Put on your Tuesday best in 2013 so you can take part in the wedding ceremonies to be hosted by Justice of the Peace Linda Salazar in the judicial wing of the Cameron County Courthouse.
In case you don't know it, the the courthouse will be open and Salazar will have the manteles largos at her cubbyhole office on the second floor to perform the wedding rites on the happy couple that day.

We also hear that Salazar and newly-elected JP 2-2 Erin Hernandez Garcia have been seen cavorting together in the hallways of the second floor, apparently havi9ng reached a modus operandi in the division of spoils from the wedding racket.

And while we're at it, we understand that security there has gotten lax to the point where local attorneys and their bulging portfolios aren't even scanned at the doors anymore but are allowed to slip their bags through the side.

It's not like this hasn't happened before. Remember Chuy Hinojosa, from Hidalgo County? Or how about Rene Oliveira at the Valley International Airport in Harlingen. Both were caught carrying weapons in their person or in their baggage. What makes security personnel think that it couldn't happen to lesser beings?
Knowing what we know about local attorneys bending the rules and sometimes even breaking them, it's not that farfetched to think one of these fine people could want to take matters into his or her own hands if things don't work out in one of their cases, is it?
We are curious to see what Abelardo Gomez, the incoming Constable for Pct. 2 is going to do about these matters. As you know, the commissioners court made courthouse security the constable's responsibility. From what we hear, courthouse employees don't feel safe when Linda holds her hitching sessions or the lawyers get a free security pass through the front door.
Just more examples of how our elected officials use their positions for personal benefit...use their offices to promote themselves, and use their positions to benefit their families. The Democratic Party continues to bring these corrupt people to run for office and the citizens don't seem to be smart enough to realize they are being duped. No wonder Brownsville and Cameron County can't progress...our elected officials promote "la jaiba" culture....which means no progress.
What is up with all these "recycled" mother fuckers? Gomez has worked for the sheriff's office, DA'S office, constables office? What other agency has this space cadet worked for? Why does he bounce around so much? Something smells rotten around here!
From a friend who works in the Cameron County Courthouse...."Linda Salazar is a moron." That's just another professional opinion that seems to confirm that the voters have put another "moron" into office.
Todos los leeches panzones should get a real job.
It is alleged that the panzones leeches got elected with politiquera's criminal votes.
I totally agree with the comments above but the persons responsible for the recycling that creates la jaiba culture in Cameron county are the hernandezes Ernie,Erin,Norma,Sylvia Garza Perez as democratic chair she decides who will run in the ticket. These people and the politiqueras need to go. We need to get rid of the problem by destroying the bad roots. Sylvia already brought destruction and misery to Brownsville by being the campaign manager and cheerleader for Tony Martinez. Tony Martinez and the Hernandezes are in control of Sylvia and the Democratic Party. A New Democratic Party coming soon.
Security breaches? I beleive the county commisison should be fully aware and resposible should anything happen at the courthosue, i thought it was supposed to be secured at all times, now seems linda is sneaking people in at all hours and ion weekends to do her lil wedding gigs. County commissioners you all need to put a stop to these shenigans quckly.
All I can say is..........Griselda is HOT!
Here comes the bride
Here come Da judge
Gris, will you marry me?
A Constable with a very suspicious cloud over his head is now in charge of the security at the courthouse? Might as well let the crooks run in and out of the building?
The Andrades will be......the crooks running in and out.....
linda, how are the weddings coming along, are you making all that extra cash, mulah, and by the way are you reporting all those extra fees to the IRS? you not? girlfriend, just look what happen to villalobs girl, watchate gril.
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