That flag has flown half-staff

Brought down in unavailing grief
too long
It's flown half staff when it recalls
the bravery of daughters and sons
their sacrifices under fire,
the slaughter of its innocent young...
too long
It's at half staff again
Its bright stars dimmed
Its tattered corners frayed
like wrinkled hands, in prayer
When will it once again
take flight and soar –
just like a prayer –
and overcome its grief
of death and war,
and mindless slaughter of our young,
like we have overcome before?
1 comment:
We need to fly the American flag at full staff....high and proud. When the flag flies at half staff after a tragedy, it is a negative symbole...eveon though it is flown in respect of those that died. It seems that the media, not common sense, has dictated that politicians fly the flags up or down. We cannot and should not let the media be the decision maker on this issue. The President and Congress to often bend to the media...or maybe bend the media. The media is leading this nation down a "rabbit hole" and we seem to be willing to jump in.
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