In a clearly logical move that threw his true believers for a loop, former Democratic contender for Cameron County District Attorney Carlos Masso publicly endorsed his opponent Luiz Saenz over Republican contender (I'm not with) Chuck Mattingly.
Welcome to realpolitik in Brownsville. Even some of Saenz supporters who fought in the trenches against he Masso minions (remember Cheezmasso?) were disconcerted.
"I was talking to my wife about the endorsement," said one. "It's kind of strange to be together with someone who we were against for months. She said it was just politics. I understand it, but it still doesn't make it feel right."

Witness the recent reelection of Carlos Cascos as Cameron County Judge. And before that, it was Tony Garza. Even Solomon Ortiz, the perennial congressman representing Cameron County in the old District 27 congressional district got the boot from traditional Democrats when they were given a chance. Of course, the fact that there was a spoiler Libertarian candidate (Ed Mishou) siphoned off just enough South Texas votes to make his party credible and Blake Farenthold's candidacy viable.
Masso's move – coming on the eve of early voting Monday – is a most logical one.
He is, after all, an attorney who has to work in Cameron County where he figures Saenz has a stranglehold on the position. And despite protests from some of his more rabid supporters (Cheezmeh, etc.) he knows he has to fashion out a modus vivendi with the future DA if he is to represent clients before the state.
Remember the charges of adultery and philandering that the more vicious Masso supporters repeated endlessly against Saenz and the attempts to link all the Democratic candidates for DA with indicted District Attorney Armando Villalobos? Ever wonder why?
Now we find out that Cheezmeh and the Head Cheez (as he calls himself) Erasmo Castro, an Austin resident who fancies himself a Machiavelli of sorts, has a history with Saenz and would have wished he wouldn't get anywhere getting elected. Back in 1991 Saenz prosecuted Castro for felony forgery and got a conviction that resulted in a $1,146 fine being levied on the Cheez. Without going into detail, let's just say that as of October 18, 2012 – more than 20 years after his felony conviction – Castro was still $598.44 in debt to the court.
With Saenz – who was the target of Castro's Cheezmeh campaign to disparage his reputation – as DA, it would be somewhat unhealthy for Castro to be seen in these here parts, we figure. His appearances locally, by the way, are far and in between and he usually makes his pitch through his Facebook page or thorough proxies like his sister and other true believers who drank the Kool-Aid.
Was he hoping backing Masso and attacking Saenz would render it easier for him to do business in Cameron County since he might be the next DA?

However, it appears that the list of takers on the Kool-Aid line is not as large as he would have liked it. He started out backing Clupper against Butch Barbosa and incumbent trustee Catalina Presas-Garcia for Place 5 and Linda Gill against Jose Hector Chirinos, for Place7.
Now, even though he chastises BUC for endorsing "non-union" candidates, his backing of Gill over Choferes Unidos union bus drivers favorite Chirinos becomes even more incongruent. Even BUC members, who he could count on during Cheezmeh's heyday, have left the fold and are openly supporting Cheezmeh candidates' opponents.
And while he doesn't like Otis Powers in Place 3, he calls his opponent Argelia Miller a "puppet" of Carlos Quintanilla, of Dallas-based Accion America. That is highly doubtful. Knowing Quintanilla, if he was involved inx the race against Powers, we would have seen his intensity in the campaign against Powers by now.
"Otis is for sale," he intones from the heights of Austin. "I'm skeptical of Otis Powers but his opponent is a Carlos Quintanilla puppet....and (we) must choose between two evils."
Instead, Castro urges all his followers to vote for his lone customer Linda Gill, who he promises "will serve our community well. I promise you that with her on the board WE THE COMMUNITY will have access to all the happenings on the more secret behind closed doors meetings....Do we want to remain in the dark? Then let Otis Powers control the board. I am the Cheez, and I approve this message."
If ever there was a condescending full-of-himself creation than the Head Cheez Castro fancies himself to be, then Erasmo is your man. What happened to the vaunted legions (I am legion) that were supposed to rush headlong into the Masso abyss at his mere word?
And while we're at it, why did Castro kowtow to Justice of the Peace incumbent Linda Salazar against Libertarian Marlene Dougherty . What possible interest could he have in that race?
Well, we have learned that none other than Dougherty was the attorney who filed the lawsuit in U.S. Southern District Court against Castro and other family members with her clients charging that Erasmo himself had assured them he was qualified (certified?) to help them fill their immigrations forms with the federal government. More than one plaintiff in the lawsuits found out different after they were dispossessed of their money and their applications denied.
The bandying about of "the community" to impress upon his readers that he represents them in South Texas is deceptive enough, but it has become obvious from the candidates he has supported that there is a base self-interest in his strategy.
If he, in fact, had a "community interest" in mind, why is he aligned with the likes of the Hernandez vote-harvesting machine and all its politiqueros abusing gullible Hispanic elderly and mentally-impaired adult day-care clients? And what does he think like he does of Gill, that he will have the ear of Erin Hernandez Garcia any time he commands it? The path to the Hernandezes door is littered with gullible "power brokers" like Castro who were thrown under the bus at the first sign that Ernie felt his interest threatened. Remember Robert Lopez?
The sheen has worn off this new and improved savior of "our community," it would appear.
Dumbokratic politics at its best. There is no honor in the Cameron County Democratic Party....its all about power and self-serving. Masso knows that by siding with Saenz...a known filanderer...that he (Masso) will be high on the list for judicial benefits from the DA's office. This is a business deal, not a position of great morality or honor. Masso is looking out for himesel...another local attorney who can't make a living without the public tit. My vote will go to Chuck Mattingly...he's the only candidate without political baggage in Cameron County. Luis Saenz is a slug.
The path to the Hernandezes door is littered with gullible "power brokers" like Castro who were thrown under the bus at the first sign that Ernie felt his interest threatened. Remember Robert Lopez?
don't forget John Wood, Jared Hockema and Tony Martinez. next in line, Cascos?
how disgusting and disappointing, my family and I were going to vote for Saenz but now we are voting for Chuck
I beg your pardon, but if Linda Gill does not know that she can not divulge what goes on behind closed doors, we are up the creek again with more lawsuits. Unless she is there to report any illegality that is taking place within the other board members, she will take an oath that will control what she can and can not do. If something is being done under the table in the conference room, she needs to walk out and immediately call TEA and put "dedo" on her counterparts or she is going to be one of them before she realizes it. If Linda promises to monitor the actions of all the other members and keep them in line, then I will certainly vote for her and ask everyone to give her a chance.
About time someone exposes the Cheez bullshit. Hard to believe how many penejos defend the worthless Erasmo.
No shit!! These Democrats cannot be trusted.
Why the FUCK is Saenz shaking hands with MAsso??? Shouldnt he be arresting him for his illegal gambling 8 liners???
I'm voting for Mattingly. Tired of Demo corruption. That's all they care about; not getting caught :(
LMAO, at Oct 20th 6:28
We know the previous comments were all from Chuck! What is disgusting and disappointing about this article...other than a Democrat who has to earn a living defending people in Cameron County sided with another Democrat. That's disgusting? Idiot!! As far as what happens in someones personal life with their spouse should be left between them and their mate.
Are you kidding me? If we could get Clinton back for 8 more years I'd give him a blowjob myself. And I'm a homophobic male
Choose the right person, with the right experience for the job and maybe the county will turn around.
My hats off to Carlos Masso!!! He got into bed with the likes of the Erin and Abel camps and got his ass kicked!!! Now, that he has publicly supported Luis Saenz is a sign of a man who knows when he has been beaten!!! If there is a political agenda behind this, then only time will tell???
In the mean time, all those who supported Carlos Masso now need to look into their person and vote for the one they feel qualified!!! I will surely vote for Mr. Saenz for I feel he is the better qualified for the position!!! I will not vote for Erin or Abel at all!!!
Congratulations Mr. Masso on being man enough to admit who is the better man in this race!!!
We need a new face because the old one embarrassed the office and those who truly put their heart into their job!!!
its all about the benjamins,covering my big & saving my ass , my job and my next paycheck, masso what a disappointment you turned out to be. what happen to the $21 million at the port of brownsville? you didnt get ur cut i see.
SAENZ IS NOT THE ANSWER,... Ad to tell you the truth neither is chuck..... But Saenz is the same old same ole! He is already showing he will do anything for the job... He is going to disappoint you guys ... It's in his blood and he has surrounded himself with pure crooks...... Look around him!
SAENZ IS NOT THE ANSWER,... Ad to tell you the truth neither is chuck..... But Saenz is the same old same ole! He is already showing he will do anything for the job... He is going to disappoint you guys ... It's in his blood and he has surrounded himself with pure crooks...... Look around him!
So you have "I've been placed on leave for taking tax payer money while not working " Mattingly who also has been involved in the inner workings that are under Federal investigation or Saenz who "allegedely" it was setttled as most sexual harrasment cases are running. Saenz did this almost 2 decades ago, hit on a co-worker, 90% of males would be in jail if it was a prosecuted crime for hitting on a co-worker. The other 10% are gay.
The Dept of Justice chose Saenz to represent the U.S. as our american representative in Mexico to try and overhaul that system. Vote on Qualifications and experience and you are left with no other choice than Saenz!
Chuck se la come toda!! Tambien Carlos masso, ay no andaba bien pipi el pendejo ese y ahora si todo culo!! Y rasurate esa barba masso pareces pendejo. Tambien andan toda la bola de culos ya mamando a Luis, los andrade y los esquivel bail bonds, andaban bien Vergas con el Masso-jete los jotos esos y ahora si todos culos
Agreed, the whole "RAT PACK" bola de ratas Masso/Andrade/Esquivel are kisssing Luis' ass now. They are hoping Luis won't arrest them after he's elected. Look at Saenz' face in the pics. I don't think he likes these bunch of future felons. These three did sooo much damage to Luis that even I'm surprised he took a pic with them. Hopefully he get's their help now that they screwed him for the big election, then puts all their asses in jail.
Erin and Masso and Gomez, worked overtime to make Luis lose. hese three did sooo much damage to Luis that even I'm surprised he took a pic with them.
If our new DA would just look into all of the records for people getting bailed out by these two bail bond companies and then see how many of those bailees never went to court, AND their cases disappeared by paying an extra 5k to the bondsmen. That would be a start. Crooked to the core, cases disappeared by clerks in Auroras' office and cases dismissed by Villalobos and Chuck. VERY, VERY SAD
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