Ever since he was elected as Cameron County Commissioner for Precinct 4, Dan Sanchez has not been very successful at flying under the radar to hide his desire to become the next county judge.
But, being a person used to living big, his grandiose gestures to appease the powers that be have been very obvious to local political observers.

After Edna Tamayo left her position as Pct. 4 commissioner, Sanchez saw his opportunity and jumped in the race, easily beating Tamayo's opponent Juan Ortega.

The first chance he got to make an obsequious gesture was when the county commissioners balked at paying for two ostentatious photo portraits of the Democratic Duo to be hung at the appropriate place in the San Benito Annex, which was also named in their honor for their lengthy service to the residents of Cameron County.

When he again made another courtesan pass at the two yellow-dog Democrats, it was in the form of an addendum to the Commissioners Court minutes authorizing raises totaling nearly $6,000 for the two.
Again, when some commissioners (Cascos and Pct. 3 commissioner David Garza) protested that the little people in county employ had not received raises in recent memory, Sanchez offered to pay for their raises from his own salary.The action to do just that came during an item to publish the salaries of elected officials. The motion was made by Dan Sanchez, commissioner for Pct. 4, and was included in the minutes of the Aug. 2 meeting. Voting along with Sanchez was Pct. 2 commissioner Ernie Hernandez and Pct. 1 commissioner Sofia Benavides.
With the increase, the total compensation for both this year effective was upped from a base salary of $71,745 plus $5,400 for auto allowance plus the additional $2,000, totalling $79,143.
Said Sanchez at the time: "We have a duty to taxpayers to run an efficient government."
Piped up Pct. 2 commissioner Ernie Hernandez who also had kind words for the taxpayers: "We're going to squeeze that turnip even more."
Despite these incongruousness, Sanchez knows that the increases will disappear from his salary in the next budget go-round and will be carried by inertia in the 2013-2014 budget to be paid by the county's general fund, a small sacrifice to get into the duo's good graces.
Illustrative of Sanchez's continuing (and ongoing) campaign for judge, was the participation of county employees at his thinly-disguised Christmas party cum campaign function at South Padre Island. None other than Marty Pena, the Director of the Cameron County Bridge Systems, and his employees were parking cars for the Sanchez confab.
Between the personal generosity of this ambitious politician and his flair for the grand gesture at taxpayer expense, it appears we are witnessing the birth of yet another voracious political barnacle chewing away at the hull of the worm-eaten Cameron County ship of state.
Dan Sanchez epitomizes the Dumbokratic Party that has ravaged the County for years. The Dumbokrats, including Dan "Neanderthal" Sanchez have on qualms about using tax dollars to promote themselves. We have had Conrado Cantu, Gilberto Hinojosa, Judge "Disable" Limas, Mando Villalobos, Auroroa de la Garza and Dan Sanchez is next in the corruption line. Dan is totally self-serving and his time is spent promoting himself....not benefiting the county. The feds know that Sanchez was on board when Limas received some of his "special" benefits (trips to Spurs games and to Las Vegas). Probably had to get a transport aircraft just to haul Dan's fat ass. We don't need more of the same political corruption....so, just say "NO" to Sanchez.
DAMN! That MF is f-ugly! Wonder what would happen if he mated with Erin Hernandez?
Puro cool aid este vato cant win against Carlos Cascos el republican, people dont trust the dumbocRATAS any more. Dan save your money. times they are a changing like bob dylan says in his song hombre. put your chorizo away.
He and Aurora de la Garza, each has a face that only a mother could love. Is it true that his classmates in elementary and high school called him "The Judge". Did he beat them up for their free lunch....looks like he might have, or did he intimidate them with his size and his father's position as a civil servant....one that could afford to send his twin maggots to St. Mary's and UT.
Los Gordinflones (Aurora, Dan, Tony, Joe, Carlos, Gus, Ruben, Linda) at the Taxpayers expense.
This man is not charasmatic at all, stay away from the buffets, start eating salads, estas bien panzon.
He looks like "gnawing" is his favorite pasttime. Feeding that animal must be a full time job.
(stay away from the buffets, start eating salads, estas bien panzon.)
Just saw that boy grocery shopping at the HEB on Central. Shopping cart full of "meats". At the top of the stack looked like 3-4 large pork roasts. Someone that obese should be lawfully banned from being within a mile of any grocery store. JMHO.
hey if aurora y joe rivera got a raise then pos wow maybe dan has a chance. remember aurora y joe no la brican sin hueraches.
Pobrecito esta tan feo y gordo da asco!
Ayi buey! Would probably look like Maclovio O!
tan pendejos dan's face is not PINTO like cris valadez, dan has an even dark negro color!!
aurora and joe are in my corner,need ernie and sofie and then i can win. pura papa
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