At one time, it was said that those aspiring to the priesthood would take a vow of chastity, poverty, and obedience.
Nowadays, we wonder whether that still applies.
Not long ago – when the decision was being made by the Texas Southmost College trustees whether to divorce from the abusive "partnership" with the UT System – a man of the cloth burst upon the scene with a fury toward the majority on the board.

"The straightforward statement: If you do not rescind your vote, I will spend every last ounce of my energy organizing this community against you and your career as a lawyer in Brownsville. This is not a threat, Trey. It is simply an honest statement of what I intend to do," Mathew wrote.
So much for the obedience part from someone of whom once was said had "dedicated his life to God."
We wondered why the vitriol and then found out that since March of 2001, Mathew has been provided a nice cushion that the Oblate Order probably didn't include in their recruitment literature to would-be priests.
According to an information request by El Rrun-Rrun, we have learned that Mathew was drawing a $50,000 annual salary from the UTB-TSC for heading the Center for Civic Engagement from March 2001 to November 2002. Prorated, it meant that he drew $83,330 to provide political and spiritual guidance to our young impressionable youth (Remember Kids Vote?)
Of course, such largess from the taxpayers is not (to use a current term in vogue) a sustainable expense. After UTB-TSC hired a professional administrator for the CCE, Mathew's hours were reduced to 20 hours at $11.94 an hour for providing the spiritual guidance to the Center.
From March 2003 to April 2009, that meant that the good father earned $74,505 for part-time work during those six years. We wouldn't expect, of course, that he would need to punch in daily, or even weekly. But then again, talking to God on our behalf is probably a 24-7 job.
UTB President Juliet Garcia lowered his responsibilities starting May 2009 until now at only 19 hours, again as part-time with the CCE staff. During those three years, the information provided by UTB indicates that he drew $35,390 for his assistance to the center.
Of course, there are some perks, the mule has to rest. Besides providing the benedictions at UT functions, he also tend to the spiritual needs of the faculty and administration.
Toward that end, Garcia has specifically reserved a parking space (worth gold for UTB-TSC students) with a personal sing identifying that particular piece of asphalt for the "University Spiritual Mentor."
What was that about a vow of poverty now?
Leeches, we need to get rid of all the leeches
Father Armand is 91 years old. Most priests his age would be hunkered down in retirement homes. Father Armand has always been there to support Incarnate Word Academy and their efforts to educate members of this community. Father Armand, at 91, is an inspiration to this community and has proven his dedication to us. Father Armand doesn't deserve this kind of negative humilitation from those who have contributed little to this community.
He is no leech, a leech is someone who does not believe in governmnet, Christmas, and like to preach what they do not practice. The Leeches are the Jahova Witness who even though their religion does not permit it and they go preaching from door to door, they accept the welfare check, the Christmas Bonus and raffle prizes, they also believe in taking your husband once you let them in your door. They worship the devil because that is what they believe in. Oh they also do NOT believe in Birthdays, but they will celebrate on their own because they do not want to share their food with anyone. The are not only leeches, they are also selfish. Beware when they knock at your door, they are not only there to preach about relegion they are also there to see what they can take. I know for a fact that they like other women's husbands.
Us hard working people, like father Mathew do not have time to go door to door, we work for our check.
At least father Mathew wears his patriotic hat with pride. Not like these Jahova's who will not salute to the flag but will take whatever they can from the government. They are shameless people. I wish they would make them form their own colony, once they do not have government, they will probably quit their religion because as it is now, they have it too good.
Father Mathew is not a Leech, he has served our community, but there are idiots like you, NOv. 19, 2012 at 12:06 PM who probably sit down and scratch your ASS ALL DAY waiting for your food stamps and welfare check, MUST BE A JAHOVAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Father Armand is a kind person who knows right from wrong and if you do not know him do not criticize him. In his defense and my religions defense, there is pride because at least we know we are human and do not pretend to be someone we are not because of religion.
I am no dummy, I always chase them away, they come back, I chase them away, they come back I chase them away, they come back, I chase them away.
see you dummies who listen to them, THEY DO NOT LISTEN TO YOU!!!!!!!!!
If he is there to support IWA, does he not think that they students do not hold him up as a role model? What if those students read that threatening letter that he sent Trey? How will he explain this hate? Is he one who teaches, "do as I say, not as I do?" Whether he is 20 or 91, he vowed to preach the word of God and his threats are not a part of any Bible verse. Shame on him! May God forgive him!
By far, one of the most helpful and motivating people at UTB. He's workable, he knows his stuff, he wants new things for students at UTB. I worked with him on several occasions when I was at UTB and he's a great guy for the job - all do respect Montoya but I can't seem to find the point in your article.
To the 2:47 post
So Father Armand should not be held acountable for his speech? Is that all his speech or just his unchristian speech?
Father Armand should not take special favors , and should separate church from Politics . Remember Father Frank and how quick he was moved to an undisclosed place?
El Padre no vale madre!!!! El Padre no vale madre!!!! El Padre no vale madre!!!! El Padre no vale madre!!!! El Padre no vale madre!!!!
While I don't agree with Father Armand's political philosophies, I do respect his as a priest and as a supporter of this community and its activities. Father Armand is there when other priests are not available. Father Armand, at 91, is extremely active and giving. I believe that priests and ministers who engage in politics should have their tax-exempt status terminated, Father Armand is independent and is loyal to UTB and Juliet Garcia....who are well known for abusing local tax dollars to buy loyalty.
Juan; Just another example of the "pot calling the kettle black". What have you done for the community lately?????
Los jahovas ni valen cuachs, los jahovas ni valen cuacha, los jahovas no valen cuacha los jahovas no valen cuacha. Pedro si son el demonio.
A Jehova's witness, a teacher at my school, is always trying to preach her stuff. Yet, she eats tamales at the Christmas party, turkey at the Thanksgivng dinner and takes all Christmas gifts that the students take her. She does not buy or contribute to any gift-giving venture. That is Jehova's wish! In the classroom, she calls her students, animals, stupid, mensos, etc, just like Jehova has taught her. So do some Catholics and those in other religions. He who is not guilt, let him throw the first stone!
I love Father Armand Matthew. Trey mendez, on the other hand, comes across as an ass.
The Jahova witnesses act disorderly because it is not a religion. It is a cult, they are taught to use and abuse and not regret it. I know of one Jahova Witness family one who goes around preaching, but yet, one brother was caught stealing, another one is in jail for child pornography, the sister stole a loser of a husband, who goes back to the wife only for his manly needs and yet they all act like their shit don't stink. Those Johova's are the real problem in this community. They also attend every christmas party and drink, and take the door prizes (which they preach they should not do). Oh but if you ask them why they accept Christmas gifts, the respond will be, WE CAN ACCEPT, WE JUST CAN'T GIVE. PINCHES MAMONES. BEWARE! THEY ARE REAL NICE IN FRONT OF YOU SO THAT THEY CAN PUT THE KNIFE ON YOUR BACK AND TWIST IT!!!!!!!
I think it would behoove you to educate yourself on what those vows mean and what this priest does with his money before accusing him of being a leech. When it comes to Catholicism, though, everyone's an expert.
Maybe you can also educate yourself. Catholicism is the only true religion and no one but no one is perfect. We are all human, but some have taken their religion too far and use it to their advantage to mess with people's minds and for power and greed.
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