Suddenly, Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos is a very popular man with members of the local bar association.
Word has reached us that 357th District Court Judge Leonel Alejandro might opt to skip out on the remaining two years left in his term to pursue other interests.
His current term expires in 2014. He was re-elected after running unopposed in 2010.
Cascos, as a Republican close to Republican Gov. Rick Perry is sure to have a say-so in the appointment he makes to the Cameron County court after Alejandro steps down.

Marchan, a successful trial attorney originally from Port Isabel, was found guilty on seven counts of racketeering, aiding extortion, and mail fraud. Federal Judge Andrew Hanen later threw out one of the charges and sentenced him last week to 42 months in the federal penitentiary.
During the trial, Marchan’s defense attorney Noe Domingo Garza Jr. prodded Limas to name other state district judges in Cameron County who may have engaged in unethical conduct or other wrongdoing.
Limas named Alejandro, 138th District Judge Arturo Nelson, 444th District Judge David Sanchez, and 404th District Judge Elia Cornejo-Lopez.
Limas offered to provide Garza with details, but Garza didn’t ask for more information.
Evidence in that case included a recorded conversation where Limas told Marchan he had asked Alejandro and 107th state District Judge Benjamin Euresti Jr. to grant ad litem attorney to Marchan and to Doug Pettit, then an assistant district attorney of Cameron County.
The Brownsville Herald reported that after Marchan’s trial, presiding Judge Hanen ordered the U.S. Attorney’s Office to cooperate with investigations by the Southern District of Texas and State Bar of Texas into the unethical conduct of the defendant or any other individuals associated with the case.
Alejandro was also linked in 2007 to two corporations charged in an alleged plot to supply undocumented workers to a South Texas oil rig builder.
Alejandro was never been charged in the case. He was president of CPEP Inc. and LAMC Inc., the companies behind a firm called Port Fabricators that provided workers to Keppel AmFELS.He was also AmFELS company's attorney before becoming a judge in January 2003. The two companies and employees Rolando Villanueva, and Ernesto Casas were charged with providing undocumented workers with fraudulent documents to AmFELS for its shipyard and oil rig-building business from 1999 to 2006.
Both pleaded guilty to hiring 1,041 labor lease workers to fulfill AmFELS’ contract. Of these, 624 had provided invalid proof of eligibility for employment.
The case touched on national security issues bcause between January 2002 and September, the Defense Department awarded AmFELS a $73 million contract to modify an oil-drilling platform used in missile defense. It was also during that span that AmFELS paid Port Fabricators $30 million to fulfill a labor lease contract.
With Alejandro's possible departure, local attorneys are lining up to see who curries the most favor with theCascos to finish out his term. Cascos never knew he had so many friends.
The governor appoints district court judges, not commissioners court.
The governor, not the County Judge, would appoint a District Judge.
The County Judge and Commissioners do not appoint a replacement to District Court. That job goes to the Governor. The Governor may ask the County Judge for a recommendation but in the end the Governor will appoint.
Sorry to hear about Alejandro having to possibly step down from the bench. He was a good Judge and was always fair and neutral.
Now as far as that "pig looking" Elia Cornhole Lopez? She is nothing but a stupid person with no sense of being fair or neutral. I was in court yesterday when she was listening to a child custody dispute. She yells at a small child who wanted to be with his grandfather and appeared very bothered by the child crying for his grandfather. Yet, the dumb bitch gave the father custody because that Sorola guy was louder or he bought chingos of cookies from her?
must be hiding something there why would he quit? trampa or what?
Alejandro is a BUM! But, we hear that with the development of the offshore wind farm that has just hit the papers, he can make a lot of money at his old job and with his firm providing workers at AMFELS. AMFELS will be making the towers for the wind farm and that is going to offer Alejandro "beaucoup" money...far more that he would earn as a judge in a lifetime...possibly, if things go as planned. If we look around for Republican lawyers, there is Chuck Mattingly who got into the political fray as a Republican. But, he is an Anglo and that will not help the Republican Party grow in Cameron County. Chances are the Governor wants an Hispanic female lawyer with a family.....either find one locally or bring one in. Carlos Cascos won't appoint a judge, but you can be sure the Gov. will seek his recommendations. If they can't find a female, then an Hispanic male will come into play.
Did you first three commenters not read the story? It plainly says that while our county judge is whispering sweet nothings in the Govs ear, he might suggest an attorney for the gov to appoint to fill the remainder of Alejandro's term. That is if teh co judge and the gov are still on speaking terms since the gov did not appoint him to the position of Secretary of State as he has been touting was going to happen for the past 5 years.
"Cascos, as a Republican close to Republican Gov. Rick Perry is sure to have a say-so in the appointment he makes to the Cameron County court after Alejandro steps down."
What is so confusing about that sentence, morons?
he=Gov. Perry
Carlos is a guey and duerme tarde"opportunist"?
Alejandro is running scare for two things; 1. He pointed the finger to the Brownsville Mafia. 2. His then company Sub-Contracted to the Military oil rig to wetbacks (two or three federal offenses in one).
If Perry has any brains he would not trust Cascos's judgement for anything, his behavior as a County Judge in the latest scandals on voter fraud, and protecting his best buddy Ernie every time he commits any of his crimes, in my opinion it was the reason he was not appointed to the state department, and as a Republican he endorsed all the Republican candidates except Raul Lopez, a clean, no baggage Republican candidate, because he was running against Erin Hernandez (a democrat, and Ernie Hernandez's daughter) who had just committed the most blatant voter fraud ever seen. Cascos is a double faced snake that can't be trusted, I hope Perry and the Republican party are taking note of it
unfortunately there are no clean elected or appointed officials in Brownsville
Este guy es un trampa thats all and wants to get out now before being exposed for what he really is.
Ohhhh Nelson !
Yea keep lookin in the mirror. What you see is for real.
The Feds are close so enjoy this christmas and feed ur fat ass !
Your only hope is to come clean before they drop the hammer !
Heard Alejandro submitted his resignation on Friday and told his staff that it was time?
Hope all goes well for him!
Judge Alejandro is a good and honest person. If this rumour is real he is stepping down because he has colon cancer.
Oh, say it ain't so! Judge Alejandro was one of the best, smartest, fairest, straightest judges Cameron County has ever known. Many of us at the courthouse wish him well.
11:20, AND 12:25 and you still believe in Santa Claus.
I totally agree with u on Cornejo I was at the court to she heard the child in recording stateing that the father sexually abused him, but yet she puts the child on the stand on his fathers lap. Do u think the kid is going to say the dad sexually abused him whi le sitting on his lap ugh i dont think so. She let the child leave screaming with the father & gave him custody. The father is a pot user & she knows everything, but still gave him custody of the kids so ya I agree solara probably bought cookies from her. She doesn't care about the best interest of the child. She is nothing but an unfair bitch.
More like a dirty ass!
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