police for the city of brownsville so abruptly. He then gives this orlando rodriguez a commandership when it was well known he, carlos dispised rodriguez? Someone, had something on someone. People will start talking. Was someone going to talk with the da about a cover up, so he was promised something? Hummmm
BPD Chief Rodriquez is a hell of alot better than Garcia. The reason Garcia never wanted to pursue the matter on the Civil Service Investigation Issue! WELL GUESS WHAT?
Garcia has a SON I repeat a SON working for Cameron County, where do you think his SON works at? FOR OUR COUNTY SHERIFF OMAR LUCIO in the jail as a SERGEANT.
Why do you think that no charges were ever filed by the BPD on the Reyna Boys when they got in trouble in Brownsville! Domestic to DWI to PI etc... INTERESTING!!!!!!
Garcia is worthless as leader and as an Officer.
What is up with the increasing and seemingly accepted use "da" and "dis" in the written English language? Granted the first comment is just a comment, but I have seen these words used in articles penned by J Mon and countless others. Personally, I do not like to see those words used in formal writing.
And twice Garcia ran interference for his SON while at BPD .....when his SON physically abused his wife.....and Garcia's drug dealing brother in law???? What happened there? The order from Garcia at the time was to drop the investigation......oh how the info runs at trails end
Oops, my bad, "da" stands for district attorney, not ghetto text for the word "the".
It does not take long for people to see Garcia for who he is. Be careful Port of Brownsville if he hires his good Buddy Robert Avitia, together they will ruin the department, just like they tried with the BPD but for some reason, they both jumped like jumping beans from the department. It is kind of odd that after his buddy Avitia retired in July Carlos followed. I guess we can all wonder because they are both snakes who keep their months shut when they do wrong but are always ready to open it when they want to screw somebody over. If you see them working together beware, or maybe not, they might not have any more power since people know how they work. Don't be fooled by their kindess, they will pretend to be nice to get what they want. Please keep this in mind, Carlos and Robert, there are some intellent people in Brownsville who have you both figured out. Good luck to those who have no knowledge of your mean streak.
As long as Cabler is manager the chief of police for the City of Brownsville is just another cop. Avitia and Garcia were tired of it. they had been for years. Cabler begged Garcia to stay. Hence not informing the commission or Cabler about the application. In my youth I had a couple of run ins with Avitia. I was a punk. He treated me with respect and kindness. He educated me because he truly cares. He doesn't even know me. Only what I had done wrong. As an adult I had Garcia's cell phone number...that he ALWAYS answered. ALWAYS. I wonder howany other citizens he was so loyal too. Thousands I'm sure. When a family member does wrong it puts people that care for them in jeopardy. Snakes like Cabler are always waiting to send their goons like Longoria out to put them in his pocket when they do. I wonder what the lazy fat asses at the port didn't like about Garcia. Rodriguez is just another yes man for Cabler...and his closet full of skeletons is a double walk in composed to Garcia's. Garcia was our best chief since Victor Rodriguez left us.
October 16, 2012 3:10 PM
Ohhhh really baby boy? and tell all of us what the fuck are you going to do about it? you prove to all of us that it will stop MF.
October 16, 2012 3:40 PM
Shut the fuck up Ramiro Rodriguez, because you were putting the finger on Carlos about shit that did not even happenned, all because you were fired from BPD for having a terrible conduct inside and outside premises MR BORDER BY THE SEA.
Very true, Carlos Garcia was a great chief at the Police Dept. The guy knew how to run the bussiness and all you creepie monkeys jumping up and down, he knew how to have control of numerous things and he did it with alot of class and respect, and butter ball being his friend is all good, butter ball knew how to be faithful to Carlos and obedient too, so whats the problem with you people? now you guys are mad because they are friends? I like them both and more because they are a great team and leaders, butter ball can be an ass, but also a good man.
OK so from what you are saying is that were a punk and Garcia hired you as a police officer even if you were trouble and of course Robert Avitia treated you with respect. Point proven, they work together. And obviously you are not too intelligent cause you were not able to figure out that they made you their "YES" man. Don't fool yourself those two do not care for anyone but themselves. Only his boys thought he was a good chief . Carlos is and will always be a Pachuco. I have no respect for him or Robert . Think about fool one left and the other one followed, you can't be that stupid!!!!!!!!!
Ahhh Orlando......la Chula de Brownsville....portandose como que es toda una Reyna....bien que le gusta mamar a los importantes, pero bien que se chinga a los demas.....ni sus propios hombres le tienen confiansa....
Good ole Rod knows he is not "chief material" and Canker Cabler didn't want a real Chief.... a tool/puppet is what they wanted and got.... heck, he is probably scared of his own wife...
Andy Vega, was 11 the best Chief of Police in Brownsville's History.
Rodriguez is a farce of an officer! He has family ties in Mexico and to a Brownsville family that was involved in the voter fraud we just experienced. When he was chief he dismantled the drug task force...When is the last time you heard of BPD making a signifigant drug bust? He sharpened his political ax on advesaries of his friends and family. Someone in this position shouldn't be an arrogant asssss they should be a humble servant! Yes Rodriguez IMO is a much better fit for the position, however, it was typical city politics that got him the position. Just like Garcia getting both the BPD police chief position and the chief at the Port.
Applicant Chief Maldonado was the best qualified to be the chief for our city. A true professional. I have to agree with Robert Tyler on this one. Now when Orlando Rodriguez found out that RT was talking to certain city officials and patrons of Trails End, he put RT on his list of, people to screw with.
Understand that rodriguez has never had anything in his life. His mom did not allow him to play any organized sports, he might have gotten hurt, never finished school, got a GED, never served his country, let the fools go get shot attitude and can't hold a relatiponship with a woman. Try and understand every dog has his day. While he and his wwife now sit at the tables of the elite he fails to hear the snickering behind his back as they line up to say hello and shake his had before they, "I have a little problem" arises comes to light.
Rodriguez, stop and look at yourself real hard and STOP being a yes man, for once grow a pair. Stop falling to your knees every time one of our cities "elite" walks by, at least act like a man!
Time to grow up and tell people the Chief of Police for the City of Brownsville is not for sale.
October 16, 2012 9:15 PM
LOL, so you are telling us that Garcia and Butter Ball only care for themselves? so what? I ONLY CARE ABOUT MY SELF AND NO ONE ELSE, SO WHAT??? what did you want to see? for them to have pittie for you or to patt you on the back? what the fuck is wrong with you bitch?? now days, none of that exists, no one cares for no one, and you learn how to deal with shit on your own, or did Garcia and Butter Ball ask you for help when they had to take care for bussinnes matters? NOOOOOOO!!! so then shut the fuck up you monkey from the police department with no brains at all, just go fuck one of your co workers and relax afterwards and take a deep breath and move on baby. Life is what it is, and you will not change it and get used to it baby, cuz from now on you shall expect only the worst and you will have to learn how to live with shit and deal with it also.
October 16, 2012 10:10 PM
Muchos no le tienen confianza al estupido de Orlando Rodriguez por que todos sabemos que es pura cagada, traidor, menso, sin estudios, naco, prieto y apestoso a drenaje, (no se por que, pero siempre huele a drenaje)?????? y efectivamente Orlandito Rodriguez es solo el titere de la Policia, aquien se le ocurre que un tarado como este puede ser lider de un grupo de gente aguerrida, descontrolados sexualmente, pleitistas, chismosos, mentirosos, y cogelones del DEPARTAMENTO DE POLICIA???? Hellooooo???? solo otro estupido como el jajajjaja
jajajajaj you see.....I was right all this time, Orlando Rodriguez has no balls what so ever!!! you tell me, when did Carlos Garcia act the way this stupid puppet is acting??? Never!!!! Carlos Garcia se daba su taco y caminaba con su frente en alto, ESE SI ES UN HOMBRE DE VERDAD Y CON BUEN CUERPO TAMBIEN!!!! NADA MAS FIJENSE EN EL UNIFORME COMO LO PORTA CARLOS GARCIA Y FIJENSE COMO ORLANDO RODRIGUEZ PORTA SU UNIFORME, y la verdad Orlando da verguenza!!! fijense como camina Carlos y como camina el naco de Orlando, chingados con ustedes...falta de conocimiento y saver distinguir a un lider de UN NACO!!! Orlando nunca le va a llegar a los talones a Carlos Garcia, por que Carlos esta bien estudiado Academicamente y biene de la Militar tambien, no es un pendejo como Orlando que no sabe ni como escribir PARANGUARICUTIRIMICUARO, UNA SIMPLE PALABRA DE LA PRIMARIA jajaja yo por eso solo Voto por Carlitos y Butter Ball y ustedes son los envidiosos de la Police que como siempre han sido unos perros muertos de hambre, le hechan a Carlitos asta por los codos por que el si a tenido mejor suerte que ustedes, jajaja arriba Carlitos y Butter Ball que gracias a ustedes han existido verdaderos cambios positivos en esta Ciudad. :)
Shut up supid black widow, just cause people talk about Orlando does not mean it is true and that you are right pendeja. Pinche vieja ardida, he is the new chief and that is that. Swallow it bitch, you have no choice. It is not about Orlando, read the article stupid. It is about Carlos Garcia and how he is not doing a good job as the chief the same way he was not doing a good job at the BPD. Pinches mamones el y Robert, Carlos did not pass the his Port of Brownsville Board interview and he was assigned just like he assigned Robert as his commander and he could not score high enough on the Lt. test. Where is the intellegence? There is none, they just know how to manipulate idiots like all of you defending them. Carlos ought to be ashamed of himself. HE IS NOT AND WAS NEVER A GOOD CHIEF OF POLICE. DID ANYONE HEAR THE IDIOT SPEAK? I did and it was an embarrasment for the BPD. Wow black widow you were really idolized this asshole. He did not walk with pride he walked looking as if he had a turd up his ass. Oh, but that is becoming to you because you like the mierda. You must be blind beach, Carlos is Gross and Butter Ball, you are right Robert is a TURKEY but he looks like a tacuache. What changes did those two make in this
city? They are nobodies getting invloved in everyone's business, that is all. They are no dicnitaries, only to you, but you are also a nobody. And no, Carlos never looked good in the uniform, he never said a good speech, he did not treat his personnel properly, only his boys and the best thing that happened to the police department, was those two being gone. BY THE WAY CARLOS, NEXT TIME YOU SAY THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, YOU ARE NOBODY TO LEAVE "GOD" OUT OF IT YOU MORRON. By the way, I do not thinnk anyone is jelous of their frienship. QUE AGUANTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And he stold another man's wife......not that it mattered, she was already screwing everyone else in the department...
Como camina Carlos????? Con las nalgitas bien paraditas......
Cogelon como el comandante que le puso los cuernos a su esposa y Tuvo cuates con la sancha
Is his wife the one with the ugly ass lips?
Shit! I doubt he will be put on the shit list....he has enough connections to bring down the chief..but I'm sure that Rodriguez is so insecure that he is keeping a list and checking it twice.
You see, Oct 17th 4:56
That's gotta be one of Garcias' cross border buddies. Check the facts about the drug task force being dismantled.
What FUCKING changes you IDIOTA?
He may be the head at the port, but at least there is Federal oversight there.
Juan and bloggers, think what you may about all the past chief and commanders and the like, including Cabler, but how dare you include the name of Mr. Pete Gonzales alongside these men. Mr. Gonzales is an honest, well-prepared in his field, and dedicated to his job. I bet he is the one that catches anyone trying to put their hands in the petty cash box at COB. Leave Mr. Gonzales out from these group of "insignificants."
GED? No college? Sounds like he's better qualified to work the drive thru window at McDONALD'S ...but then again....what do you expect from Brownsville....
Who is Ex-police sergeant Jimmy? He was one of the ex-chief's soplones! He was placed into the police records division and was caught selling official police documents, una rata! Sold them to an attoreny who was just granted a change of venue in the Limas scandal, otras ratas bien hechas!
Ex-chief discovers criminal wrong doing and sends jimmy home, with pay. Tells media he cant discuss case. Things cool off and allows Sergeant Jimmy to retire with full benefits and out the famous back door. Now get this, the same sergeant is now running for,CAMERON COUNTY SHERIFF! This piece of garbage should have been arrested and stripped of his police officers license from the state of texas instead of being let out a back door by a friend, Carlitos?. You took an oath to us the citizens of this city. Once the servants of justice and morality begin to serve themselves and a select few only, our system fails.
Did someone know the exchief failed to follow the law and file chriminal charges as the law perscribes? Was someone going to the Distric Attorney or the Texas Rangers? When I am having a cold one at the trails end I'll buy one for, you know who, and maybe I can get the rest of the story. Oh and for all the crooked cops do us, the public a favor and take off that badge and uniform, you dont deserve it!
No, Carlos camina con la cola sudada, con cottage cheese, pelo y pimples, per eso le a de aspetar el culo. Ni qiero imaginar a Robert, AYYYY!!!!! viejos asquerosos!!!!!!!!!
Sgt Jimmy was let go for two reasons:
1) His chin was too big and he couldn't maneuver inside the office without knocking things over....
2) His appetite was never satisfied so he kept on eating the reports
October 17, 2012 6:53 PM
Haver perra ronosa, por que tendria que estar ardida cualquier persona por que Orlando es chief? jajaja a todos nos vale un comino si Orlando es chief o no y la ardida perra ronosa pulgosa eres tu, por que tu trabajas BAJO EL MANDO DE EL NO NOSOTROS!!! la ardida eres tu por que tu eres la que se esta quejando de Carlitos y de Butter Ball alias EL TURKEY, como tu le pusiste, NO NOSOTROS!!!! TE LA PONGO MAS FACIL ANIMAL, yo no tengo que verle la cara a nadie y por lo tanto yo no dependo de nadie y tu si, y la estupida pendeja eres tu, Y NO NADIE MAS. Y digas lo que digas estas bien equivocada de Orlando, por que comprobado esta que es un titere de la Ciudad y muchos lo sabemos y por eso no voy a discutir con tigo, tus palabras aqui salen sobrando digas lo que digas, por que aleguas se ve que le tienes muchisimo coraje a dos buenos lideres como Carlos y Butter Ball, yo no entiendo cual es el coraje que le tienes? por que cuando el estubo en el departamento de policia bien que atendias a sus eventos, bien que te gustaba cruzar palabra con el, bien que le pediste favores y te cumplio, bien que te dio la oportunidad de trabajar en su departamento y ejercer como policia, bien que te perdono un monton de chingaderas y no te corrio del trabajo, ahora mi pregunta es: Cual es tu problema? por que tanto odio hacia el y Butter Ball? hacaso me quieres impresionar o INTIMIDAR CON TU DISCURSO BARATO Y NEGATIVO LLENO DE ODIO? Pues pierdes tu tiempo, las cosas son lo que son y punto, aunque te duela aceptarlo :)Y es tan simple saver distinguir a un lider de un naco como Orlando, y arriba Carlitos y Butter Ball!!! por buenas gentes con los animales mal agradecidos COMO TU PERRA.
October 18, 2012 1:42 AM
Shut the fuck up ass hole and gay mother fucker, we know who the fuck you are, and we know its you because of the way you talk and write, you gay mother fucker!!!
Concentrate on the article, Carlos Garcia through his non actions and dismantling of the drug task force affected our city.
Ya callate el ozico, todo lo que sale de tu boca cuando hablas de Carlos y Roberto, es pura mierda. Tu los quieres porque son igual de corrientes que tu. No son y nuca fueron buenos liders, Carlos un pachuco y Roberto hombre sin escrupulos como tu. Esto el lo que yo peinso de ellos: Cuando la Cuacha se cree mucho se hace pura mierda, cuando el mugrero se enbolucra con otro mugrero se hace pura cagada y cuando unos hombres como Carlos y Roberto se juntan es puro pedo. Cuando la black widow habla bien de ellos se da a valer pura mizcua y lo seran siendo por el resto de su vida por pendejos, bobosos y animales rebolcados por su pendeja ambicion. Pobres pendejos se ilucionan con lo peor porque sus eposas estan que espantan.
It may be about Carlos, but we have the right to hear what is happening in our tax funded police dept
It does not matter what you hear, you will make of it what you want anyway. There are many police officers who protect and serve. Imagine the city of Brownsville without them? It would be chaos.
The only ones bad mouthing them are people who have been arrested or losers and stubborn women who do not get their way with them. They used to when Carlos was there. Imagine if yo losers would be in charge, we would have the same situation as mexico. I respect BROWNSVILLE'S FINEST. ALL YOU LOSERS OUT THERE, SHAPE UP SO YOU CAN RESPECT THEM TOO!!!!!!!
I don't know if he dismantled it or not but Carlos sure did run some interference for his drug running brother in law
Oct 19th 9:34
If you didn't give a shit then, why do you care now? The article is about Carlos and him being inept.
Oct 20 1128 am
Where in my comment, did I say that I didn't give a "shit" back then (Or any time frame)? My comment was about transparency at a tax funded entity.....
October 19, 2012 6:33 PM
mIRA...NO ES QUE UNO los quiera a Carlos O Roberto, pero la realidad de las cosas es, que Carlos duro muchos anos trabajando por que desempenaba bien su trabajo, lidear con un monton de animales como TU PENDEJO, no es nada facil!!! Tan solo con tu pura manera de hablar y de escribir todas las pendejadas que escribes de ellos dos que son negativas, me demuestras que el naco y corriente eres tu, les tienes odio y coraje por que la pura cagada ERES TU BABOSO!! ahora... tu no tienes por que hablar mal de sus esposas por que las senoras son de respeto, ASI ES DE QUE QUE TU TE NOS VAS A CHINGAR A TU COLA Y TE CALLAS EL PINCHE OZICO DE PERRO QUE TIENES POR QUE TU HAS DE SER un delincuente de primera que se chingaron por alguna razon y ese es todo tu pinche coraje baboso, asi es de que a chingar a tu cola y deja de hablar mal de Carlos Y de Butter Ball, por que puede de repente que alguien te caiga de sorpresa y te lleven a dar un paseo por las grandes calles de Brownsville, Texas jajaja :) Y efectivamente...en la vida hay que tener ambiciones pendejo!!! Y SI SOY MUY AMBICIOSA Y QUE???
October 19, 2012 6:33 PM
Carlos un pachuco y Roberto hombre sin escrupulos como tu. Esto el lo que yo peinso de ellos:
Y tu quien chingados eres para andar criticando el pasado de los demas pendejo(a)???? Hacaso tu eres o bienes del Reynado de Monaco o que? Chingas a tu pinche cola pedazo de mierda, criticas a un lider (Carlos) , como si tu fueras mejor que el, chingados, haver muestranos todos que tu eres mejor que ellos, si lo puedes probar, se te dara tu reconocimiento, pero como todos sabemos que tu eres solo un pobre perro ambriento, corriente, naco, fodongote y apestoso, mejor quedate con el ozico callado por que no cazas guey. Y ARRIBA CARLOS Y BUTTER BALL POR SER LOS MEJORES LIDERES Y BUENAS PERSONAS. :)
We are almost there ....the Chiefs are just as corrupt as their Mexican counterparts... covering up for friends and relatives..... only enforcing the rules and laws they want
lots of comments,cuando van a meter al bote a willy del heath dept, por que lo protejen.
Aparecen Los Legionarios en Tamaulipas y le declaran la guerra a Los Zetas
- Un grupo de Los Zetas anunció su separación y la conformación de un nuevo cártel: “Los Legionarios”, lo que representa el primer revés para Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales, El Z-40, al frente de la organización.
“Los Legionarios somos un grupo de zetas renegados que fuimos traicionados por 40”, anuncia la proclama del nuevo grupo que ya circula blogs especializados en temas de la delincuencia organizada y en redes sociales.
Los integrantes de la nueva organización destacan que estuvieron bajo las órdenes de los comandantes Iván Velázquez Caballero, El Talibán o Z-50; Enrique Rejón Aguilar, El Mamito, uno de los fundadores de Los Zetas, y El Pegui, jefes regionales traicionados por Treviño Morales y entregados a la Policía Federal.
“Los Legionarios tenemos claramente la orden de exterminar sólo a la gente de los Zetas y familias.. OJO X OJO”, agrega la proclama.
Aseguran que tienen bases en San Luis Potosí, Zacatecas, Monterrey y en Nuevo Laredo.
Los Legionarios informaron que ya eliminaron a ocho “lacras” y que terminarán con la gente del 40, incluyendo a los policías federales que los protegen.
“Nuestro negocio es el narcotráfico, sólo y exclusivamente, respetamos a las fuerzas federales y la lucha que hacen para terminar con el narco”, concluye el texto.
Oficiales de inteligencia de la IV Región Militar que operan en San Luis Potosí, aseguran que la división de Los Zetas comenzó cuando detuvieron a José Treviño Morales en Oklahoma, Estados Unidos.
A partir de su detención, los jefes regionales de Los Zetas se enojaron debido a que se enteraron que la familia Treviño Morales se estaba beneficiando con el dinero de la organización, invirtiéndolo en ranchos y en la compra de caballos de carreras, precisó la fuente militar.
Y que empiezen contigo perra rabiosa. Ya que les sabes tanto y andas abriendo el ozico. CUADATE TU QUE ERES LA PEOR DE TODO EL BLOG. Y QUE SE LLEVEN A TU TURKEY Y EL COLA SUDADA DE CARLOS. Tampoco andes defendiendo a sus esposas ya que ni tu las respetas porque casi y anuncias que to los has metido por el fundio, Que es tu boca de escusado. Las pincehs viejas son igual the babosas que tu, por eso se han de llevar tan bien. Las tres parecen perras callejeras que se creen muy inocentes. Figate que la esposa del Turkey se largo con el buen amigo de el, y tmabien dicen por hay que se echo un coach cuando trabaja en la escuela. Que les defiendes si son igual que tu perra carrapienta. Ve y limpiale el pano a la de carlos si tanto la quieres. Burras afrentosas las tres.
If something happens to one of the police officers, you are the first one they should look for. SO YOU BETTER WATCH OUT.
October 22, 2012 9:20 PM
October 22, 2012 9:18 PM
Ahhhh pobrecito de el Turkey, dejenlo en paz, el es una alma de Dios, ustedes que son los malos y cabrones envidiosos. Y Carlitos es bueno y me cae bien y el no es malo, malo ustedes los tlacuaches que se kieren ganar un peso extra en la bolsa y hacerse los heroes en meterse con la gente equivocada, en fin, yo no traigo a ningun policia usmeando donde no deben, asi es de que cada quien se busca lo que quieren y saben los terrenos que pisan, y pues el resto es problema de ellos NO EL MIO Y NI ME VENGAN CHILLANDO A QUE LOS AYUDE POR QUE ME VOY A NEGAR. :) Ustedes algunos de los policias siempre estan acostumbrados a handar poniendo dedos y chingandose a la gente, pos que se creen? los intocables o que?? BABOSOS.
“Los Legionarios”, nuevo grupo de Los Zetas
A casi un mes de la detención de Iván Velázquez, El Talibán, las células territoriales a su cargo, que antes eran parte de Los Zetas, determinaron formar un grupo antizeta, denominado Los Legionarios, el cual advierte con exterminar a Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales, Z-40.
Mediante mensajes, el grupo, que es producto de la escisión más reciente de esa organización, establece que si bien respetan la lucha contra el narcotráfico del gobierno federal, su acometida también incluye a policías federales “que extorsionan en Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas.
Los Legionarios tienen presencia en Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí, Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, y Monterrey, Nuevo León; es decir, son las zonas que había controlado Iván Velázquez y que le permitieron colocarse como el tercero en el mando de esa organización del narcotráfico.
Ellos mismos se denominan como un grupo de Zetas “renegados” por la traición que sufrieron de parte del Z-40.
Al referirse a las características de su organización, Los Legionarios afirman dedicarse al narcotráfico y cuestionan las otras actividades delictivas de Los Zetas, como el tráfico de migrantes, robo de gasolina y la piratería.
La separación de estas células de Velázquez Caballero y su definición como Los Legionarios ocurren luego de la aparición de mantas en septiembre pasado, en las cuales se mencionaba que El Talibán había regresado al Cártel del Golfo y tenía acuerdos con La Familia Michoacana para combatir a Los Zetas.
Esos mensajes, con amenazas contra Miguel Treviño Morales, aparecieron en Michoacán, Nuevo León, Guerrero, Guanajuato, Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosí y Zacatecas.
Los antecedentes:
La disputa entre el Z-40 y el Z-50 inició en junio pasado con algunos enfrentamientos y ejecuciones de ambos grupos de los entonces jefes Zetas. El conflicto se recrudeció entre el 8 y 9 de agosto cuando un enfrentamiento en San Luis Potosí dejó un saldo de 22 ejecuciones, de las cuales 18 las realizó el grupo del Z-40.
Ante la ruptura con Los Zetas, Velázquez Caballero entró en negociaciones con su Cártel original, el del Golfo, al cual ofreció el apoyo de sus células para enfrentar a la gente de Treviño Morales en las plazas que controlaba.
Además, desde julio ya se hablaba de un distanciamiento entre Treviño Morales y Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano, El Lazca, resultado de las presiones sobre éste último por las reacciones de sus lugartenientes y la entrega de jefes Zetas a autoridades por parte de la gente de Z-40.
Las Plazas:
Plazas con presencia de las células de El Talibán: Guanajuato, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí, Monterrey, Nuevo León, y Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas.
El Z-50 alcanzó el tercer lugar en el liderazgo de Los Zetas, por debajo de Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano y Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales.
Alianzas de Los Legionarios: Cartel del Golfo y La Familia Michoacana.
Atentamente Su Gran Servidora,
October 24, 2012 6:06 PM
YA RELAJATE GUEY, QUE NO CASAS!!! Y vente a lavar mi camioneta 2013 que me hacabo de comprar!!! para eso es para lo unico que sirves baby, y me lavas bien las llantas y rines por favor por que hacabo de llegar de la Isla. Y despues quiero que me laves los pies con shampoo, ya que eso significa HUMILDAD, quiero ver que tan humilde eres y de pilon quiero QUE TE CALLES ESE OZICO DE PERRO FALDERO QUE TIENES Y TE TRAGUES UNOS CHILES ABANEROS PARA VER SI TU SOLO TE AHOGAS Y TE MUERES A LA JODIDA, PERRO SIN HUEVOS.
October 24, 2012 6:06 PM
jajajaja no me hagas reir baboso(a), cual control del departamento de policia? haver dinos cual control? por que asta donde todos sabemos ni el NACO DE ORLANDO los puede controlar, de cual control hablas tu? si hubiera control dentro de ese departamento de policia, otra cosa seria, mas no lo hay, hay tienes al policia que el FBI le catearon su casa por narco, otros en problemas de puteria, otros intercambiandose parejas!!! entonces de cual control me hablas? Por que cren ustedes que Carlos y Roberto los mando a la chingada a todos ustedes pendejos? por que Carlos ya no los soportaba, bola de tlacuaches ronosos eh insoportables y nacos!!! el departamento de Policia YA ESTA BIEN QUEMADO, asi es de que yo no se por que te admiras y lo defiendes? ahhhh...es que tu eres la LAKRA DEL BPD!!! JAJAJAA BABOSO(A), JAJAJAJA lo que queriamos era salirnos a la chingada y olvidarnos de todos ustedes y problemas con ustedes, asi es de que no te vallas en el viaje de que control y cuantas pendejadas mas. ANIMAL. EN EL DEPARTAMENTO DE POLICIA NO HAY CONTROL ESTUPIDO.
Estas bien pendeja y babosa ni entendiste lo que leiste. Ya diste a saber que eres igual de estupida que tus amigos Carlos y Roberto. Nadie te va lavar Nada aslo tu oh manda a tus amigos Carlos y ROBERTO. YA deja de hacerte la muy muy que no vales Nada eres una vieja corriente y gangosa banosa Hahahahahaha. Happy Halloween. No necesitas difras ya eres una BRUJA QUE Le gustan los DIABLOS Carlos y Roberto hahahahahaha.
October 25, 2012 10:16 PM
jajaja pues de perdido a mi me gustan los diablos, pero a ti animal te gustan las zanguijuelas y eres igualito que ellas, solo te gusta chupar la sangre VIVIDOR ANIMAL. JAJAJA Y TE QUIERO A MIS ORDENES RAPIDO.
October 25, 2012 10:16 PM
jajaja ojo mucho ojo tlacuache, por que ya que me dices ser bruja, ten cuidado por que te puedo enbrujar y convertir en sapo o mas bien en un gran TLACUACHE DE BARRIO CALLEJONERO, y eso de Happy Halloween ni te queda animal, mejor ve y jalate el win y deja de estar chingando la madre, y eso de que Carlitos y Robertito son Diablos, pues ya kisieras, aqui el unico diablo reboltoso eres tu animal. Y lla te vere asiendome los mandados y lavando mi camioneta 2013. :)
Vieja estupida ya no sabes que decir. Ya enbrujaste a Robert Avitia poque el si que parece sapo inflado cruzado con tacuache y tambien enbrujaste a Carlos Carcia por ESO tiene cara due menso y esta cruzado con tambien ser pendejo , fijate ya los tres estan listos para Halloween Gracias a ti pinche bruja hahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!
October 27, 2012 4:20 PM
Pues mas vale que te escondas que la maldicion ya esta sobre de ti, yo no se por que hablas de Carlos y Roberto si aqui el unico sapo eres tu. jajajaj lo bueno es que sabemos quien eres animal y ya se te llegara tu hora, cuando veas que pronto te caigan las desgracias en ti y tu familia, te acuerdas de mi baby. :)
As I read these comments, I can not help to think why these police officers are just coming forward with the truth. Of what I been told by many officers is now that Carlos Garcia is gone, the department is more relaxed and better. These hard working officers had to be very careful because they were walking on egg shells and if they were not one of his boys, but but he would go after them for anything nything. There is lt. Rudy Garcia who stood up to Carlos was abusing his position. For this Carlos has criminal charges filed against him and ultimately has Lt. Garcia to quit with the help of that crooked Da villalobos. When one of his boys like luis de leon or sgt Ted Torres gets arrested for drunk driving, what does he do? Promote them to the best positions that the department has. Luis de leon then gets arrested again and moves him to a position where there is no stress because when Carlos son was going to be arrested for beating up his wife, luis de leon came to his rescue and called Carlos to let him know what was about to happen. Carlos then calls one of his assistant chiefs and tells them not to arrest his son because he is on his way to get him. He gets there and his son does not get arrested thanks to one of his boys coming to his rescue. Of what i have been told, there are several other reports where this same son beats his wife and the Da drops the arrests. Where does Carlos son work now? At the Cameron county jail as a jailer. I also been told of detectives from the drug unit being moved out because they knew to much of his corruption and his drug dealing nephew and brother in law working for the cartel. I asked for these detectives names but these officers would not give me their names because they still work there. Maybe the fbi should launch an investigation in to the corruption that was being kept from the citizens of Brownsville just like they did with abel Limas because we don't have any trust in the Da or texas rangers so then the fine police officers that we do have don't have to worry about walking on egg shells.
October 28, 2012 5:11 PM
You have always hated Carlos Garcia and you were the first snitch from the BPD SO SHUT THE FUCK UP!
esos son Buenos chotas de Corazon
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