Special to El Rrun-Run
That Bobby Wightman Cervantes, the on again/off again blogger of The Brownsville Voice is openly gay is not only well known, but is a source of endless amusement to the Brownsville Blues' Jerry McHale. But what Wightman Cervantes won't come out about is his connection with the nefarious political group, Save BISD.
That group is supporting several candidates running for places on the BISD Board of Trustees, and WC is speaking out on behalf of one of its candidates, Butch Barbosa.
When WC writes, you can see the gears turning. As he has commented on this election he has said that his only goal is to defeat the incumbent, Caty Presas-Garcia. His screeds have followed this line: there are three people in the race and if all three stay in the race Presas-Garcia is guaranteed to win, because an "anti-Caty" vote will be split and diluted between her two opponents. Therefore, he says, one of the two opponents of Presas-Garcia should drop out of the election.
If it stopped there, a reader could actually think WC is sincere. But WC repeatedly calls for the candidate who is not Butch Barbosa to drop out. His real plan: to get Save BISD's Barbosa into one-on-one race with Presas-Garcia.

1. I'll let you FOI that, I guess
2. Bobby says he never has had anything to do with Save BISD, but our investigation has lead us to believe he goes by the real estate motto of politics, "Deny, deny deny."
When we first looked into this his blog was still open to the public. A google search showed he had the Save BISD group plugged right into his blog address at savebisd.brownsvillevoice. blogspot. When we followed the link, the page appeared to be under construction, but the background picture of books on a bookshelf was the same as on his full blog site.
Although the blog is closed to the public now, google search still shows that he was talking about Save BISD in the fall of 2011. Those old blog posts featured this awkward and inelegant motto for the PAC: "There's too much BS in BiSd."
Wow. Hold your nose and rally the troops? We just don't see that working.
WC took his blog private, but Save BISD has shown up in a couple of other places on the internet.
3. SAVE BISD has a Facebook page, although it looks like it has been not too active lately. It is, like everything associated with this group, cloaked in secrecy. The page has an anonymous host: no name, no photo. But a leisurely scroll through its past postings unwraps this group's naked ambitions. Repeated several times is the banner, "Tony Fuller for Board President."
Fuller was the Chief Financial Officer at BISD during the Rick Zayas / Ruben Cortez DRAIN OF TERROR that depleted the school district's savings by $96 million in just five years. Fuller was the numbers man during that time and served as the guiding hand for that profligate spending.
A further scroll down the SAVE BISD page reveals the group's hypocrisy about lawsuits, which it has made a major campaign issue, when it says, "As a taxpayer, I want our money to be safeguarded but I hope Fuller sues the pants off anyone and everyone he can."
And finally, this little nugget from the page speaks for itself: "Wish we could get Zayas and Cortez back." (Why? Because there's still ten cents left in the district's coffers?)
4. SAVE BISD also makes an appearance on the internet as a registered domain name with godaddy.com. As with the Facebook page, there is an attempt at secrecy. But here, the amatuerish nature of the attempt becomes comical.
The godaddy registration page, reported by the internet's "whois," lists the domain's contact person, and organization name, address and phone number. Say hello to Kimberely Dale of savebisd@yahoo.com (see Kimberley Doll Dale on FB). She is recorded as the contact person for SAVE BISD Political Action Committee. Kim Doll gives the address for the PAC as 123 Main Street, Brownsville, TX 78521, with a phone number of 956 555-5555.
This would be the perfect place to make a joke at poor Kim's expense, but a disturbing thought arises: Are there legal consequences for misrepresenting a PAC?
So after all the secrecy and skullduggery and taking blogs private the Save BISD PAC has emerged from the shadows in the final days of this election season. It's out, but it's not open. As reported earlier, the PAC is fronted by a vote stealing politiquero as treasurer. And it has WC disingenously trying to pump up his man, Butch.
Is this the end here?
It could be said all's fair in politics, and that being a secret operative who takes verbal sniper shots at opposition candidates is just a part of the game. After all, most elections are stolen anyway, the sniper might say.
But there are candidates who step forward, into the light, to try and serve the public. They believe in the part of democracy that calls for people to speak up and be heard and step up and be seen. They have the courage and the conviction. They haven't given in to cynicism or shortcuts.
As for the others, flip the light switch on and watch them scatter like cockroaches.
If anyone should resign it's Barbosa, what a joke! We support CATA over that snake
BISD needs someone like Clupper, a math teacher who can ADD and SUBTRACT.
2+2 does not equal $1 million in a compadre's pocket! That money is for the kids you greedy bastards!!
Vote for the God-fearing CHRISTIAN, Argelia Miller, and the TEACHER, Don Clupper for BISD.
Together restore ethics and sanity to BISD.
As is always the case with your posts - they begin with lies - over on cheezmeh I have been very clear that either barbosa or Clupper should resign from the race and the person who does that will be the better man. I also made clear that if neither withdraws then Brownsville must remember both men who gave Presas-Garcia the victory. I have never said a kind word about Barbosa anywhere. My only posts on SAVE BISD is to call them a group interested in controlling the contracts and that I would not be party to same. Montoya we all know all it takes is a beer to buy your words - proceed with caution - your lies still go to Ben Neece and that is so close to a great ending - for me that is. Also on SAVEBISD I specifically called their ads amateurish and in fact that their ad made amateurs look like professional. Finally, I take it as a personal insult that you would tie me with a group dumb enought to make a known politiquero the treasurer.
In the end Montoya, your publish lies only make my case easier against those who keep you in beer
"Cata over that snake"? Cata is the snake!!!! VOTE CLUPPER PEOPLE AND YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!!! In this race Clupper is the choice!!! Go Clupper Go!!!!!!!!
And you would vote for the black widow spider???
As we have seen from the article in the Herald today, our education system is crap and our students are falling behind more and more each day....yet these "politicos" battle for the spoils. To them it is not about improving education, it about their individual power and self-promotion; especially guys like Otis Powers, Barbosa and Chirinos. What a shame that our kids have to forego an education so that these assholes can promote themselves. Another sad story in Brownsville's political arena.
I think a group of concerned school age kids parents should form a legal group to take over BISD and put out help wanted adds to hire honest non political profecionals to run BISD as a busines which only pourpoise is to give our children a better education
WC.... your obsession with Ben Neece eludes us. He helped end the "Drain of Terror" at BISD. He helped, with others, to make case law ("stare decisis" for you disbarred lawyers) that benefits the little guys against the trustees across the state, who can no longer hide behind qualified immunity. He's our hero, Bobby. Why don't you recognize the good work he did for the BISD. He exposed Otis Powers for the corrupt politico that he is. What's your problem, bitch?
Las Comadres de CaBronsbille.
To the 5:50 pm poster. Tell me how a parent should handle this! About 150 kids at Veterans will be taking the EOC (end of course) test next month. These children have had subs in their classes since August. No credible instruction, so how many are going to fail? Do you think parents are going to smile when their daily efforts and expense of getting their children to school will go down the tubes when their children fail? Whose fault is this? Who totally screwed up Veterans and so many other schools in the district? It wasn't Zayas, Cortez, or Powers! When are you going accept the fact that the fab four have put us where we're at? Where is the logic of moving administrators from school to school and teachers pulled from kinder and thrown into grade levels that they have never taught before. This idiocy of moving people around in an attempt to intimidate people is probably one of the main reasons for the poor performance of our children due directly to the frightened teachers that fear for their jobs on a daily basis! Even with the stealing of the Pat Lehmen regime, they didn't mess with the teacher's or the children! What are you all about, the children and the teachers? Or are you about getting Cata, Argelia, Bowman and clupper elected?
Money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money money
Barbosa and Ernie rigged Ernie's tow truck company with the city's $$ now they smell the $$ BISD's $500 million budget, ya it's enough!
Vote Cata, or vote Clupper, but not another Hernandez Barbosa crook. Please. Our schools are failing. FAILING!! we need a decent person not another political Ernie Hernandez theif
Don Clupper is a teacher, he's been in our shoes he knows the Chaos in the schools, in the classrooms how people are being moved for no reason.
Before you vote for some piece of shit like Barbosa, consider a REAL teacher, CLUPPER.
Stop the abuse of our children.
Vote C / C
Clupper or Cata, but no more proven, resigned thieves!
Juan, any truth to the rumor that BISD staff will not get the $1200 stipend promised because of a lack of funds. Didn't the board majority take great pride in passing a balanced budget? They can't blame their "go to" boys, Cortez and Zayas if this is the case. I have heard this rumor from BISD personnel, both teachers and administrators. Please try to confirm or lay it to rest.
From a deep, deep, insider. No $1200 bucks and the news will be released Nov. 15, well after the elections are over! The Master Scam, I mean plan! No $600 for early Christmas shopping! No $600 in May for gasoline for your summer road trip! Maybe we can borrow a few bucks from hector, juarez, and rendon? Notice I didn't use capital letters!
From a deep, deep, insider. No $1200 bucks and the news will be released Nov. 15, well after the elections are over! The Master Scam
the insider source is your ass, cabron. You already got caught putting a politiquero to run your PAC. Stop making up lies
Someone need to tell the voters to get off their asses and "Go Vote".
If someone is going to vote for Cata over Barbosa, I can only imagine how bad Barbosa must be. Therefore, the only smart thing to do is vote for Mr. Clupper! this blog just made me decide exactly who I am going to vote for come Nov. 6th.
Right, but don't vote for lies. these Hernandez can't steal enough votes with the FEDS looking over their shouder, so now they want to lie. NO GOOD mothafockas. Voting for Cata or Clupper, voting for Argelia Miller and anyone else not with the corrup politicos
Careful with your votes for Argelia Miller she is a Quintanilla/Cata Plant!
Who is the deep deep insider? Rita or Minerva Pena? Rita is already announcing she is the next superintendent. In your dreams Rita! Don't count your chickens before the eggs hatch.
And stop saying the board said so..
Of course zayas & cortez are to blame! They bankrupted the district along with colunga, aguilar & minerva. Now her heart hurts" it didn't hurt back then, did it minnie?
Im voting for Caty she has guts and brains.
10/23, 2012 12:06 - She may have guts (concealed by Spanx) but brains....????? I can't believe anyone would ever accuse her of having "brains". Way too funny!
Hey Otis stop posting bad thing about Miller.
You are still bitter because you lost.
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