By Juan Montoya
Remember earlier this month when State District Judge Elia Cornejo Lopez was removed from presiding over cases against Aroldo H. Cadriel after his attorney objected to her being involved?
The state filed the first case against Cadriel in July, charging him by indictment with indecency with a child by contact and aggravated sexual assault of a child.
The second case was filed in September, charging him with two counts of sexual assault.
Judge Linda Yañez removed Cornejo Lopez from the first case.
She was removed from cases where attorney Nat C. Perez represents Cadriel. Perez claims that she is biased against him, and that this would affect the right of his client, Cadriel, to a fair trial.
Fifth Administrative Judicial Region (Fifth Region) Presiding Judge J. Rolando Olvera subsequently stepped in, removing Cornejo Lopez from the second case, and ending her involvement in the cases.

Perez complied, only to be solicited to buy Girl Scout cookies to support the fundraising efforts of the girl's troop.
When Perez refused, he charged that he suffered harsh reprisals in the courtroom, stating in his motion that on at least three occasions Cornejo-Lopez prevented him from practicing his craft in her courtroom.
"This conduct is an open, blatant and obvious indication of Judge Elia Cornejo-Lopez's animosity, dislike and disdain for counsel and her desire to not have counsel practice in her court before her, possibly exacerbated by his refusal to purchase a case of Girl Scout cookies from her daughter's troop," Perez charged.

We're not kidding.
In the order signed by Lopez-Cornejo on Oct. 22, 2102, under the title of Conditions, the judge ordered that: "As per the Honorable Court's order of Oct. 4, 2012, the defendant will donate a trip to Las Vegas to the Girl Scouts in lieu of the remaining Community Service Hours.
How paying for a trip to Las Vegas to the Girl Scouts will rehabilitate Romo or pay back the community for his crime is not explained in the order, but if it was mean to enhance the fundraising efforts of Elia's daughter's troop fundraising activities someone may deem it appropriate. We don't know what form the payment and subsequent fundraising activities resulted from this order, but we doubt that either Elia or her daughter traveled there as a result. Perhaps, some of us think, it was a raffle to raise funds for her daughter's troop. We may never know. It could be legit as far as anyone is concerned.

For example, the Cameron/Willacy Counties Community Supervision and Corrections Department community supervisor officer Jose Luis Cavazos states in response to the state's motion to adjudicate guilt hearing that Romo had not complied with the conditions of his 2006 guilty plea as of Feb 6, 2011.
Neither had he paid his probation fees of $1,807, or even paid any restitution to his victims totaling $26,894 or PreSentence Investigation (PSI) fees of $390.
In fact, Cavazos' probation report indicates that "when he appeared (in court) on June 7, 2012, the case was reset for August 8, 2012, to give him more time to do his community service hours and to liquidate his arrears. The defendant was referred to do his community service hours on May 2012. He dropped the paperwork at the agencies that he was referred to but he never went back to do any of the hours. He has also failed to make a single payment since January 29, 2010.
Nonetheless, the probation department agreed to adjudicate "the defendant and keeping him on probation (so) we will be able to collect more restitution for the victim in the case."
We'll see how that goes, but if the defendant's behavior is any indication, he may end up being jailed in Hidalgo County. The probation report indicates that he "was arrested in Hidalgo County for Theft after his probation should have expired."
Perez, when contacted by El Rrun-Rrun, refused to comment on his motion or the removal of the judge as well as on any other matter involving her or the Girl Scouts.
Oye Montoya, we all know that this other fat pig is a crook? I want to know why all her staff left or quit?
Is this fact or fiction? It is so hard to see law enforcement people who worked so hard to get where they are to mess it up because of greed and search for power. We saw many of them grown up in a very poor environment and using the same clothes 2 or 3 days when they went to school. With pride we congratulate them when they receive their degree after their parents or themselves work so hard to make it possible. Than, in a blink of an eye they mess this up!
How can this be? Someone please give me an answer? Where has all the pride gone?
Off topic I know, but could you give us the names of the board that will do the recount? I'd hate to think the same corrupt team will do it. Then again this IS Brownsville.
No comments about our illustrious Jurist?????
Yet more examples of how judges leverage their position to promote personal issues, or to make money. Able Limas proved to be a great example and, he and the DA, allowed a convicted murderer free time to "settle his affairs" (pay off the judge and DA) before going to jail...a "get out of jail free card". There are many examples of this in Cameron County among most elected officials. Aurora de la Garza used her position and influence to get "special" judicial consideration and to collect money to get her son Joey out of a fraud conviction.
So goes the corruption of the Democratic Party in Cameron County. Seems like they all are part of the problem. Unfortunately, the voters seem to express the philosopy that they "don't just accept corruption, they demand corruption" and continue to vote for corruption over fairness and judicial integrity.
isnt she a crook, but with a license to steal right? right
Enrique Escobedo is the one running the recount at BISD and he is making sure his boy and 4th vote is the winner. The one & only Chirinos.
He really needs that 4th vote to get his Insurance contracts and anything else he can make a quick buck on. Just watch him, Powers, Chirinos & Minerva Pena.
Minerva sure knows how to pick them, doesn't she? And she claims to be a righteous person???
Not surprised, remember her BISD Disney family trip at TAX PAYERS EXPENSE.
Zayas & Elia give lawyers and judges a bad name. Hope she gets put away for many years.
AMEN! to comment Nov 20, 11:40.
We need to stop all this corruption shit!
pura caca
Your answer is they get free college. I know some of these so called called poor people, they have it made while the middle class works hard to support them. Middle class people can not afford college while these so called poor people get it for free and spend the grant money on parties. That is why they can do so good and are better off than you. So as easy as they can have they can lose it. They will still be OK because your tax dollars will continue to take care of them.
What can you expect from LA PACHUCADA of Brownsville.
If you want to know what the trip was about, get a copy of the transcript of the hearing. That way there is no speculation, rumor or flat-out lies to tell.
I was in the courtroom when this was heard.
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