A funny thing happened on the way to an investigation.
At their last meeting, the Cameron County Commissioners Court, commissioners got a status report on the investigations into monies that went missing from the Justice of the Peace office formerly held by the late Tony Torres and the recent discovery of theft from the child support collections under District Clerk Aurora De la Garza.
In the case involving employees of the JP's office, it is rumored in the darker hallways of the Oscar Dancy Building that it involves some $80,000 pilfered over the years. There are whispers of trips to Las Vegas, sporty cars and plasma TVs the size of a small billboard.

The fiscal claims made to surety in the JP case is presenting problems since the county may be liable for the funds to the state. In the case of the child support clerk, she is facing theft charges but even then, it appears that at least one large person of interest – District Clerk Aurora De la Garza – may have found a gap to waddle though herself.

The 32-year-old woman is charged with tampering with government records and theft.
“When she realized we had a warrant for her arrest, she resigned from the position and she came to the office and turned herself in," Lucio said.
Gilman was arraigned by Attorney and District Attorney Democratic candidate Luis Saenz.
He said Gilman was allegedly stealing the money when taking manual payments from people who would go pay their court dues, after the electronic system shut down at 4 p.m. Then they would issue hand-written receipts to those paying and keep receipt books without entering the data into the computers.
County administrators and others close to the child support theft case say that since the auditors undertook an inquiry into the missing child support money, that generated several statements in affidavit form that indicated that someone may have directed county employees to make some of the evidence in the case go missing, just as the funds did.
Those statements were – for some unknown reason – not made available to the sheriff department's investigators and were not included in the case status report. Apparently, the district attorney's office did not receive them from the auditor who is under the direct supervision by the district judges.
Why the sheriff department's investigator and the Asst. DAs didn't include them in their case files remains a mystery. Sources who have seen them say that some of the affidavits suggest that there was a concerted effort to direct some employees to conceal pertinent information and documentation.
And, since the auditor's office comes under the supervision of the district judges, some are even speculating that it might be them that may be running interference to limit the liability exposure of Aurorita.
"It doesn't look good that the some of the information that may help the investigation and uncover a potential cover-up by administrators at the District Clerk's office – perhaps Aurora herself – be withheld from the investigators," said a county insider. "The auditors are under the supervision of the district judges. So put two and two together."
Mr. Montoya...I am trying to find your phone number to call you, but I have had no luck...I am a reporter and I need to contact you...I will appreciate if you call me at 972-636-8128 ASAP...Thanks!
Two Tony Torres employees resigned....they were the ones taking the money....where are the arrests? Aurora es una ratota just like her son JOey,...where are the arest there?
Aurora de la Garza should resign. She is corrupt and much of the judicial corruption should be assigned to her office. Aurora de la Garza is as corrupt as any judge we have seem pass through our vision. Without Aurora de la Garza's corruption, DA Villalobos and Judge "Disable" Limas would not have been able to cheat the people of Cameron County. It is time for Aurora to GO! She is a slug on our community and our judicial system.
Here again we see special "professional courtesy" given to thieves whose parents are part of the Dumbokratic Party corruption ring. We see a corrupt Sheriff who refuses to arrest Aurora de la Garza's son for fraud; who gives special judical consideration to politiqueras and who denies that the corruption from Mexico has crossed the border. Sheriff Lucio needs to retire on the money he has stolen from the public. It is time for change in Cameron County....time to eliminate the dead weight...all current elected officials.
Orlando Rodriguez is just as pussy footed.... if you are well known in this community, Rodriguez will run interference for you.....
Damn, with the Feds breathing down on possible other indictments from the Limas fiasco. There is a possibility of District Judges might be running interference for that walking makeup and lard ass of Aurora De La Garza? Are they a bunch of idiots? I really don't want to believe that? Although, Migdalia "Phony Tits" Lopez is capable of doing that? I just believe that the office of Armando "Pendejo" Villalobos is not doing anything right now because their integrity is questioned? There are very good people in that office and unfortunately they have to endure the stigma of being untrustworthy because of Mandito. Vote Saenz and lets bring integrity back to the office and prosecute these crooks!!!
"said that 32-year-old Melinda Gilman Gonzalez pocketed $7,500 stolen during a five month period in the office of District Clerk Aurora de la Garza...
Gilman was arraigned by Attorney and District Attorney Democratic candidate Luis Saenz."
Isn't SAENZ the brother in law of Aurora de la Garza???? Another DEMOCRAT covering up at the County for his crook FAMILY??
forget about DemocRATA Luis Saenz ever prosecuting Democrat's corruption. Then he would have to prosecute his sis Aurora
You can visit any city or county office and find only family and friends of family work there. No wonder no one else can get a job! Check out the summer jobs with the city, first all the department heads get jobs for their kids, then the jobs are announced only to be told they are already filled.city managers daughter seems to get a job anytime and just sits a round and does nothing, arrives when she wants and even sleeps on the job, but no one will ever mention it to, The City Manager. Sad
The County Commissioners Court, the District Attorneys Office, the County Clerks Office, the District Clerks Office, the District Judges, County Court Judges,the Sheriffs Office,the County's Civil Section of Attroneys and on and on are so dirty and corrupted that they do cover up for each other. What's changed?
Nothing been done with the cases of the JP's Office theft, the DA's situation, investigation of the Civil Service testing, several other investigations I'm sure and now the Child Support case? Nothing is going to be done about these cases.... why? This is the way it is in this county...the Cameron County Corruption System! Live with it!!!
People stop complaining, the voters keep putting the same people in office... Who are the voters? YOU ARE!!!!
The only biggest pendejos in this county is us the voters because we pendejos voted these people in office and continue to vote for them again and again. We are the only biggest idiots and cant blame no one else but ourselves (the voters). Until we stop being stupid and get good people to run for office and stop voting for all these clowns, Cameron County will be the King of Corruption (worse than Duval County) in the state of Texas. They are all related. Aurora de la Garza aunt to Luis Saenz (Luis wife Delia is Aurora niece) David Sanchez brother to Dan Sanchez, Linda Salazar cousin to Aurora de la Garza, Sofia Benavides has her daughter working for the county, Skirt chasing Joe Rivera only hires short skirt wearing girls, y el pendejo retardado de Roger Ortiz, well he cant even remember that he is married to Elvia Ortiz, Auroras Chief Deputy. When will this ever end....
Does Aurora, her bothers and sisters and daughters ever work? I think not, if they did they wouldn't all be soooooo fat. Get off your lard asses and get to work, this way you at least have a chance to fight back and prove the public wrong. Well I guess not, that is your family's legacy. I relax mientras tu te chingas!!!
How many freaking TIMES do we have to get this straight people.... Luis Saenz is NOT a brother in law to Aurora De La Garza nor is he her brother!!!! Geeesh!!
I don't think Aurora's family... her brothers n sisters have ANYTHING to do with her county work... So get over it already!!! ;)
People stop complaining, the voters keep putting the same people in office... Who are the voters? YOU ARE!!!!
The politiqueras put these people in office. Look at their mail in ballot results...
Saenz related to Aurora de la Garza, isn't she his aunt or something?
Hey Montoya! What do you know? If you know? Why did everyone in Cornejo "Corn Hole" Lopez' court leave? Word is that everyone left with no warning? Besides being "fugly" and just plain stupid, she a power control junkie or what? I don't remember seeing anything in the newspapers or blogs? Its a joke in there now, since she has to train the new monkeys that work for her? Can you enlighten us? Sounds like she needs to be voted out in the next election if she can't keep good employees who were there for a long time and long before her? "Corn Hole" related to Michelle Garcia of the district attorney office?
Then you re not very smart, if you think Aurora's family does not get involved. Her daughter's get into other people's business much less their mother's. Pinches viejas nalgonas asquerosas.
Babosos, Saenz isn't related to Aurora!
El baboso eres tu pendejo. Saenz is related to Aurora by blood. Hes married to Delia Gonzalez Saenz who is Auroras niece. Gonzalez is Auroras maiden name. Does Mariano Gonzalez ring a bell? Thats Auroras wife beating dads name.
sr.monyoya nomas de ver la foto de lagordita que se chingo la lana, esta deveria estar en el penal de san quentin.
Probably not; but the truth hurts.
Oh damn.....is that an actual photo of our district clerk? I thought it was Ursula from Disney's The Little Mermaid.
Does it really matter??
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