Sunday, November 11, 2012


By Juan Montoya
Using politiquera-inflated votes results from Hidalgo County, former Brownsville Independent School District trustee Ruben Cortez has moved closer to his dream of someday being in the statehouse by getting elected to the Texas State Board of Education.
Cortez, with his impressive educational background consisting of a GED, beat out assistant San Benito ISD assistant superintendent Celeste Sanchez with  a Master's degree and more than 45 years experience in education and ranging from the classroom to the board room, but also Republican Laurie J. Turner, a teacher at Gregory-Portland Junior High School
Cortez Jr., who describes himself as a Brownsville businessman, won the State Board of Education, District 2 seat in the Nov. 6 election.
The State Board of Education sets policies and curriculum standards for educational programs in the public school system and approves the creation of new charter schools.
If our experience with Cortez's performance as a BISD trustee is any indication of what's coming, we should see the path to his door widen to a four-lane highway with textbook vendors and lobbyists. During the 2010 campaign for BISD trustee, the DefeatZayasCortezPowers PAC revealed how Ruben actively solicited contributions from vendors. And more than one person has told of Cortez cornering vendors with contract proposals to the BISD and demanding his cut before they could get his support during a golf-tournament political fundraiser.
He told Gary Long, his megaphone at the Brownsville Herald, that he would be setting up town-hall meetings in Brownsville and throughout District 2 with members of the education community and with with leaders of the Texas State Teachers Association, American Federation of Teachers, the Association of Texas Professional Educators and others concerning the most pressing needs in public education. He also told the Herald that he would meet with superintendents and school board members throughout the 17-county district to give their concerns a voice on the board.
Really? What on earth could he tell these educational professionals about curriculum and textbook content? How to quit school and use politics to get ahead?
He does it, he said, to“to put children before politics” and has had conversations “with superintendents up and down the Valley” about their concerns.
This is the same Cortez putting children before politics that was outed in the lawsuit filed by former BISD superintendent Hector Gonzales in his lawsuit, since settled.
–  May 2008: Cortez went to (former BISD Superintendent Gonzales and instructed him to promote his wife to principal of Benavides Elementary. Cortez threatened Gonzales that "if he wanted to remain at BISD as superintendent, he should make it happen. Gonzales said he could not oblige such a request. Cortez responded "we will see what happens."
Cortez was also in the majority sued by former Special Needs Department Director Art Rendon, who stated in a sworn deposition in his case (Southern District of Texas 1:10-cv-00198) that:
"58. On or about June, 2008, Ruben Cortez, a sitting board member on BISD, contacted Plaintiff directly via telephone. He instructed Plaintiff to hire his sister, Linda Aguilar, for summer school employment as a Special Education teacher.
59. Plaintiff informed Mr. Cortez that BISD had hiring policies in place and instructed him that the hiring application for the summer of 2008 had already been accepted and processed.
60. Cortez sent Plaintiff his sister's application and insisted Plaintiff call her immediately and giver her a job. Plaintiff set up a meeting between Cortez's sister Linda, Ana Lerma, who was a Special Education supervisor, and Dr. Lee Garcia, Assistant Director for Special Services. At the meeting, Ruben Cortez's orders were followed, and Linda Aguilar was given a job for the summer of 2008.
He, of course, has his eyes on greener pastures other can had from than putting politics before the children of the BISD.
Part of the board’s responsibility is to approve textbooks for schools statewide, he told Long. Because Texas is so large, textbooks approved here often end up in about half the schools in the nation, he said.
"The money to buy textbooks for Texas schools comes from the Permanent School Fund and amounts to approximately $2 billion a year, Cortez said. With average high school texts costing about $120 each, and seven required of each student, the textbook lobby becomes an influential force.
Meanwhile, digital textbooks cost about $15 each but require iPads or other types of tablet computers. Cortez said he’s not advocating Apple’s product over other vendors, but the economic and learning advantages of digital technology are obvious.
“As you think about the poverty we have and these kids who never get to go anywhere or see anything, imagine that instead of just seeing the Pacific Ocean on a map on the wall, they get to take a virtual tour of the Pacific Coast Highway on their tablet computer,” Cortez said.
He commended the McAllen school district for using local money to purchase iPads for the district. He said McAllen is pioneering technology that can save Texas money and at the same time “engage students at a higher level.”
Oh, yeah, our little Ruben can just see there's mucho money to be made in them thar Hill Country state board rooms, alright!


Anonymous said...

The story in the Herald was so bad it broke their press.

Anonymous said...

Please, please, please cover these town meetings.
The man is a fool. It will be entertaining.

Anonymous said...

The man could say anything at all about education, and he dreams of students taking a virtual highway cruise up the Pacific Coast? That's it?
Oh my God.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of mamones! It has been proven time and time again that teachers can't do shit outside of the classroom. They don't have the brains to go out and vote let alone run a department or a business with any kind of success. I truly hope Mr. Cortez can influence TEA and the Texas Rangers to come down here and clean house. I truly hope he has the children in mind!

Anonymous said...

Ya Basta Cata estupida Rata! Stop bashing those you envy sooooo much for having more than you will ever have! You are always starving for money! It is obvious you are throwing nothing but pennies to Juanio. He keeps repeating the same stories over and over. Cata you are not going to rest until you take YOURSELF down!!!

Anonymous said...

Ruben Cortez is an idiot and it won't take long for the community and the Texas State Board of Education to realize that. Of course, it will be a negative reflection on Cameron County and all the people that sent this idiot to the board. While his mother, Linda Salazar abuses her position to make money, we can anticipate that Ruben Cortez will try to use his position to enrich selling his vote or putting his hands under the table.
Another bad choice by local voters.

Anonymous said...

An Apple for the Teacher? Oops, its Cortez for Apple. Imagine how much money he will be handed under the table by Apple. Than his principal wife and his kids can ride up and down the Pacific Coast in their brand new Mercedes. Ruben, how can you advice what you don't know. I guess you are going to just listen and take notes from all the superintendent and doe-does that head up the educational unions. Then, you can go up to Austin and pretend that you thought off all this relevant information! Ha! If this is not true, Ruben, than get your you know what together and get to work for the real thing - to help with the financial problems in the schools all over Texas.

Anonymous said...

This MF and his mother have got to go. How was it possible for this piece of human garbage to have been elected by the voters. Are we that stupid in Cameron County.? A GED scholar, really? Keep your eye on this pendejo. He will open a bookstore with his compadre Rick ZAYAS and self deal himself into a federal indictment .

Anonymous said...

He already cut deals with certain people to purchase all this digital crap he plans to push the districts to buy.

He already depleted BISD's fund balance practically bankrupt the district and he plans to do the same with the state.

Hope it catches up to him very soon.

Anonymous said...

What a dispicable low life rat! Everyone that is behind Ruben belong in jail. Using education and the students for their personal gain is pathetic!

Ruben our students are called children nott kids, kids are goats in case you don't know.

Anonymous said...

juan will he be charging for these meetings like his mom charges for those marriages she performs too. pura lana esta familia wow

Anonymous said...

You all are just Haters! Not to mention Losers!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To the anony posterd at November 11, 2012 6:27 PM.

Evidently you have some bone to pick about teachers, not sure why, did some teacher give you a grade that you felt that you did not deserve? Well, get over it. It is not the BISD teacher’s failure to vote that got Cortez the Caveman elected; there are multiple school districts and counties that Cortez will now be representing. Do you even know what the SBOA is?

Anonymous said...

well, if he is as bad as you say, then it shouldn't take long for the fbi or the texas rangers to set up a sting and snag this guy.

Anonymous said...

Somebody should investigate all of the businesses that Cortez, Zayas and Otis Powers And the rest of the corrupt officials do with our county, city and BISD. They use the same tactic as with employment, they don't give jobs in their own offices to their families but they send them to the offices of other elected officials, the same way Omar Lucio does not own the jail commissaries but Ruben Cortez and Rick Zayas do, they sell everything s2 or 3 times more expensive than outside, and the poor prisoners are not allowed to bring even a pair of underwear or a toothbrush from outside, so these 2 bozos can make money and probably pay Lucio his commission under the table, it is. Sweet all cash business to a captive clientele

Anonymous said...

Ruben Cortez was not voted in to office. With the help of his mother's politiquera machine, he stole the election from Celeste Sanchez.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? The prisoners are their because they failed to comply with laws that help keep the peace in our community. Now you want the prisoners to be given a break when making a purchase? I think NOT!

Anonymous said...

Guess reader meant to say "there" instead of "their". Either way it's a Good point.

Anonymous said...

Cortez is part owner to many of the "maquinitas" in the County especially near La Feria. He goes there daily to pick up cash. I sure hope someone looks into this.

Anonymous said...

Why would Cortez or Rick Sayas make money out of them , why not the jail that spends so much money in keeping them? It is only logical that the profits should be to save the tax payers some money, maybe have the jail be self sustaining

Anonymous said...

Speaking of family connections, wasn't it Ruben Cortez's sister, (Linda Salazar's daughter), the same Eva Salazar who bolted out of Roger Ortiz's office to loudly herald to an anxiously awaiting Hector Chirinos that he had won? This was immediately after the 30 ballots in the mysterious black bags had been counted, putting Chirinos up by 4 votes! Ruben Cortez and his political machine were forced to bring out the 30 ballots Ruben Cortez had predicted would win the BISD election for Chirinos! Feds, start connecting the dots.

Anonymous said...

NO Eva Salazar is no relative of Linda Salazar. Now you want all the Salazars to be immediate family members. Get a grip!

Anonymous said...

pura caca
