Well, aren't we the lucky ones?
For you information kind citizens of Brownsville (On the Border, By the Sea), a new company has awarded our fair city a "community showcase" opportunity to "show the city of Brownsville's economic vitality and the support of our business community."
How's that, you say?
Well, according to David McCarthy, President and CEO of Community Showcase Banners, of Warsaw, N.Y., "recently the City of Brownsville's Mayor, Tony Martinez, was awarded a community showcase at the U.S. Conference of Mayors National Meeting in Orlando, Florida. Nationally, there were only 15 Showcases awarded out of thousands of cities and towns across the country."

We have put in an information request to the City Secretary and inquired at the City Manager's office for the exact wording on the agreement or "acceptance" without success. We will keep trying.
What the letter from either man doesn't say is that the city's "opportunity" to participate in McCarthys' uplifting campaing to highlight the civic and business assets in the city carries a price tag. Cabler's letter to locla businesses states that "the company which selected the city for the program, Community Showcase Banners, will be reaching out to you and others in the community to participate."
Local businesses have been approached by McCarthy (along with a buxom female assistant) and sporting a Super Bowl ring which he said he earned as a backup quarterback for Jim Plunkett when the Oakland Raiders won the Super Bowl.
We're not exactly avid football fans here at El Rrun-Rrun, and that's probably why we were unable to locate his name on the Superbowl roster. But what the heck, they probably don't publish substitute rosters in those programs.
Whatever the case may be, local business owners can opt to buy into the showcase banner plan for as little as $695 a year which will get you one Bronze customized sponsorship, one street banner and a preferred pole (light pole from PUB?) site. For $1,095, the lucky participants will get what's called a Bronze+ customized sponsorship with two street banners and two preferred pole sites. You get the idea.
The Gold sponsorship (at only $3,3395 a year) will get you a customized sponsorship, five street banners and five preferred pole sites. The company will be able to use a City of Brownsville logo and "brand" the city's website, according to McCarthy's letter.
This is not the first time that people from the "outside" have come to our fair city bearing "gifts" that we just couldn't possibly pass up. Our Brownsville Economic Development Council gurus have gotten taken to the cleaners more than once and more times that they care to remember.
And just recently, a number of political candidates have heard the siren song from Austin where Cheezmeh's Erasmo Castro has convinced that he has a constituency on his Facebook page that just might improve their stab at public office.

Cheezmeh has had limited success in the political field, but any smidgen of a victory for candidates that they have been identified with is blasted from the rooftops. The groups that started ostensibly as a community watchdog is now in the employ of the likes of Ernie Hernandez and his political vote-harvesting machine. The victory of Ernie's daughter, Erin Hernandez Garcia for the JP 2-2 position was tainted with documented charges of massive voter fraud. Alas, the watchdog has now become the lapdog and is happy to mire in the cesspool of voter fraud and abuse of the elderly and mentally-impaired from which they harvest votes.
It's not as if he and his family don;t have enough troubles. They have been named in a RICO scheme in a case in federal court where their victims allege they were led to believe that Erasmo and others could help them fill immigration forms only to have their applications turned down. That case is still to be heard.
And we have just learned that as of October 3, his Political Action Committee (Bringing Brownsville Change), with a listed address of 1216 E. Madison, Ste. D, Brownsville, TX 78520, had been fined $500 for being delinquent on their filing. By State law, the treasurer of a PAC is the responsible party for payment of fines assessed. Castro is listed as treasurer, so he owes the state 500 big ones.
With this spate of strangers bearing gifts to uplift us poor citizens of Brownstown, who's could be next on the horizon?
I hear that Erasmo is getting support from Gilberto Hinojosa...who hopes Erasmo will prosper with his support of corrupt Democrats in Cameron County. Surely, Ernie Hernandez and slugs like Dan Sanchez are all for letting Erasmo take the blame for more corruption. It is amazing that while the Obama campaign supports the slogan "Forward", we continue see local Democrats supporting their own slogan "Backward Forever". Local Democrats seek to keep the local citizens as victims of a corrupt Democratic Party, than to seek progress and change.
lo primero que hay que preguntar quien fue el que escribio la carta,porwue cabler no esta preparado para escribir una chingada,y poe ultimo poe que contrataron una comapnia de nueva york, sera para chingarse la lana.
I hear Erasmos received $75,000 from the Lucio's. Pocketed $25,00 from Masso. Gilbert Hinojosa pays him a stipend of $4,000 a month. He is on the Hernandez payroll as a "consultant" earning $2,675 a month.
old news. Cheezmeh reported on this guy two weeks ago Juan
anon 4:24 was written by Karlos KasKos
Oh my gosh is Erasmo the same idiot that created a church with a bunch of moonies and hypocrites. They want to pray for the whole world but they are the ones who need prayers. I know a snakes that goes to that church. She lied to everyone and got her cousin,s or sister's, husband, as she called her . Without shame cheated on her husband, has created herself a little nest with her cousins man
Wow Erasmo, are those your teachings at that church? You need to teach those two,not to be liars, coldhearted, respect, not to be hypocrites and not to act like their shit
don't stink. Oh sorry you can't cause cause you are the same. Those two are going to get what they deserve. EACH OTHER. Pinche Babosos.
para empezar no creo que cabler tenga la capacidad para escribir una carta,para que contactar una compania de nueva york me imajino para tranzar una lana.que lastima que el alcadey los comisionarios no corran a estos ratas.
Erasmo is just looking for a good business, and they say the best business is God's business.
porque son iguales de ratas duh!
Juan, Please do a good deed and dont publish photos or Erin "La Burra Llentuda" Henrandez. My stomach cant handle that ugly face of hers. Id rather not have her smile because she thinks she looks beautiful when she smiles, when in fact she looks like a smiling donkey. Shes one ulgy bitch I have ever seen in my life..... UUghhh
And whats with the picture of the disgusting human pumpkin in the picture with Erin "La Burra Llentuda" Hernandez? Se ve bien listo para empanadas o mas bien para tamales....
Spent some internet time and finally found the Oakland Raiders rosters for both the 1981 and 1984 Super Bowls where Jim Plunkett was the Raider QB. David McCarthy was not on the Super Bowl Roster as a QB or any other player. There were others listed as QB....but no David McCarthy. Lots of cause for concern from this guy....and if it's true that he is a New York friend of City Attorney Sossi...its of even more concern.
Anon 7:05 was written by Dan "Neanderthal" Sanchez
sr. alcalde ycomisionados(menos el tranza longoria)ya es hora de acabar con estos cabrones de seguro hubo un moche, viendo la foto de el par de gordos te puedes dar cuenta que hubo tranza. mr. martinez como abogado ya quite a todos los tranzas ud sabe quienes son.
Tipical SCAM! Give some unknown award to the boss. Wine and dine him and tell him how wonderful his city is and how his eyes match the cheap suit he is wearing and the next thing you know, our city manager is ordered to meet with this mr wonderful and get our city to reach deep into their pockets so we can adorn the front of our retail stores with some cheap ass banner made in china all along our streets. Dont forget to show your pride and get into the "Gold Circle". SCAM and our mayor fell for it. How about just supporting our own chamber of Comm. You do get a nice sticker for your store window! Beware of the wooden horse.
SCAM You are correct 100%,and about the cheap suit of our city manager you are 1000% correct.
CHINGADO, It looks like Erasmo and Dan Sanchez were separated at birth
CONGRADULATIONS BROWNSVILLE!!! By supporting and electing officials that extort, bribe, steal, cheat, bid rig, allow nepotism(hiring your suegra pendejos), set up, turn a blind eye, etc, etc, fucking etc... You have earned, because of this behavior, the LOWEST credit scores in the fucking entire US of A. Bola de pendejos, you wonder why alot of our smart kids fucking leave. It's the fucking crooks you vote for. Hold these fuckers accountable. Hernandez/Cascos/Ortiz/Gomez/Masso voter fraud, hour esteemed fucking DA, over a dozen felonies,as well as one of our elected judges.
If you want your kids and your familys kids to be paying 27% interest on a fucking car KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, your on the right track.
Stand up for what's right people, I'm a centrist, voting for Obama because his opponent is a stupid racist IMO, voted for Cascps (apparently a mistake), Bush the first time (also a mistake) but support the candidate that will lead us out of being the "SHITHOLE OF THE US" even fuckers in Zapata and Laredo are laughing their asses off at us. If you don't believe it matters, continue supporting Erin/Masso/Gomez(maybe next to be indicted) type politicians. Next time your at HEB or Lopez slap the guy next to you on the back and say "Hey ain't this fucking great" food stamps are buying my food, and if I go to a meat market/convienience store off Paredes they'll take my stamps for beer"
If you look at their pics it looks like Erin/Erasmo/Dan Sanchez all eat at the same buffet
what happen with the aduit commisioner gowen order in the sports park 37 million no way where is the money, and mr mayor you should order one in the city you will find a lot of wrong .in parks,public works,land fill dept. and purchasing. no hay que hacerle al pendejo vamos terminando con la corrupcion.
Of course we see your first reaction to the reply from another educated endorser for Mr McCarthy is again poison and not on the subject at hand which doesnt suprise anyone here.That subject which is the Community Showcase of brownsville is being worked on and executed . Im here to let you in on a little secret and if you would have done any kind research and would have had any kind of integrety involved in your negative reporting. You would know that its not only David McCarthy that created community showcase !!!!Suprise!!! Its a consortium of 5 companys with well over a hundred Years of community services. Mine being one of them with over 25 years of devoted services to communitys accross the country !Instead you go right to personal attacks of Mr McCarthy on his Weight and his Football endevors to try and cloud the fact that he is working diligently on the brownsville showcase .Quite frankly i dont care, as you shouldnt; if he played on the brownsville highschool girls volleyball team. The point of the matter is, has he, and will he have the banners and has created this first ever city of brownsville Mobile APP ! and that should be all that matters to you. Not this rant on what he has done personally as far as playing football which also i happened to know that he was a hell of a quarterback and im sure you wouldnt know anything about that cause most guys like yourself with no skills revert to a keyboard and poison accomplishments instead of just letting them speak for themselfs . I also happen to know he as owned a very succesfull professional football organization and has always done what he has said he do !! Heck just go to his website and read the recomendation letters form mayors and cities that have worked with him Heeelllooo! Look mr barton or what ever you are , or whatever agenda you have ,you are obviousley a cancer of many things and projects that im sure would benifit your community. In every community a negative force such as yourself that has tried to keep brownsville in the dark ages with negative and specultive accusations that you so freely sling with the rest of the mud from your poisonous attitude. Now im not privy to say who i am just yet, but rest assured you will soon be embarrassed for you childish and wreckless negative slander. I happen to know first hand that soon not only the first phase of the brownsville community showcase has been accelerated and will be publicly launched in a proper forum . I will also add that with your ingnorance at an alltime high right now, you will be proven inaccurate for sure! First off Mr "know it all" its not just banners that are being put up in brownsville thats only the first phase of the showcase,, there are three phases that have been built and created at a great cost of money and more importantly, time away from families that im sure you are oblivious to. Now if you dont mind i have to go back to running my company and you of course can go back to what im sure you are great at,,, running your mouth Good Day!
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